March 18th, 1891 — Ross Residence, North Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Four courses were not, in themselves, enough time to get the measure of a man—but then, Roslyn Ross was quite certain she had the measure of Alfred Darrow.
In spite of this, she was quite resolved to give the man one last-ditch effort to change her opinion of him, for Zelda's sake—and if not, well, hopefully four courses would be long enough to show Zelda how utterly unsuited Mr. Darrow was to life within their family.
(Fleetingly, it had occurred to her that Zelda might fit perfectly well with the Darrows even if Mr. Darrow did not fit in with the Fisks. While this might be a risk in other families, though, Ros knew her sister far too well to worry about such an abandonment.)
Ros had been quite insistent that Zelda arrive early, had given her sister a once-over, and had sent her sister upstairs to have her hair styled, as, "We're entertaining, even if it's mostly family."
Roslyn Ross had never much wanted to entertain outside of the family. Fortunately for Zelda, even if she became Mrs. Darrow, Alfred was unlikely to ever become Minister Darrow.
The witch sat in a chair nearby as her sister had her hair tugged hither and fro, nodding in satisfaction when the styling was completed.
"Why Alfred Darrow?" she half-sighed when her maid had left the room, closing the door quietly, and left the sisters alone. Ros had never asked Zelda that question outright before, but now seemed as good a time as any.
— #PrettiesByMJ —