Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
Hello everyone! Similar to what we've done in the past, this is a place to parade out your marriageable folks for the coming season and let us know what they want, what you want, etc. Post once for each character and contact people outside of this thread to arrange threads/etc. Feel free to use the code below, or alter it as you please if you want to add a cute gif or whatever.
This thread is for marriageable society types — women who are "out," men who are stable enough to support a wife, people who are unattached (not currently courting/engaged/betrothed), and not in mourning. Have at it!
[post]<link href="https://dl.dropbox.com/s/7zamono3amgvkfz/newlog.css?dl=0" rel="stylesheet"/><div class="dottedlist"><center>@'Account'
Age | Hogwarts House, Class of 'XX | ACAB | Rep #
A brief personality description of your character!
<u><b>What They're Looking For</b></u>
<ul><li> ACAB
<li> Age
<li> Other Aspects
<u><b>What I'm Looking For</b></u>
<ul><li> ACAB
<li> Age
<li> Other Aspects
<u><b>Also Open To</b></u>
<ul><li> ACAB
<li> Age
<li> Other Aspects
<center>— <b>Contact @"Main Account" or [Skype? Discord? Etc?]</b> —</center></div>
Henrietta Cartwright
19 | Hufflepuff, Class of '90 | UCHB | Rep 9
Debutante (First Season)
Outwardly, Henri is exceptionally polite and very proper, if a bit quiet. She does not give off the impression that she is particularly witty or intelligent but she does seem pleasant enough. Internally, she is very repressed and her true personality is a bit of a mystery as a result. Oh, she also has accidental magical outbursts all the time and denies them every time they happen, so that's fun.
What They're Looking For
25+ with a fortune to inherit to 28+ with a stable job
Wants to marry quickly because she really, really hates her mother.
What I'm Looking For
Someone with #complications that would stress her out (widowers with kids, WC/MC hurls, hard purists, an unrequited crush on someone who is already engaged, etc)
ACAB 20+, either gender
People who might flirt with her without having intentions to make her feel conflicted about them
Emrys Selwyn
39 | Hufflepuff, Class of '59 | UCPB | Rep 8
Shipping Mogul / Investor
Emrys likes to think of himself as a mysterious figure on the edge of society. He owns a shipping company and is a casual investor who has done well for himself. His tastes are... eclectic and a little less than proper, but most would have no cause to know that about him.
What They're Looking For
MCPB or UCPB Female
20-35 (he feels weird about flirting with really young women)
Self-sufficient, not needy
... or easy to push around
Ideally, infertile
What I'm Looking For
MC/UCAB, 20+ Female
Angelica? Am I just describing Angelica?
I'm Also Open To
Anything, really. Throw it at me. Eloping with a WCMB because she's going to let him sleep with her brother? Want to do that Lord Byron thing? Arrange a marriage because your dad needs to get out of a shady business deal? Whatever. Throw it at me.
Valerian Macnair
29 | Slytherin, Class of '79 | UCPB | Rep 9
Asst. Head of Potion & Plant Poisoning, St. Mungo's
With Valerian, you either like him a lot or you think his vibe is off, and that's probably because it is. He likes to talk, especially about his and other people's weird interests, struggles to genuinely connect with other people. He comes across as enjoying his work a little too much, and he does, but he has other shady side-dealings he doesn't usually mention.
What They're Looking For
Valerian is bisexual, but is generally more attracted to men than woman. He's not sure what he would want in a woman romantically, but also does not consider romance as a requirement (or even an expectation at this point) for marriage.
What I'm Looking For
Anyone younger than him.
Someone who either (1) is a lesbian/bisexual herself for the potential humor of simultaneous affairs, (2) very naïve so he try and make her fit into the box of what he thinks a wife ought to be like, (3) someone super domineering who he can have a fun back-and-forth with. Or literally anything else, I just want a fun dynamic and am spouting ideas :P
Also Open To
Anything within reason (aka no WCMBs or anyone that would get him disinherited).
— Contact BREE via skype —
April 14, 2021 – 11:52 PM
Last modified: April 15, 2021 – 4:01 PM by Shona Lukeson.
Lily Huddleston
26 | Slytherin, Class of '83 | MCHB | Rep 10
Lily is an accident prone woman that has a thirst for adventure. She had a past romance with J. Alfred Darrow and he is a very good indicator as to what her type of man is. She is pretty traditional in most aspects (ew, I don't want a job) except for her desire to travel and have adventures with whomever she ends up marrying.
What They're Looking For
Lily wants an adventurous man that won’t be boring and enjoys a bit of flirting. She wouldn’t do well with men that are too serious and fail to see the fun side of life. She also wants someone that can tolerate her accident prone nature because they will certainly have to fish her out of mishaps often.
What I'm Looking For
Also Open To
Whatever goes, really. Lily is approaching spinster age and is not about that life.. Also her ending up with someone tall feels comical to me. I also very much want Austen-like shenanigans that take Lily's accident prone nature into account - sprained ankles, almost run over by carriages, soaked in the rain, you name it. XD
— Contact Roberto Devine or Skype/Discord/Smoke Signals —
Dorian Fisk
27 | Ravenclaw, Class of '27 | MCHB | Rep 9
Accidental Magic Squad Member
A low-kwy rake, Dory deeply fears marriage and all that it entails. For a bride to get him down the aisle he will have to he trapped into it or absolutely smitten with her.
What They're Looking For
18+ (little squeamish about fresh debutantes. Probably more like 20+)
Flirty, Brunette, preferably not a super intelligent woman so he doesn't feel dumb. He tends to like nerdy working types.
What I'm Looking For
Any age (want an affair with a younger man?)
Super interested in getting Dory attached to someone who seems like his dream girl but would be incredibly mousey in a relationship. Honestly he's open for any and all hurls.
Also Open To
Any age
Be a man. Be a man confident enough/suave enough to let Dory know they are into men.
Penelope Fawcett
24 | Hufflepuff, Class of '84 | MCPB | Rep 8
Apprentice Broom Maker
A lover of learning, Penny has a passion for adventure and exploring. She is determined and ridiculously independent, and doesn't always pick up on romantic cues. The debutante life has never suited her well, but after the recent events on the boat her mother has a renewed interest in seeing her married.
What They're Looking For
Penny isn't looking much herself, but her ideal match is someone who is tolerant and kind. Her mother is looking for a well established working man. Ministry official is a plus.
What I'm Looking For
A few ways to go here: someone who fits the ideal match above and have a boring life together, someone who is not at all tolerant of her interests but doesn't reveal as much until after they're married, someone needing to get married quick/at all for a dowry or beard or whatever other quirk needs to be filled. Penny will have a sizable dowry.
@'Verity Greengrass'
20 | Slytherin, Head Girl Class of '89 | MCPB | Rep 10
While her desperate desire to marry might not be evident to those outside her familial home, Verity dreams of nothing but being a dazzling socialite. She has grossly unrealistic expectations of what type of man she will marry and is unashamed by them.
What They're Looking For
UCPB, will settle for UCHB
Handsome, high up ministry official, well connected family, rich
What I'm Looking For
I have a burning desire to ruin Verity. She's too aware of her reputation to be caught in an affair, but rumors? Absolutely. A wc emotional affair that sees her questioning everything? A lady love to make her realize her sexuality? Get at me.
Clarissa Cosgrove
21 | Slytherin Class of '87, Prefect | UCPB | Rep 9
A very prim and proper girl, Clarissa would probably make an ideal bride for traditionalists if it wasn’t for the fact she is neither purist nor classist. She graduated from the Pendergast School for Young Roses. She does have a bit of a fiesty side that comes out when provoked, ie: in school, she once hit a boy with a parasol for being a git.
What They're Looking For
UCAB, her parents are looking for UCPB
23+ (especially if a heir).
She would be looking for men that her family approve of but she has a penchant for being attracted to ‘bad boy’ types so that might be a bit of a factor. As a Slytherin, she also appreciates a man that has ambition and won’t just treat her as a dumb housewife despite the fact she has no plans to ever work.
What I'm Looking For
Also Open To
Scandal. Clarissa has shown a tendency to be attracted to brutish men, usually of the working class, that her parents would heavily disapprove of so I am open to drama in relation to this.
— Contact Roberto Devine or Skype/Discord/Smoke Signals —
Grace Greengrass
18 | Gryffindor, Class of '90 | MCPB | Rep 10
The Graceless Greengrass. Sweet, genuinely a good person, and eager to please despite not being very good at doing that. The middle daughter in her family and the most recent to debut.
What They're Looking For
Her family wants her to marry "well", which she's sure means UCAB, but she would be content marrying a MCHB herself.
25+ if they're on the wealthier side, 28+ if established.
Someone who treats her well and who she could envision herself raising a family with. She's a closet romantic but also does not have the confidence to believe that love is a possibility for her.
What I'm Looking For
UC/MCAB. UCAB is less likely because Grace does not fit the image of an UC socialite, but it was also be fun to see her try to adjust to the role. MCAB is more of her comfort zone, but I would love it if they were not super established or, like the UC option, had expectations for her that she couldn't meet.
Someone to give her anxiety, either because they're out of her league or because she actually likes them.
Also Open To
Soft arrangements through her brothers/mother, because she'd be more inclined to marry someone if she thought her family wanted her to.
— Contact BREE via skype —
April 15, 2021 – 12:39 AM
Last modified: April 15, 2021 – 12:41 AM by Pablo Medina.
Pablo Medina
35 | Hufflepuff Class of '73 | MCHB | Rep 7
Rumored cannibal. J. Alfred Darrows best friend. Man formerly presumed dead. He is charming, passionate and a romantic. He is pretty sociable and adventerous. He finds it hard to stay still in one place for too long. Perks of hurling at Pablo: you get bonus Alfred threads if it goes well.
What They're Looking For
What I'm Looking For
Also Open To
Scandals, he's had plenty of them himself with the whole 'everyone thought I was dead' thing.
A romantic affair with a man. Pablo is bisexual and indulges himself. Sometimes subtly hits on men/is extra friendly if he finds them attractive.
— Contact Roberto Devine or Skype/Discord/Smoke Signals —