You know what this is.
<b>They inherited their moral compass from...</b>
<b>Their default level of inhibition is...</b>
Do they... / Have they ever...
<dd>...<b>drink wine?</b>
...<b>drink beer?</b>
...<b>drink liquor?</b>
...<b>take opium?</b>
...<b>take other drugs?</b>
...<b>smoke?</b> (Cigars, cigarettes, pipe tobacco?)
<b>Their drink of choice is:</b>
<b>Their relaxation method of choice is:</b>
Would they have sex for...
...<b>something else?</b> </dd>
<b>How well would they need to know someone before making out with them?</b>
<b>How far have they gotten IC?</b>
<b>Do they know about STDs?</b>
<b>Do they know about birth control?</b>
<b>Do they / would they ever use birth control?</b>
<b>Do they know gay men exist?</b>
<b>Do they know lesbians exist?</b>
<b>Have they ever been arrested?</b>
<b>Have they ever committed a crime?</b>
<b>What would it take to get them to commit a crime?</b>
<b>Do they gamble?</b>
<dd>... <b>in the casino?</b>
... <b>on races/sporting events?</b>
... <b>on investments?</b> </dd>
<b>Do they have tattoos?</b> (How many?)
Prof. Marlowe Forfang