Nicknames: Jo
Birthdate: January 15, 1877
Current Age: 11 Years
Occupation: Incoming Firstie; Lupin's Scullery Maid
Reputation: 7; her mother is divorced and they dropped a class
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: does not have one yet
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Family: Max Wood (Muggle) | Father | b. 1839
--- Stepmother + half-siblings, as father remarried to a muggle in 1881
Rosaline Wood neé Jones | Mother | b. 1851
Declan Wood | Brother | b. 1869
Maxine Wood | Sister | b. 1871
Cleo Wood (Seer) | Sister | b. 1874
Dolly Wood | Twin Sister | b. 1877
Tabitha Wood | Sister | b. 1879
Appearance: Joella stands at four feet and six inches and is a bit on the scrawny side. She has brown hair and blue eyes and personal feels that there is nothing particularly eye-catching about her appearance. Her hands show the signs of hard work with callouses, small scars and bruises upon them at any given time.
History: 1877: Joella is born alongside her twin sister, Dolly.
1878-1879: Declan shows his first signs of magic which occurs in front of their father who was clueless about the fact that Rosa was a witch. They are all thrown out and end up moving to Hogsmeade, a magical settlement.
1880: Declan goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Slytherin.
1882: Maxine goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor.
1883: Rosa takes on a position in the Lupin household and the mistress of the home allows the Wood girls to also take positions in the household staff. The position comes with an Unbreakable Vow that they need to take though being too young to quite comprehend the importance of this, Joella has never thought much about it.
1885: Cleo goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw.
1886: Joella shows her first signs of magic and awaits the day that Dolly shows her own.
1888: With the time coming that she will be going to Hogwarts approaching and certain of her place due to the fact that she has shown signs of magic, she worries for Dolly who has shown no signs of magic at all.
Personality: Quiet. Reserved. Sullen. Hard working. Patient. Careful. Detail-oriented. Ambitious. Practical.
Age: 30
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