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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Timothy Wildsmith
Full Name: Timothy Wildsmith
Nicknames: Despite his best efforts to push for none, he never seemed to be able to escape his childhood nickname of Tim or Timmy.
Birthdate: 12th August, 1845
Current Age: 45
Occupation: Head of the Floo Network Authority Office
Reputation: 9
He’s a respectable guy, but there are rumours of his infidelity.
Residence: Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Ash, 8 inches, unicorn tail hair, unyielding
Once upon a time, Tim used his wand for some good magic. However, he often finds these days that he struggles to produce magic with it
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Daddy Wildsmith, born idk - father
Cyril Wildsmith, born 1827 - half-brother
Miriam Wildsmith (née idk) - sister-in-law
The true love of his life, or at least that’s what Tim thinks. Since the day Tim met Miriam, he has been completely in love with her. He finds her utterly captivating, and wishes she’d married him, and not his brother
Elon Wildsmith, born 1875 - nephew
Before Elon’s birth, Tim had always fancied his brother would die without an heir, leaving Floo-Pow to Tim

probably various other siblings through his father’s first marriage

Antonette Wildsmith (née Valenduris), born c. 1815 - mother
various other siblings

Alexandra Wildsmith (née Turner), born 1856 - wife
Tim and Alexandra were poorly matched from the start. He likes to think he saw more in her than her fortune, but this is unlikely.
Oliver Wildsmith, born 1875 - son
Tim had hoped for more from his oldest son, and is endlessly disappointed in Oliver. Perhaps Tim’s expectations were just too high.
Louisa Wildsmith, born 1878 - daughter
An intelligent, bright, and charming young girl, Louisa is Tim’s favourite child.
Isabella Wildsmith, born 1882 - daughter
While Isabella is not as high in Tim’s esteem than Louisa, he still loves her greatly.
Thomas Wildsmith, born 1885 - son
Tim hopes Thomas will be the son that Oliver isn’t

Daisy Burton, born 1864 - paramour
Daisy is simple woman with simple pleasures. She is pretty and kind, and is always singing a song. It is rare that she doesn’t have a smile on her face. Tim likes to think that he loves her. He puts her up in a house in Pennyworth.
George Burton, born 1884 - son
William Burton, born 1889 - son
His sons through Daisy. They are both very bright little boys, and they light up any room with their laughter. They are sweet, and easy to look after. Tim loves these boys greatly, although does not publicly acknowledge them.

Appearance: His appearance is the only area where Tim truly feels confident. This mostly comes from the fact that he is tall, standing at five feet and eleven inches. He has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes to match. He often has facial hair, which he keeps neat and tidy. He often dresses in sharp muggle fashion, making sure he always looks his best. His wand hand is his left hand, although he writes with his right hand.


Born in the August of 1845, Timothy is the younger son of the Wildsmith family. The family is very wealthy, owning the company Floo-Pow. With his oldest brother already being full grown, Tim is often overlooked. He spends far more time with his nanny than anyone else. Looking back, Tim remembers being dreadfully lonely.

His first act of magic was nothing special. And at ten years old too, only a few months before his departure to Hogwarts. Prior to this, most had given up on him being a squib. Despite Tim’s joy, it was something rather insignificant he managed to do.


Tim enjoyed his time at Hogwarts. He was sorted into Slytherin, which suited him well. He ended up finding a group of quiet boys who he mainly stuck with for his entire school career.  Tim always wanted to be one of those boys who played quidditch who the girls fancied, but alas that was not meant to be.

Tim was an extremely hardworking student. He kept his head down and was well behaved in lessons. However, as time went he would get in trouble more and more for out of lesson behaviour. Normally getting into fights would be the cause of that.

Results day was never a good day for Tim. Both times he worked extremely hard, only to get mediocre grades. His father had been extremely disappointed in him. It seemed no one believed him when he said he had worked hard.


After leaving Hogwarts, Tim gets the job his father wants him to get. He starts to work in the floo network authority office. What Tim really wants to do is go to work at Floo-Pow, but no, he’s the one who gets relegated to the ministry.

The initial years Tim worked at the ministry were uneventful. He worked hard and kept his head down. Just like he had at school. Although initially opposed to the idea of working at the ministry, he settles in well. Eventually he ends up renting a room at his club, and tries to get involved with the men there. With moderate success. Again, he finds himself in a quiet corner with a few good pals than amongst the lary lads.

In 1872, Tim meets his future wife, Alexandra Turner. At first he is very smitten with her. For she is beautiful and witty. And she is set to inherit her father’s large fortune. The next year they are married.

❖Producing Heirs❖

Now a married man, Tim takes the job of producing sons very seriously. As a healthy, virile young man, he needs to produce some sons - and as soon as possible. With such a beautiful wife too, why would he not want to start trying. And trying frequently.

As their marriage progresses, it is clear that Tim and Alexandra are not well matched. The wit he once admired in her soon filled him with rage. Any minor comment would cause him great distress. Only six months into the marriage, and Tim regrets it deeply.

Things are only made worse by the fact they live in a home paid for with her father’s money, not his. Tim cannot afford to fund the lifestyle of him and his wife on his small wage. That, and he bets half of it on the horses.

Despite this, their first son is born in 1875. He is named Oliver. And then over the next several years, he is joined by two daughters, Louisa and Isabella. The only thing Tim and Alexandra seem to agree on is their overwhelming love for these three human beings. The only time they touch each other is to try to produce more children - which they both want.

Not long after the birth of Isabella, Tim meets Daisy Burton. A young woman living in Hogsmeade. She is pretty, and sweet, and enjoys singing a song - although her ability to sing is... questionable. She is kind to Tim, and makes him feel good about himself. She makes him feel needed and wanted. So naturally, before long he has put her up in a house, and two years later they have a child together, a boy named George.

Although the birth of George is a very happy moment for Tim, 1884 brings him even greater joy. He is finally made head of the floo network authority office. Next stop: assistant head of department.

1885 brings the last Wildsmith child, Thomas. It is decided that he and Alexandra have enough children now, and they should cease any relations immediately.

The next few years go without incident. Tim is still working at the ministry in his new role. He applies for the assistant head job, he is rejected.

1889 comes. That year, Daisy gives birth to another son, called William. Tim is not there while she is giving birth. Instead, he is visiting his dying father-in-law. Tim has been waiting for this for years. For he is to be the sole inheritor of the whole Turner fortune.

That is until he sees the will.

He pleads with his father-in-law. To no avail. He fears all lost when his father-in-law passes, still not having changed the will. Eventually, through various means of magic which are definitely not legal, and generally fiddling the paperwork - Tim is once again the heir.

❖Generally Just Being Minted❖

Tim’s plan was a success. He inherits his father-in-law’s fortune. Who needs Floo-Pow when you can inherit a large portfolio of properties around the country? The next few years involve him gallivanting around the country, hosting hunts at his various estates, and generally trying to make himself the centre of attention.

He still hasn’t been promoted at the ministry.

Personality: Two words have always followed Tim around since he was small: painfully mediocre. Tim has always fought that characterisation. He is desperate for approval, and for other people to recognise his greatness. When he feels like his character is being doubted he will lash out.

When he’s not being a dick, Tim is a fairly amiable guy. He is a competent father, he is affectionate to his children, he tries to build them up to be better people, and make them feel good about themselves. However, he can be often pushy, and tries to force them to be what they’re not.

While he certainly isn’t liberal by any means, he recognises talent where he sees it. Whether that person be from a less than ideal background, or even a woman. He often rubs people the wrong way at work, as he is often blunt, and pushes his employees too hard. But somewhere deep inside, he does want what’s best. Unless he doesn’t like the person.

Amiable | Ambitious | Hardworking | Proud | Conceited | Needy

Name: Rosa

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look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

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