18th May, 1891 — Cavanaugh Home, Wellingtonshire
Well, this felt like walking into a trap. This absolutely felt like walking into a trap.
So had work yesterday and today, admittedly, if only in that everyone had heard the rumours because the gossip mills were more productive than any department of the Ministry; and no doubt people had guessed the why of it too, because people were not generally stupid and only-just-courting-couples did not usually turn up married in the blink of an eye. So Mrs. Cavanaugh’s invitation (- invitation was maybe too kind a word -) was just the cherry on top of a not-very-pleasant cake, but - best get it over with, no?
You know, because last time Lucinda Cavanaugh, his new cousin, had wanted to have a conversation with him, after the events in the library at that quidditch party, that had gone so well. And Tybalt did have a little lingering gratitude for the wake-up call it had been, but he also well remembered the fallout from it, and the fallout had been... bad. He didn’t even just mean Mrs. Cavanaugh’s yelling or asking probing questions or calling them children, and not even his deciding that he had to quit quidditch after that, but more how things had slipped with Elsie afterwards. Because that incident had ended up ruining things with her for a long time, during which he had thought they were over for good, so... Maybe it was almost comforting this time, going in knowingly, that he and Elsie were already married, like it or not.
Tyb did, unfortunately, still want the extended Beauregard family to like him, though. That was why he had come, why he cleared his throat nervously as he was shown in, why he was determined to weather this storm now rather than later. (Also, he was a little worried Mrs. Cavanaugh might show up elsewhere if he ignored her, like - spontaneously at the flat, or accosting him at work, or by sending Howlers that caught him in the middle of the street somewhere.) And beyond that, the fact was Elsie had enough on her plate already - she had only just gone through with breaking the news to her mother a few days ago, had moved into his flat, was struggling with pregnancy symptoms all over the place - so the last thing Tyb wanted for her to have to do on top of all that was get into a row with her elder cousin over this.
To be clear, Tybalt also very much did not want to get into a row with Elsie’s elder cousin over this. But he was here, he had a suitably apologetic-slash-hopeful smile ready to go, his tone was much the same. “Mrs. Cavanaugh, hello, it’s -” so nice to see you again? Well, that might not sound convincing enough.
Lucinda Cavanaugh / Cassius Lestrange
So had work yesterday and today, admittedly, if only in that everyone had heard the rumours because the gossip mills were more productive than any department of the Ministry; and no doubt people had guessed the why of it too, because people were not generally stupid and only-just-courting-couples did not usually turn up married in the blink of an eye. So Mrs. Cavanaugh’s invitation (- invitation was maybe too kind a word -) was just the cherry on top of a not-very-pleasant cake, but - best get it over with, no?
You know, because last time Lucinda Cavanaugh, his new cousin, had wanted to have a conversation with him, after the events in the library at that quidditch party, that had gone so well. And Tybalt did have a little lingering gratitude for the wake-up call it had been, but he also well remembered the fallout from it, and the fallout had been... bad. He didn’t even just mean Mrs. Cavanaugh’s yelling or asking probing questions or calling them children, and not even his deciding that he had to quit quidditch after that, but more how things had slipped with Elsie afterwards. Because that incident had ended up ruining things with her for a long time, during which he had thought they were over for good, so... Maybe it was almost comforting this time, going in knowingly, that he and Elsie were already married, like it or not.
Tyb did, unfortunately, still want the extended Beauregard family to like him, though. That was why he had come, why he cleared his throat nervously as he was shown in, why he was determined to weather this storm now rather than later. (Also, he was a little worried Mrs. Cavanaugh might show up elsewhere if he ignored her, like - spontaneously at the flat, or accosting him at work, or by sending Howlers that caught him in the middle of the street somewhere.) And beyond that, the fact was Elsie had enough on her plate already - she had only just gone through with breaking the news to her mother a few days ago, had moved into his flat, was struggling with pregnancy symptoms all over the place - so the last thing Tyb wanted for her to have to do on top of all that was get into a row with her elder cousin over this.
To be clear, Tybalt also very much did not want to get into a row with Elsie’s elder cousin over this. But he was here, he had a suitably apologetic-slash-hopeful smile ready to go, his tone was much the same. “Mrs. Cavanaugh, hello, it’s -” so nice to see you again? Well, that might not sound convincing enough.