February 25th, 1891 — The Leaky Cauldron
February was a slow month for Ben, in his role as a promoter for a distillery. The distillery itself had plenty of standing contracts with the magical pubs around the British Isles, but most of Ben's work came from getting big event contracts, and the social season was slow and boring this time of year. It would have been the best time to go abroad and try to get them a few more international partner organizations and foreign contracts, but the news Melody had given him at the end of last month had derailed those sorts of plans. She wasn't well enough to travel, and he wouldn't leave her for anything more than a few hours at a time. Even the few hours he left during work stressed him out. He didn't feel as though the two of them were back on solid ground, yet, and the constant illness only made things worse. He couldn't talk to her, he couldn't do anything with her... nothing to do but wait.
(Wait, and see if she really was pregnant — Ben thought she was, but he suspected Art and maybe even Aldous still had their doubts. Maybe they were still hoping she wasn't).
So, anyway, he was in a lull — both personally and professionally. Jewell had sent him off to the Leaky Cauldron this afternoon to show off a few of the newer lines they were experimenting around with, but Ben suspected it was really more of a way to kill time than it was a serious prospect. The Leaky Cauldron was a little on the tamer side, as far as pubs went; they probably wouldn't pick up anything too new and adventurous until it had been in circulation for a while and they knew for sure that it wasn't going to light anyone's hair on fire when they drank it, or anything.
He'd arrived at the Leaky and was told the owner wasn't available right away, but could see him in thirty minutes or so. Fair enough; that was what he got for showing up with no notice. Ben bought himself a drink (it was good to buy a drink from pubs; like a show of good faith that you wanted their business to succeed just as much as your own) and took a seat at the bar. The woman next to him looked vaguely familiar, but it had been months (maybe over a year?) since he'd seen her, so it took him a second to realize who it was.
"Well, look what the cat dragged in," he teased lightly, before he realized he probably ought not to strike up a conversation with her. This was the normal way of things, since he'd married; he started flirting without thinking about it and then had that nagging voice in the back of his head chime in a few seconds too late with What is Melody going to think?
Well, too late now.
Angie Swan @"Elsie Beauregard"

MJ made this <3