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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

It All Returns
April 7th, 1891
Ford Greengrass,

I think I am having a Spirit Division problem, and have decided to write to you in lieu of going to the Ministry. If you don't have the time to help with this, I understand — I just wanted to see if it's possible.

Cash Lestrange

P.S. I would prefer to handle this surreptitiously, if possible.
Fortitude Greengrass Reuben Crouch

The following 1 user Likes Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Fortitude Greengrass

MJ made this!
April 7th, 1891
Cash Lestrange,

Hello! Yes, of course! I'd love to help, though I do feel obliged to warn you that usually when people think they have Spirit Division problems, they're wrong... most people don't really know what my division does. But I deal with that a lot, and I can probably let you know who you do need to talk to! Surreptitiously or otherwise.

What do you need?
F. Greengrass

PS: Sorry about dinner last month. It wasn't supposed to end that way.

Set by Lady!
April 7th, 1891
Ford Greengrass,

There's this — thing. I think it started following me around last night. I think it's a spirit — I am not sure what it is if it is not a spirit — I would like to get rid of it.

Cash Lestrange

P.S. Don't worry about it. I just hope your brother is all right.

MJ made this!
April 7th, 1891
Cash Lestrange,

Do you think it's dangerous? I could come meet you right away but I'd have to tell my supervisor where I'm going. If you don't think it's dangerous, I'm off at five. Where should I meet you?
F. Greengrass

PS: He's fine. He's — well, it's complicated, I guess, but he's fine.

The following 1 user Likes Fortitude Greengrass's post:
   Cassius Lestrange

Set by Lady!
April 7th, 1891
Ford Greengrass,

I don't think it's dangerous. Can you come to [x]* at 5 — I'm in room 11 — I did not want to alarm my half-brother and so I decided to see if it would follow me here?

Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Cash Lestrange

P.S. I'm glad he's fine.
*The address of a muggle inn in a middle class area of London near the Lestrange home

The following 1 user Likes Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Fortitude Greengrass

MJ made this!
April 7th, 1891
Cash Lestrange,

Sure! See you then. If it goes away before five, just write back and let me know.
F. Greengrass

Set by Lady!
May 25th, 1891

Hi! How are things?

I don't want to alarm you or anything because I'm sure everything is fine, but — let me know if anything feels off today, alright? Like if you see anything strange or you start feeling — you know, like you did at the beginning of last month.

Also maybe don't come to Hogsmeade today or tomorrow if you can avoid it.

Everything's fine, I promise.

Set by Lady!
May 25th, 1891
Ford Greengrass,

I can stay out of Hogsmeade. You're sure everything's fine?


MJ made this!
May 25th, 1891

Yes, everything's fine. It's the It's fine. I just need to check on something and now I'm at work so I can't check until the end of the day. I'm sure it's alright and I'll be able to send you another letter in a few hours and tell you I worried you for nothing, but in the meantime, thanks for staying clear of Hogsmeade. Do tell me if anything strange starts happening, though, please. I can make an excuse and get out of work if I have to. I'll tell them I'm sick or something. I can come find you ten minutes after I get an owl, or maybe even faster, so — just write if something's wrong.


Set by Lady!
May 25th, 1891
Ford Greengrass,

It's really not a good day for this I have practice in Chudley but if anything strange happens I'll let you know. Promise.


MJ made this!
May 26th, 1891

Things still okay?

Set by Lady!
May 26th, 1891 - late

Nothing too weird. Anything I should be looking out for?


MJ made this!
Very late:
May 26th, 1891

I wish I knew the answer to that. It's —

Can we meet and talk about it? Not tonight, obviously. Tomorrow after I get off work, maybe, if you don't have Quidditch? I could meet you somewhere. Maybe... Derry? Like the route between the town and the house that we stayed in? I'm sorry, that's a weird place to meet but I don't know where else to go. I'm just trying to think of places we've both been that aren't the club, places where we could talk, and I don't have many better ideas and to be honest I really need to sleep so. If Derry works for you we can do that, or if you've got a better idea let me know.


Set by Lady!
May 26th, 1891 - shortly after Ford's last letter

Go to sleep. I can meet you in Derry tomorrow after your work, I don't have Quidditch tomorrow night. See you soon.


MJ made this!
May 29th, 1891

Safe and — well I was going to write safe and sound but it occurs to me that perhaps that's the wrong descriptor for the sort of thing we're talking about. But anyway, the spell worked and I've found it and it's all just as I left it (with a lot of extra dirt over it, but otherwise the same). It doesn't appear anyone else has been by this way (still as weak as it was before).

Promise not to check up on it during full moons anymore.

Hope you're well. Best wishes,


The following 1 user Likes Fortitude Greengrass's post:
   Cassius Lestrange

Set by Lady!

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