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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Tidal Waves
Holding his breath, Eugene watched the emotions flicker across her face one by one, worried the next one would be the nail in this proverbial coffin.

Her question caught him off guard just enough to knock some sense into him. Tentatively he took a step forward toward her, but did not presume to get too close. He was all too aware of their current physical predicament in addition to their emotional one and he did not want to make her any more uncomfortable. "I would dare to hope that I might ask you to wait this out with me. I will do everything I can to make it as quick and as painless as possible." Eugene already had a lawyer on retainer working on the specifics of what the divorce would entail. He too wanted this over sooner rather than later.

"I come with a lot of baggage and for that I am sorry, but I do care about you a great deal and I would not want to see you get hurt, whichever way this goes after tonight." He meant every word too; needed her to know that he was well aware of what he was asking and the gravity of it. He just hoped she would be willing to stay him through it all.

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   Tilda MacFusty

[Image: Eugene-Sig94.png]
She could see he hadn’t been anticipating her question - could see that perhaps he’d expected her to be angry with him and scream at him. Well, she was angry, but even after his explanation she couldn’t ignore the fact that from the beginning it all began with the Amortentia letters.

Perhaps in a different world Tilda would have lashed out in anger, but his answer saw the tension in her shoulders release, and she did her best to retain her composure. It wasn’t like her to be so affected by a mere possibility, but perhaps she would have a different reaction had she also not been worried sick about her family back at that ballroom and not in a cottage breaking all kinds of codes of propriety with a man who - she now realized - made her heart jump to her throat.

It was then that she suddenly - or perhaps not so suddenly - thought of her parents, and their promise that they would see her after the ball, and she found herself tense again. Their promise had seemed such a simple one to keep, but she was now faced with the possibility of never seeing them again. With another horrid realization, Tilda remembered she had promised the chaperone they wouldn’t be too long before returning back to the ballroom. And yet here they were, the chaperone lost to sea and having to stay overnight in the cottage.

”I…” she started, not knowing where her words would lead. ”I don’t know if you can promise me that, Mr. Scamander…”

She’d moved closer to him now, her voice quiet. Relief had flooded her at his confession of wanting to be with her but what she hadn’t expected was the following sense of dread. That somehow he would lose interest or his wife would come back and declare she had been out of her mind to leave such a wonderful husband and family.

”And I can’t make you promise that. I won’t.” Another step closer, towards him, towards the warmth of the fireplace. ”It wouldn’t be fair to you or to Theseus if she came back and you felt a sense of duty to be with me, when you should be with your family.”

[Image: ohwRsWh.jpg]
Eugene deflated even further when she spoke next, knowing this would be it. He couldn't blame her, it was a lot, she was still young, she had plenty of reasons not to.

He watched her approach curiously, the move in stark contrast to her statement and he found himself frozen in uncertainty. As she continued, he felt the knot in his stomach release bit by bit. Gently he reached out toward her, but was unsure of what he really aimed to do. "There is nothing she could ever say or do that would convince me to try again, even for convenience, even for Theseus. That ship has sailed." Leaving with no word had been the last straw after a year of misery. "She can no longer be considered family." He couldn't, wouldn't, allow her to upset his life anymore.

"I'm ready to move on and I still hope it is to be with you." He cast her a hopeful, if sheepish smile.

[Image: Eugene-Sig94.png]
She'd watched as her words hung in the air between them - watched as they reached him and could see the something shift in his mannerisms as he watched her walk toward him. Then, his hands came up and she seamlessly stepped over the blankets sprawled out on the floor and into his arms. There wasn't much thought into the action aside from wanting to be nearer to him. Contrary to what she'd said, she wanted to believe the possibility of her coming back wasn't true. That she was long gone and she would stay that way. That he wouldn't have to keep a promise if she waited for him, because there wouldn't be anyone to challenge it.

She stood there in his arms in the dampness of the cottage, listening to the oath he spoke into the air. Could feel the rumble of his chest as he did so, finding it oddly comforting. So she let herself believe it because, for some inexplicable reason, she trusted him.

"Alright." She said finally and softly, as she gazed at the flickering flames in the hearth. "I will wait."

She pulled away slightly to meet his gaze. "I trust you."

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   Eugene Scamander

[Image: ohwRsWh.jpg]
Relief flooded his system when she stepped into his arms and Eugene automatically wrapped them around her, grateful for the contact.

Even better was her agreement to wait out these last six months with him until the divorce could be finalized. She was willing to trust the process that was enough for him, for now. It likely wouldn't be easy, but he was hoping that he could shield everyone from most of it. Six months to wait and it would be worth it. It would feel less sharp with someone and something to look forward to afterward.

She leaned back slightly to look at him and Eugene felt that familiar pull of attraction he knew he shouldn't take advantage of, not given their current predicament or the future one either, but oh, did he want to. He smiled warmly, resisting the urge to close the gap between them a little more personally, unsure as to whether or not she would appreciate that or not. She had just said she trusted him.

The wind outside howled against the closed shutters and Eugene had nearly forgotten about the storm raging outside in contrast to the one that had been brewing inside. Things inside had stilled, thank Merlin, but outside it seemed like end was far away. "I'm glad." He managed finally, reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair out of her face.

[Image: Eugene-Sig94.png]
He hadn't quite touched her cheek, but it still burnt as he brushed her hair away from her face. Staring up at him into his warm eyes she felt content, even as the storm whirled around the point of their cottage up on the little cliff. She suddenly felt quite content to stay as they were for as long as they could. Tilda smiled at him, her cheeks warming up as she realized she was in his arms in the closest to nothing she'd ever been.

The corners of her mouth turned down in a glimmer of confusion. She'd seen something in his eyes just then - a flicker of something...a question? She wanted to say yes as if she even had a single clue as to what the question was. If he could feel her heart beating against her chest at any point during the evening - when they were dancing, when they'd collapsed on the beach, or when she'd fallen on him - this had to be when it was beating the loudest.

She looked to him beseechingly, cluelessly, her brows knitted slightly together as she pulled away ever so slightly to peer up at him. Her eyes searched his as it hit her that she had no idea what was to happen next, nor what should happen. She mirrored him, reaching a hand up to brush a lock of hair that had fallen into his eyes, tucking it away before her palm rested on his cheek.

[Image: ohwRsWh.jpg]
His resolve was crumbling at an alarming rate as she looked up at him almost... Expectantly? Eugene had always been a bit of a flirt in the past, but this was something else entirely. This moment was meaningful, he cared for Miss MacFusty more than he'd actually realized until he'd had to fish her out of storm waters a short while ago; and so he didn't want to screw it up.

It was incredibly difficult however, to have her so close and not do anything with it, especially considering the admissions made this evening. And so perhaps one small allowance could be made...

Slowly, so as not to startle her (and to give her time to tell him not to), Eugene tightened his grip around her, the hand already by her face gently cupping her cheek, he waited just one breath, eyes intent on hers, before leaning down to kiss her softly. 

[Image: Eugene-Sig94.png]
Tilda's breath hitched in her throat as she felt his grip on her tighten, pulling her closer. As his palm cupped her cheek, she nuzzled into it, enjoying the feeling of his hand on her. Looking up at him, she saw him pause. Though it only lasted a fraction of a second, it felt like an eternity.

But then his lips were on hers and everything seemed to dissolve around her; there was only him left, and she felt something rise within her. Automatically, Tilda leaned into him, into the blissful, wonderful feeling of his embrace. Her arm wrapped around him and she involuntarily sighed, her hand coming up to slip into his hair.

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   Eugene Scamander

[Image: ohwRsWh.jpg]
She leaned in and that was all the permission he needed not to pull back immediately. If he had to guess, Eugene would assume this was her first experience with anything like this and so, despite her sigh and her hand in his hair, he was determined to keep it light and easy.

It took more willpower than he was ready to admit.

It had been a long time since he'd felt that familiar fire light inside him, but Eugene was keeping it to a slow burn. Still, he wanted to express his gratitude more fervently without words and so he tilted her chin up just a little, changing the tone of the kiss to something a bit more intimate. The indulgence lasted only a minute longer before he pulled back, breathless and grinning. "I wonder if this means I can start calling you by your first name?" He raised a playful eyebrow at her, running the hand on her back up and down absentmindedly, anything to keep himself grounded in the moment.

[Image: Eugene-Sig94.png]
Somewhere in the back of her mind, Tilda finally understood what her friends at school had been talking about when they were chatting about being intimate with a man. She wasn't naive, and plus it was rather impossible to go all throughout Hogwarts in a dorm room without hearing talk about being intimate with someone. But this...this was better than she could have imagined. Why had they failed to mention the want - the need to be closer to someone than you ever thought possible? It wasn't enough to be next to them. It finally hit her as she felt more urgency in his kiss as her lips parted and she deepened the kiss, following his cue.

His pulling away only left her wanting more, and she almost pouted, looking up at him. She didn't want to stop. His hand stroking her back only caused her to curve further into him and she bit her lip. It shouldn't have been physically possible to feel so light-headed and yet so grounded at the same time, yet here she was. His question brought a smile to her lips and she nodded as a giggle escaped her. "Only if I may call you Eugene." She said, her heart doing its umpteenth flip in her chest as she savored the feeling of his name on her lips.

[Image: ohwRsWh.jpg]
The feeling of her pressing against him had his thoughts racing, even as he let out a breathless chuckle of his own. This was better than he could have hoped for after the disruption of the storm. He knew there was devastation outside of the cottage and naturally he was worried about his sisters in attendance this evening, but he also had faith that those who remained at the resort itself had to be far safer than those on the beach like himself and Miss MacFusty— Mathilda? Tilda? He thought he'd heard a family member call her the latter at some point in recent memory.

"Do you prefer Mathilda or Tilda?" He felt another chuckle rumble in his chest; Eugene too enjoyed the sound of his given name on her lips, almost at much as he enjoyed the taste of them. So tempting and still so close...

A sudden epiphany had him laughing again, the thought amusing to him, in stark contrast to their far more serious conversation moments ago. "I did forget to mention Ginger, I hope she's not a deal breaker." His niffler was part of the package as well. Fortunately Eugene was certain the two redheads got along rather well.

[Image: Eugene-Sig94.png]
With others she had a preference unless they were her family. 'Tilda' had always been what her friends and colleagues (with whom she was on a first-name basis) called her. But there were occasions that when she had to introduce herself in a professional setting she would introduce herself as 'Mathilda'. But with Mr. Scaman - with Eugene, both sounded equally thrilling coming from him.

At the mention of the playful niffler, whom she'd fallen completely head over heels for, Tilda gasped joyfully. "Ginger!" It was such an unexpected surprise in the whirl of events that made up the night, she threw her arms around him and kissed him again. As she drew apart from him ever so slightly, she grinned. "Certainly I wouldn't mind." she said, pulling away from him the smallest amount. "And you must only call me Mathilda when you are terribly cross with me." She said, a mischievous glint in her eye as she looked up at him through her lashes.

[Image: ohwRsWh.jpg]
Eugene hadn't expected such an enthusiastic answer to his jesting, but he welcomed it anyway. Their continued contact was wreaking havoc on his system and he was trying to keep a clear headspace. The howling wind and rain lashing at the windows was a good reminder that everything was not so peachy keen outside of this little cottage and helped to keep him from getting too caught up in everything.

"I should think I'll never have to call you Mathilda then." Of that Eugene was pretty certain. Not to mention he liked to think he was pretty even-keeled. It took a lot to rile him up these days. He used to be a bit of a hothead in his youth, but now, as a single dad working through it all, he managed to be fairly even-tempered, even at work.

Eugene sealed the thought with another slow kiss, thinking he should probably get some space between them before either one of them got carried away.

[Image: Eugene-Sig94.png]
"I shall hold you to that, then." She replied with another giggle just before his lips met hers, the thought dropped from her mind and she couldn't think of much else other than him. Outside the wind howled and rattled the windows, but for all Tilda knew, they might as well have been elsewhere. She sighed again, hands grasping at his shirt to pull him even closer. "Six months," She murmured between kisses. "Why does that feel like an eternity?"

[Image: ohwRsWh.jpg]
It was going to be an eternity alright. Who knew when or if they would be able to have moments like this at all between now and then. That thought gave him a little jolt and though he enjoyed her company in any capacity, this more intimate alone time else be what he craved and he knew it.

Eugene slid one hand to the back of her neck, fingers tangling gently into the loose hair as the intensity of the moment reached its boiling point. He could feel the thin fabric of her chemise as he held her against him, fingers bunching up the light material to keep him somewhat grounded. Any longer and this would get some kind of embarrassing for him.

Finally after a moment longer than he should have, Eugene found the willpower to pull back, resting his forehead against hers as he tried to catch his breath. He was not the kind of man to take liberties with a woman he cared about, no matter how enthusiastic she might be at the time. "Let's go warm up closer to the fire." He suggested, thinking they needed some space before anything got out of hand.

[Image: Eugene-Sig94.png]
The feeling of his hand on the back of her neck fair undid her, shooting shivers down her spine and she inhaled sharply at the sensation. As he pulled away, this time she did pout though it didn't last long as he rested his forehead against hers. Only at the mention of moving closer to the fire did Tilda realize how cold she was after separating from Eugene. Merlin, even thinking his given name brought a blush to her cheeks! And perhaps the gooseflesh on her arms was not from the cold alone.

Still, she nodded and stepped further away from him, immediately noticed the absence of him pressed against her. Turning her back to him, she pressed her hand against her cheek as she headed to sit in front of the fire. Though feeling the warmth from the flames wash over her back was rather blissful and took care of the gooseflesh on her arms, she still thought she would have preferred his touch.

Being apart from him and feeling the growing heat of the flames against her back brought Tilda to her senses again, and she took an edge of the blanket to pull it over her, rotating her body to face him again. The rain pricked at the window glass and she was impressed by its ability to hold against the howling wind. Her gaze cast out the window, she furrowed her brows as her previous worries came crashing down around her. "Do you think everyone will be alright?" she asked quietly, looking to him.

[Image: ohwRsWh.jpg]

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