Near Midnight, August 21st, 1891 — The Crouch Home, Swallowbury
Pregnancy had its way of proving time and time again just how ill suited Melody was for its conditions. Between the relentless illenss that still plagued her — albeit to a lesser degree than the first weeks of her pregnancy — the vivid nightmares, and typical end stage pregnancy exhaustion, Melody was mentally and physically done with this stage of her life. Boy or girl, she and Reuben would be only child parents, which was fitting given the state of their relationship.
Things weren't necessarily bad between them — at least she didn't think so — so much as they were indifferent. Neither of them had dedicated significant effort into building a bridge over their differences, and at this point Melody didn't believe any such effort would be made. That was fine, she supposed, more fine than she would've thought it to be this time last year. Quiet indifference with their affection being guided towards their child, she could live with that.
Well, Melody could live with that provided she lived after the birth.
Lucy hadn't lived, Melody had witnessed that firsthand. Lucy had some sort of premature delivery and it was a miracle her son survived at all. Unlike her cousin, Melody didn't have the same caliber of support. She didn't have a team of healers who could be summoned with ease, she didn't have a devoted husband who would move heaven and Earth to see her through, Melody didn't even have a family that would miss her. In fact, Melody was convinced Reuben would be relieved if she were to die. Then, he would be free to remarry whomever he wished whenever he would want to. Reuben would be free, which was his only wish.
It was with these thoughts in mind that Melody climbed out of bed and moved downstairs to make herself some tea. Sleep wouldn't come, not with her thoughts racing like this. She was midway through the kitchen door when her eyes locked with those of her husband's. "Sorry," Melody began immediately, "I didn't know you were up." More like she was hoping to have missed him with some event or another.
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