April 14th, 1891 — Spirit Division, Ministry of Magic
Despite having worked in the Spirit Division for nearly seven years now, Ford wasn't used to being treated as someone who had any authority whatsoever. In a lot of ways he still felt like the most junior member of the team despite the fact that he'd actually accrued quite a bit of experience in the division. When George approached him with a problem, then, his first reaction was to be a bit bemused. Surely there was someone else who was better suited to help?
Ford was certainly willing to help, though. Having shared a dormitory with George Robins for seven years at school had given him a fondness for the other man, and when he'd transferred to the Spirit Division Ford wanted nothing more than to see him succeed. So he'd offered to take a look at the case that was giving George trouble, and give advice if he could. Having looked over the paperwork, though, Ford was at a bit of a loss. It was open-and-shut, or appeared to be, so he didn't know what he could offer advice on. The Division had already issued a strict no-contact order on the spirit in question, and according to the complaint lodged earlier that week he was violating it.
"Well, to be honest, it seems pretty straight forward," he admitted almost reluctantly. "Did you already go talk to him?"
George Robins Roberto Devine
Set by Lady!