Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Season-al Affair Hurling
This is entirely because I'm having way too much fun creeping on the Marriage Mart thread and composing far-fetched ships in my head.

This thread is for everyone who doesn't belong in the other thread — your marrieds, your mourners, your men who can't support a wife, your MC women with careers who aren't looking to marry, etc. etc. Emotional affair hurlers welcome.

[post]<link href="https://dl.dropbox.com/s/7zamono3amgvkfz/newlog.css?dl=0" rel="stylesheet"/><div class="dottedlist"><center>@'Account'
Age | Hogwarts House, Class of 'XX | ACAB | Rep #
A brief personality description of your character!

<u><b>What They're Looking For</b></u>
<ul><li> ACAB
<li> Age
<li> Other Aspects

<u><b>What I'm Looking For</b></u>
<ul><li> ACAB
<li> Age
<li> Other Aspects

<u><b>Also Open To</b></u>
<ul><li> ACAB
<li> Age
<li> Other Aspects

<center>— <b>Contact @"Main Account" or [Skype? Discord? Etc?]</b> —</center></div>

MJ made this <3
Reuben Crouch
31 | Gryffindor, Class of '77 | MCPB | Rep 5
Alcohol Promoter, Professional Party Boy

Ben is genuinely sweet when you get to know him but his facade and reputation are of a flirtatious rake with little regard for the consequences of his actions. He has some self-esteem issues at the moment as a result of his not-very-healthy marriage with Melody.

What They're Looking For
  • ACAB female, age 17-30ish
  • Someone who will make him feel better about himself, someone he has fun with, someone who isn't too judgemental or quick to make assumptions about him based on his reputation/WW articles/etc
  • Something I learned recently is that Ben is Very Anti-Infidelity, no matter how he currently feels about Melody, so he wouldn't act on anything and this would mostly be an emotional affair. That said, he's also a very touch-heavy person and I don't think he would have to self control to stop if the lady in question started something, so we'll see!

What I'm Looking For
  • Ben's established type is "rich girls from crazy families" so, that.
  • He sort of has a thing for corrupting girls under the guise of trying to get them to have some fun.
  • People who are somehow connected to Melody/any of his former flings for added drama
  • I have a plot notion if he ends up developing feelings for someone who is Properly Available, so - unattached, marriageable age, respectable female.

Contact Reuben Crouch or Skype

MJ made this <3
Mundungus MacFusty
21 | MCHB | Rep 8
First String Hogsmeade Howlers Beater

Munny is a headstrong and sociable young man that comes from a large dragon involved family. He is jovial and funloving.

What They're Looking For
  • ACAB
  • 16+

What I'm Looking For
  • ACAB
  • 16+
  • I want Munny to end up marrying ridiculously young.

Also Open To
  • Scandals & Drama
  • An OOC arranged match if it fits what he or I are looking for or if it comes with fun plot things.
  • Males. Munny is bisexual but not currently fully aware of it. Make him become very aware of it.

Contact Roberto Devine or Skype/Discord

Gwendolyn Vane-Tempest
25| Gryff | UCHB | Rep 8
Countess with a rate baby!

Gwen had a literal rat spawn monster baby and is looking to lose herself in some pretty destructive behaviours this year!

What They're Looking For
  • UCAB -or someone who has otherwise come into her sphere!
  • Just sex, personality is really a secondary consideration to being considered a man 'worthy' of having sex with her.
  • Handsome is a plus!

What I'm Looking For
  • As inappropriate as possible! ACAB!
  • Age is sort of irrelevant - but you know not totally creepy, but younger than her is not off the table!
  • blackmail , or at least starting with some element of extortion is fine (favours for not telling the world your first born is a mutant!)

Also Open To
  • anything with a hook
  • -
  • -

Contact Dante on skype or PM

[Image: nsqshLK.png]
MJ is queen
Gwen is referred to as Countess of Adinbury by others, but as Lady Adinbury when you are speaking to her
Friendless Night
18 | WCHB | Rep 2
Sex Worker, Petty Criminal

Endy is a boy that never gives anyone his actual name. He goes by a variety of aliases instead. He is pretty charming and resourceful. Passionate and temperamental. Endy is obviously very discreet. He is also materialistic and likes getting gifts. He is also homeless so obviously quite the catch. He was turned into a werewolf at the end of 1890 and is still adjusting.

What They're Looking For
  • ACAB
  • 16+
  • Male, he has no interest in women beyond when hes paid to.
  • Males that can give him the pretty things he wants but cant afford.

What I'm Looking For
  • ACAB
  • 16+
  • Endy would hate falling in love so obviously I want him to do it. It would mess him up a lot more than even being a werewolf.

Also Open To
  • Almost anything and everything.

Contact Roberto Devine or Skype/Discord

endy's gender is hard to discern from voice and appearance alone
goes by multiple aliases - but mostly by Nico

set by mj!
Bella Scrimgeour
22 | Gryffindor, Class of '87 | WCPB | Rep 4
Apprentice Magizoologist

She ruined her own life and she’s only a little sorry about it. Bella belonged to an UCPB family until she began making the tabloids for, you know, the usual: chaperon-evading, being seen with men, general poor decisions. Eventually she was disowned and now works at the zoo. At her core she’s a well-meaning person who wants to be happy, but also has no desire to sacrifice what freedom she has. So.

What They're Looking For
  • ACAB. Bella has been involved with a handful of men and all of them were from different backgrounds. She’s generally wary of blood purists since she was raised by muggles.
  • 22+, although historically she likes men 10+ years older than her?? But she’s not fussy.
  • More an emotional affair since her one fear is getting pregnant and losing the job she’s worked towards, but she’s pretty affectionate so who knows how long that would last.

What I'm Looking For
  • Someone whose life she can cause chaos in <3
  • Are they using her? Is she using them? Do they both know they’re using each other? Maybe it’s terribly toxic but they can’t stop being around each other.

Also Open To
  • Affairs with married men, though Bella doesn’t really aspire to be a home-wrecker. If she did it would only be if (1) she knew he was unhappily married, or (2) she didn’t know he was married when the affair began.

Contact BREE via skype

Dionisia Fisk née Tweedy
23 | Hufflepuff, Class of ‘86 (Drop ‘84) | MCMB | Rep 5

Dionisia never envisioned herself getting married, but a amortentia-laced fling led to her being on track to be an unwed mother. Fortunately her Hogwarts BFF’s older brother stepped in to marry her. Their relationship was never normal, and eventually she found out why: her husband prefers men. Although she cares for her husband, she resents him for not being able to love her the way she’d always hoped he would grow to. Dio is hardworking, career-minded, gentle, and very understanding, although she does not like being told what to do and struggles to fit the role of wife.

What They're Looking For
  • ACAB. UC would be fun if it was more of a “man and his mistress” sort of relationship. MC works best because of ~social circles, and WC might work if they knew each other before her marriage or meet through her job. She is wary of blood purists but, hey, weirder things have happened.
  • Something emotional. Her experience with sex is limited to that one time she had sex and got pregnant, so really she wants someone to lean on rather than someone to bring to bed. That being said, Dionisia wouldn’t not say no to a physical aspect seeing that her husband has voiced his support in her doing whatever it takes to find happiness.

What I'm Looking For
  • A potential baby daddy. It would be unintentional, but because she sort of lied to her husband and claimed she wants another child and would be looking for someone to father her child, it wouldn’t seem unintentional. Enter: anxiety.
  • Something else related to the above that is ~secret~
  • Heartache and pining because that seems fun.

Also Open To
  • Anything plotty or that fits with my ideas  <3

Contact BREE via skype

Trystan Selwyn
43 | Gryffindor | UCPB | Rep 6
Auror Concealment & Disguise Instructor

Hi, predictably... Trystan is a married man notorious for being ~less than faithful and for the one bastard daughter he acknowledged. I swear that, in spite of all the other illegitimate children, he has since learned to use a condom. (Though he is also perfectly happy to financially support his bastard children, as long as his wife doesn't find out.)

What They're Looking For
  • Lol I think this was best said somewhere by Ambrosia: 'hates nuance.' That's fair. No witty repartee necessary here, as long as she is young and attractive and not too averse to getting physical at some point.
  • ACAB, 18+, preferably otherwise unattached but clearly he's not picky.
  • Historically his type has included "debs" and "lady's maids".

What I'm Looking For
  • He is good for either "very uncomplicated casual flings" OR "very complicated affairs where he convinces himself he's in love." In modern day he would promise to leave his wife for her and never do it. But he is open for grand romantic declarations and ongoing emotional affairs all the same.
  • I am equally interested in him actually falling for someone who seems just as game as he is, but Trystan trying to convince himself to "be a good person" and not pursue the affair, just to see if he can.

Also Open To
  • Someone who would be more into it if they didn't know he was married, if you want a dubious, very doomed relationship where they meet under particular circumstances and don't exchange names at first and/or he initially lies to her about his identity and has to come clean later.
  • Accidental bastards.

Contact Elias Grimstone or via skype

The following 1 user Likes Trystan Selwyn's post:
   Elladora Black

Arthur Pettigrew
32 | Gryffindor, Class of '77 | MCPB | Rep 5
Hogsmeade Howlers Captain

Famously ruined his life, less famously plays Quidditch, semi-famously ruining his life again. Art really loves his wife but they are pretty obviously having #troubles and he is pretty lonely about it. In terms of personality Art is very social and affable, prone to impulsivity, and fun at parties when he's not busy being miserable.

What They're Looking For
  • He's not.
  • But is extremely emotionally vulnerable and on a spiral, so is... not unlikely to hook up with someone and feel very bad about it immediately. This is more likely to be physical than emotional (if it happens! I'm not convinced it will, and I do not pre-plot romance!)

What I'm Looking For
  • Art's type in women: Into Quidditch, curly hair or very blonde, either steadier than he is or very flirty.
  • Art's type in men: This has not quite been defined? Perhaps a spinoff of the above? I'm very interested in exploring this.

Also Open To
  • Literally anything, but I am reeeally not sure whether or not Art would actually go through with this.

Contact Cassius Lestrange or ping me on Skype

[Image: AAgFt3c.png]
set by MJ <3
Nemo Fisk
25 | Hufflepuff, Class of '84 | MCHB | Rep 8
Muggle Liaison Office

Nemo is the epitome of an adorable, awkward turtle. He is super good at his job, which means he does have some charisma, but not great at using it in social situations with his peers. He can charm muggle old ladies in a heartbeat, he cannot flirt with girls in his age bracket. That said, he's pretty emotionally unavailable, so this will require a little work.

What They're Looking For
  • He isn't, but I am forcing the issue. If he stopped to think about anyone but Penny, she would be someone quieter, sweet, humble, he couldn't handle anyone purist or too outgoing. He's a pretty easygoing guy, wouldn't mind someone adventurous, but not someone who is going to run him over.

What I'm Looking For
  • MCAB
  • 18-21ish
  • I'd like most of the above, someone more "suitable" even though Nemo isn't really looking nor capable of supporting a wife at the moment, I am in it for the drams and the emotional entanglements!

Also Open To
  • Family meddling somewhere!

Contact - Skype or PM @"Elsie Beauregard"

Esteban Zavala
29 | Gryffindor, Class of '79 (d/o '77) | WCHB | Rep 6
Captain and First String Keeper for Puddlemere United; Activist

A charming and friendly Quidditch player, Esteban consistently looks at the fun side of life. He is easygoing and progressive. He is careful about maintaining his career but beyond that, goes with the flow.

What They're Looking For
  • Any gender.
  • ACAB
  • Discreet.
  • 18+

What I'm Looking For
  • Same as above

Also Open To
  • Pretty much anything so long as it does not harm his career.
  • Actual hurling. He is very WC level marriageable but is commitment-phobic.

Contact Roberto Devine or Skype

Set by MJ
George Robins
24 | Hufflepuff, Class of '84 | WCHB | Rep 9
Spirit Division Employee

George is a super timid, super shy, socially awkward young man. He is the younger brother of Quidditch player, Augusta Robins. He has a tender heart and a kind soul. He also has a habit of becoming easily attached to the people he manages to befriend. He is super sensitive and the type of person who might cry in the bathrooms because you looked a him a little funny so he convinced himself you hate him or something. He has difficulty saying no to things and has abandonment issues. George is a never been kissed virgin and the thought of that ever changing terrifies him.

What They're Looking For
  • They aren't. I just want to make him feel as awkward as possible as I try and figure where his attractions lay. Currently it seems to be towards males but I am not 100%.

What I'm Looking For
  • ACAB
  • 20+
  • A little more assertive than he is otherwise it would be a thread of two people furtively staring at one another. They might need to be the pursuer though they could also be not intentionally be pursuing but end up winning his affections by being nice.

Also Open To
  • Pretty much anything.

Contact Roberto Devine or Skype

Bianca Warrington
23 | Gryffindor, Class of '85 | UCHB | Rep 9
Unhappily married socialite and heiress

A proud, vivacious socialite that married well to secure daddy's fortune, Bianca's now in her third year of marriage and the disappointment is real. She's desperate to have a child of her own and if she can spite her pathetic husband in the process, then all the better.

What They're Looking For
  • UCAB
  • 30+ male
  • She wants to be wanted and treated like a princess. If he's discrete, attractive, and appears well-liked, she's willing to make a few great mistakes.
  • He can't be too exotic looking. If she did end up pregnant, she's got to pass this off as her husband's.
  • Doesn't want to be a homewrecker, but if he's married, that's not her fault.

What I'm Looking For
  • 23+
  • I'm onboard with breaking her heart in all sorts of ways. Either a fling where feelings get involved and she ends up jealous of someone she can't keep or immense guilt around cheating.
  • Bastards optional, but she isn't going to prevent it.
  • A man with attachments as a reminder that she can't keep him? Bonus angst!
  • If he works at the Ministry with her husband, she'd kinda love that. Spite, spite is real here.

Also Open To
  • ACAB
  • Anything that shakes it up, I'm down.

Contact Hermia Bonaccord or Skype me

Camilla Lytton
29 | Gryffindor, Class of '80 | MCHB | Rep 8
Owner of the House of Lytton & fashion designer

Camilla is fun loving, artistically inclined and very loyal to her friends. Her negatives are that she’s prone to cattiness and somewhat immature at times.

What They're Looking For
  • MC or UC and AB
  • 30ish
  • Someone who’s equally fun loving, eclectic in tastes, loves to travel. She’s not interested in marriage and settling down and boring family stuff. Currently she’s also looking for someone to comfort her and give her emotional support following her brother's death.

What I'm Looking For
  • 30ish
  • Someone she’d have chemistry with tbh.

Also Open To
  • ACAB
  • Age
  • Anyone she’d have chemistry with haha

Contact @"Ellory Pendergast" or Skype

Will Avery
34 | Ravenclaw, Class of '74 MCPB | Rep 9

While Will certainly will respect mourning limitations, he is a first son and now head of his house without an heir.

What They're Looking For
  • MCPB
  • 17-30
  • Rep 8+

What I'm Looking For
  • MCAB
  • 17-30
  • Rep 7+

Also Open To
  • ACAB - But likely PB if WC
  • 17+
  • Rep 6+

Contact Sweetie Whitledge or Discord or Skype

Magic by Lady
Ursula Black
33 | Slytherin, Class of '75 | UCPB | Rep 9

What They're Looking For
  • UCPB
  • Male
  • 30+
  • See Fig. 3 Thom Pettigrew Respectable, wealthy, very outgoing, charismatic, severely attractive, exciting. 
  • Love <3 (lbr she's more boneless than a chicken breast atm tho soooooo)

What I'm Looking For
  • 28+
  • Honestly I'm open to anything but Ursula's really not and there's a point at which throwing a working class muggleborn at her romantically is just a waste of everyone's time (unless the failure is likely to be very funny to thread but it'll probably just be Ursula grimacing the whole time and running for the nearest exit). Ursula's very materialistic and if you can't or won't give her expensive gifts she's probably going to lose interest very fast.

Also Open To
  • UCHB
  • 30+
  • She might consider half-bloods if they make up for it in other areas, particularly if they don't have any close muggle relatives she'd know of.

Contact Ursula Black or Skype

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3

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