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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

catching up
September 5th, 1891
Dear Miss Dawson,

I hope this letter is received welcomely, though it has been quite a while. I heard from my colleagues in the Department of Magical Transportation (among other sources) that the train to Hogwarts had broken down, so I hope you were alright. I was otherwise occupied with a malfunctioning fireplace, but the Portkey Office was rather active, or so I hear. Besides, I think nobody would have listened to me even if I were there. I resemble a student too much. Perhaps I would've gotten away with pretending to be a prefect, if the first and second years would have listened to me.

Are you excited to begin your OWL year? I remember feeling rather nervous going into mine. I will admit that I miss being at Hogwarts. Both because of the people and the building itself. It's rather easy to get lost inside the Ministry, and I had just gotten used to the castle's many hallways, and besides that most people here are a bit older than I am. It's like being a first year again, but my parents are both rather pleased about me being a Ministry boy man worker. I feel like I don't do too much, but then again, I suppose that if there was nobody in the Floo Network Authority we'd have to be pulling strangers from people's fireplaces and redirecting them, so there really wouldn't be too much of a use for the Floo Network in the first place. I've only started travelling by Floo recently, since the powder does get rather expensive, but it's necessary to go all the way to London quickly enough, at least until I get my Apparation license, which might take a while since I haven't even started classes yet.

My apologies for having rambled for a bit! It's been a while since I've had conversation (or letters) with someone around our own age. I do spend quite a bit more time at work than I thought I might. I hope to hear from you as soon as is convenient,

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Chatham

Alice Dawson || Melody Crouch

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   Alice Dawson
September 6th, 1891
Dear Mr. Chatham

I must confessed I was surprised, but pleased, to receive a letter from you after all this time. Thank you for thinking of me. It seems like an eternity has passed since we last roamed the halls of the castle and I must confess that your map has come in handy on more than one occasion.

The train ordeal was more emotionally taxing than anything else, so we'll all pull through okay. Some of the younger children were frightened, some held parties late into the night in their cars. I'm pleased to report there were no injuries, though, so at least we have that.

I can imagine your department has been quite busy in the aftermath. Has anyone said what caused the train to stop? Do you enjoy your work? It is, as you said, an important part of our infrastructure and I stand with your parents in being happy for your success. Is there room for growth? Perhaps you may use this as a stepping stone into something even greater.

I can't say I'm excited for this school year. Every day feels more important than the last, and the pressure to succeed on my OWLs is overwhelming at best. I also still haven't decidee what I will do after leaving school. A medi-witch seems the obvious route, but it doesn't seem as fulfilling as being a healer might have been. A friend of mine put me in touch with a woman who worked as a traveling healer. I'm hoping tk have more details from her in time.

I do hope you are well and, please, feel free to write whenever the loneliness of your new life seems to be too much. Us dropouts need to stick together, you know? Besides, I might be working alongside you next year if I don't manage to work out another plan.
Ms. Alice Dawson

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]
September 9th, 1891
Dear Miss Dawson,

I am glad the map is helpful to you. I could certainly use your help mapping out the Ministry. The lifts might be even more confusing than the staircases, and it doesn't help that other people can add directions to the machine. I swear, I've seen almost every department, and most of them I don't have much business seeing at all.

I'm also glad to hear that no one was hurt! I had my concerns that some of the first years might try to escape. Or even that some more impatient seventh years would try Apparating away and end up splinched. We have been rather busy, even without accidental splichings. I don't have enough experience yet to deal with the train situasion, so I don't know exactly what it is that made it break down. Something about combining magic with Muggle technology, maybe. Other than getting lost in the building, working with the Floo Network Authority is rather interesting. Mostly I'm connecting fireplaces for temporary connections, which is more fascinating than I thought it would be. Perhaps I could show you some time? I don't think it's too secret.

As for growth at my new job, it embarrasses me to say that I already am at a similar financial level to my father, which is already quite impressive, I think. Farther (or is it further?) than I thought I would get, truthfully. I suppose I could eventually become the head of my office if I work hard enough and enough of my co-workers or bosses think I'm up to it. It would take a few years, of course. I doubt many would be happy to work under someone as young as I am. It's not likely, but maybe in 35 years or so I might be the Minister of Magic. I think the first thing I'd do is make Hogwarts free to attend for all students, for all years. Wouldn't it have been nice if someone thought this way 40 or so years ago?

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling pressure so early in the year. I felt much the same, especially after receiving letters from my parents on the subject of OWLs and Ministry departments. Honestly, I'm not sure what advice I could give when it comes to what happens after leaving school. I was certain I only wanted to be a healer, and that the Ministry would be boring and dreadful. Now that I'm here, it's not quite as bad as I thought. Still, one does wonder what might have been. This traveling healer thing does sound promising. Could you do it with only your OWLs? Where would you travel to?

If you do decide that mediwitch-ing or healer work isn't for you, it would be nice to work with you. Infinitely more pleasant than working with my colleague Mr. Johnson, who seems to be at least a century old and (perhaps as a result?) under the impression I am an infant. Though I am told it's rather interesting in the Spirit Division, provided you decided to take Ghoul Studies when you were a third year.

Respectfully, your fellow dropout

Mr. Chatham

September 14th, 1891
Dear Mr. Chatham

Well give me a year or so and I might be there with you. Although I must confess to having never considered a ministry position for myself. It's always been healing or the farm, perhaps it's an avenue I ought to pursue.

I would enjoy learning more about the floo network. Have you connected many temporary connections now? Under what circumstances is a temporary connection required? I've only ever floo'd to friends' homes or shops. I've not had to use a temporary one I don't think.

Would you want to become the head of your office? Your father must be proud of you regardless of whatever embarrassment you both feel. It's a success in of itself to have surpassed your parents so early in life. Minister of Magic is a lofty goal as are your ambitions once there. I pray you succeed in both matters, perhaps any children you or I have in the future won't have to suffer the same fate as us.

From what I understand, the woman was a healer for her husband exclusively. I've only just established contact with her, so I'm unsure still what her qualifications are. I certainly hope she did it without her NEWTs, it's the only hope I have for a future of healing. If I could, I would go to the America's. It seems to remain the land of new hopes and dreams, maybe I could even find work as a healer there too. If not America, I've always enjoyed stories of Spain.
Ms. Alice Dawson

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]
September 20th, 1891
Dear Miss Dawson,

There are many different things to do at the Ministry. Perhaps you would find one of the positions more interesting than either healing or farming, though I must admit that it's quite a change. There are so many people working at the Ministry, and I'm not sure what most of them do, unless they're in my department. But if you ever have any questions I'd be happy to pester someone for you, or answer them myself. Honestly, I discovered last year that much of it depends on how you do on your OWLs, which was quite frightening to hear. Perhaps you'll get better grades than me and be able to become a Hit Witch!

I've done countless temporary connections by now. They're for when someone decides they would like to Floo somewhere, but not keep it up permanently. Perhaps in a Muggle rented home, for example. Or if someone wants to turn their connection off for a period of time, say if they were going on vacation and didn't want any unexpected visitors in the house while they're out. Most places keep their Floo connected and just use some sort of gate, I suppose because it's a bit of an inconvenience to have someone from my department come out to their house. I heard that someone was working on technology to do it remotely, which would definitely make my days a lot easier.

It would be nice to be head of the office, at least one day. I suppose it would mean I have a better understanding of my job than I do right now, and it would be a step up from being considered one of the lowest around here. If I am to ever become Minister of Magic (highly unlikely, but one can dream) being head of my office would certainly make me seem more professional, I think. A lot of people already look down on me because of my background. I miss Hogwarts--it didn't seem to matter as much what my parents' financial status was.

It does sound nice to visit America, or even Spain, though I'd be a bit concerned about not being understood. Even in America, I hear the accents are rather different enough to make communication near impossible at times. I would hope that you would send me a postcard or two of such wonderful places, if you do make it over there.

Respectfully, yours

Mr. Chatham

September 25th, 1891
Dear Mr. Chatham

Oh, I could never be a hit witch. Defense is one of, if not my worst, subject and I loathe having to intentionally harm my partner (even for the sake of learning the adequate defense). I have thought about becoming a lawyer too, but I'm nearly certain that position also requires NEWTs. Truthfully, I haven't done much research into the ministry as I've never put much consideration into it as a career. I shall have more opinions for you upon your next letter.

I do hope someone develops the remote ability for your sake. It seems quite tedious to have to visit each connection for single uses. This isn't to say you're not doing noble work, someone has to do it of course and there is room for growth. Perhaps by this time next year you'll be installing permanent connections!

There are charms to help with language translation. They're quite easy to master, too. I can teach you should you ever have the opportunity to travel. And I shall most certainly endeavor to send post cards should I ever be afforded the same opportunity.
Your Friend,
Ms. Alice Dawson

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]
September 30th, 1891
Dear Miss Dawson,

Defense was one of my worst as well. You can ask Mr. Hatchitt about that! I did think some of the spells were fun, though, particularly the ones that cause sparks to come from ones' wand. My neighbors' younger son finds it quite fascinating when I perform those spells for him.

I'm not too certain on the requirements for becoming a lawyer, either, though upon speaking with some of my coworkers it sounds like it would take quite a bit of time. I believe one of them said you must spend at least two years as a junior lawyer, and that's after being an intern. Or perhaps a clerk? It does seem rigorous, though I suspect that's because you'd have to be able to recall laws. I await your opinions with a spare roll of parchment so I can keep the answers straight if I find myself asking my coworkers.

Ah, permanent connections! That seems nice. You don't get called out nearly as often, since most people already have a Floo. I suppose the more experienced workers in my office are making me do the hard work now. I haven't caught them, but I suspect they draw lots to pick who goes out with me to make sure I'm not messing up.

The charms sound lovely! Would I be able to cast one on some older books, or are they for speaking languages only?

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Addison Chatham

October 7th, 1891
Dear Mr. Chatham

After two weeks of discreet questions to professors and my house matron, I've decided that perhaps a position in the ministry would be tenable after all. There are no schooling requirements for a lawyer that I've managed to uncover, only that you follow the proper chain of promotions. The pay to start wouldn't be much, but a lawyer is quite respectable, no? And I've no issue with memorization I don't think.

Alternatively, working as a secretary in any of the departments would be interesting. Or, if I could, in the Accidents and Catastrophes department. I like unraveling puzzles, so that could be interesting. And I would still be helping people in a way. If all else fails I will most certainly prevail upon you for assistance securing a position in the floo network department. I cannot work on the farm for the rest of my life. I simply cannot.

I'm sure once you've been there long they will no longer have to go out with you as much. It's all a matter of learning everything so you can be trusted in the field. You can do it, I have faith.

I asked Professor [Charms] if there were any such charms that could translate foreign texts and he's given me a few to try. I've attached the list with their descriptions and wand movements to this letter. It seems there isn't one universal charm but rather one for each language. What were you looking to translate?
Your Friend,
Ms. Alice Dawson

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]
October 13th, 1891
Dear Miss Dawson,

I think being a lawyer could suit you rather well! And if it does become tedious, there are always secretary positions or other things to do, like you have said. I don't know if my word would be worth much to those in my office, though.

Accidents and Catastrophes is one of the departments I looked at, but I was a bit frightened by how it seemed many had their NEWTs. Besides, I think I might mess up and say something wrong to a Muggle someday. I suspect that I already do when it comes to speaking with magical folk!

There is a terrifically interesting library that's relatively close to the Ministry. Sometimes I wonder if there are any books there that could be translated for more people to read, or if they keep them locked away from the prying hands of Hogwarts drop-outs with lists and lists of translating charms. And if there were charms for speaking, well, it might make becoming a member of the Department of Magical Co-operation easier.

On the other hand, I bought a newer book written in what I believe was French and the charm worked marvelously, except for a few words. Of course, it could have just completely re-written the story, so it was nice, anyways. How's your studying for Charms coming along? It's one of the more important ones, I think. Tell Professor [Charms] that I said thank you.

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Addison Chatham

October 18th, 1891
Dear Mr. Chatham

Any assistance would be better than none, I would imagine.

That is a frightening thought. I would be less concerned about accidentally revealing magic to a muggle and more stressed over being ill suited for a situation. Perhaps not that department then. Although, if I'm being honest, I'm still hopeful for the traveling healer position.

Is the International department one ypu had hoped to join? It would be tremendously exciting and interesting to travel as a diplomat for your country. Perhaps if you start learning a language now you might be able to transition there in a few years! And I doubt the library locks books away, it would be very unlike any library I've ever visited anyway. Knowledge ought to be shared, not secreted away for the select few.

I'm very overwhelmed by my studies, but will manage somehow. There's still a significant amount of time between now and then.
Your Friend,
Ms. Alice Dawson

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]
October 24th, 1891
Dear Miss Dawson,

I hope so. I've already spoken to some of the interns already, so at least they will know my name.

There is always a chance of making mistakes. That's something that I took from Hogwarts, probably better than any NEWT, or maybe I just say that because I'll never get mine. I think if you wanted to, you could do anything (or well, most things, I should say. I wouldn't expect you to suddenly invent a method of becoming a Metamorphmagus rather than being born one!)

It would be interesting to be in the International department, but I thought I'd need to be much stronger in languages, and with most of my focus going to Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration...well, I never had time for learning French or anything other language, and being able to speak without charms is likely part of the job. Though I suppose I might have time now. Do you think becoming fluent in a language takes very long?

There was a restricted section at Hogwarts, so maybe Dark magic? Or perhaps they're worried the average patron of the library will come to spill his lunch on a rare book from 1485. Though I suppose if I ask to borrow a relevantly recent one about something simpler. Maybe a textbook for first years, only in French or some other language, would be a good start. I'll update you on my progress when I can.

If you do ever need any help when it comes to your studies, I do have some of my notes. I don't know how legible they'll be, but they might be helpful?

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Addison Chatham

November 5th, 1891
Dear Mr. Chatham

Please accept my apologies in my delay in reply. A dear friend of mine — Miss Thompsett, do you remember her? — experienced the tragic loss of her mother and I've been distracted supporting her as much as I'm able.

Perhaps if you were to begin building a foundation in languages now you might one day be able to move into the International department. I suppose one of the positives of leaving school is that you're now free to study whatever subject you like in your free time. If you begin studying even once or twice a week I'm sure you could be fluent in time!

Believe it or not, I've never tried to see within the restricted section of the library. I always assumed it contained magic beyond what we at school were capable of understanding. It seems awfully foolish to have Dark Magic books in a place where so many young minds are capable of being influenced. One professor with an ill intention... I'm sure Head Master Black has ways of preventing this.

Definitely let me know if or when you make progress in French! I wish you all the best in your endeavors.
Your Friend,
Ms. Alice Dawson

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]
November 10th, 1891
Dear Miss Dawson,

I am sorry to hear about Miss Thompsett's mother--I do remember her. She was always polite to me. Please give her my condolences. I am certain that with a friend like you, she is, of course, well taken care of.

I've decided to take your advice and attempt to learn French where I can, though it's a bit more difficult than I thought. There are many different conjugations that make my head spin! But there are some simple phrases that are easy enough to pick up on. I just wish I knew more people in the International department.

Maybe the Headmaster keeps the most dangerous books to himself? Or perhaps he trusts all of his Professors not to do such things. Now that I think about it, though, it does seem more likely that it's just extremely complex magic. Though who knows? I never got the chance to go in. None of my OWL studies needed it, and I wasn't doing much outside of those. If you do manage to make your way in, please do tell me all about it

Votre ami (your friend, in French!),

Mr. Addison Chatham

November 14th, 1891
Dear Mr. Chatham

Thank you for your sympathies. We're all doing the best we can for her. The circumstances of her mother's passing were quite horrific so it's been difficult comforting her.

On a happier note, I've had an idea! Perhaps we should start writing some of our letters in French! There's no better way to learn than to speak it, right? And if I'm to be some mystical world traveler then it would be good for me to learn as well. We can use a translation spell to assist if any of it is too difficult to comprehend. What do you think?

I don't suppose any of us will ever know what happens in the restricted magic section. Maybe the lucky sort are those from wealthy families as another method of division in our community?
Your Friend,
Ms. Alice Dawson

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]

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