(January 13, 2021 – 1:35 PM)Reuben Crouch Wrote: Gideon/Rafe Spall - MJ found him for me after I described his vibe as "lovably unkempt"
Fun fact that
I found him after seeing him in a play once with Ruth Wilson, which fits my usual MO for picking faces xD I feel like I subconsciously tend to stick to British/European faces which maybe is illustrative of the media I consume, but I do like people with ~interesting faces as opposed to the staple Hollywood look? I don't like 'em too glossy. If they've got an interesting nose I am sold.
Just some bc I have too many characters, "actors I love" or "suggested pb" is shorthand for the rest~
Ari/Colin Donnell: The suggested face,
but I have a soft spot for Broadway types so used him even though back then he died in s1 of all his TV roles and had next to no pictures. Then he ended up on a hospital show which solidified him as Ari's face forever.
Aubrey/Adam Nagaitis: He was on a show (yes, The Terror, always) where everyone kept calling him a rat and he's smol and pointy so using him for a rodent seemed to fit sorry Adam ilu <3
Gus/Jessie Buckley: gawky and weird and
pulling dumb faces in half her pictures.
Calliope/Anna Speckhart: A model who had the pictures that her original PB (Lucy Griffiths) lacked, and I don't mind model!face for my less smiley characters, lol.
Elias/Chace Crawford: Pretty sure I chose him entirely at random because newbie me to the site absolutely did not expect to still be playing him in ten years’ time. In 2011 era he was being used over the place on HP boards as your typical UCPB Slytherin Gossip Girl type so I thought I would make him a halfblood Gryffindor to be hipster. I so rarely watch his stuff that he is now basically just Elias in my brain.
Emerett/Ben Daniels:
Definitely needed a white man for this character, had none left on my potential faces list, and Ben Daniels has an excellent track record playing villains... right back to kidnapping children at the circus in Madeline (1998), the light of my childhood.
Evander/Matthew McNulty: Looking for someone to pass for Alfred's brother, picked McNulty half for the irony that he'd just played a naval lieutenant on a lost expedition, the other half because his characters literally always exude doleful energy, and even in said show he was the guy who wouldn't dress up for the carnival party because he was allergic to fun. <3
Ishmael/Riz Ahmed: This was me thinking "is it just me or does Riz Ahmed give off major vampire vibes????" Anyway, I saw it, I rolled with it, if I were in the film business this would have happened by now.
Jimmy/Roman Griffin Davis: his character epithet was "with the punchable face." Playing a kid at Hitler youth camp in his first film seemed like a good fit. That toothy smile. All of his pictures are extremely chaotic.
Jay/Dev Patel: It was a CRIME that he was not currently being used.
Jude/Ton Heukels: Wanted a face that was striking/pretty a la Enjolras rather than typically handsome, and thought he would be distinctive on the board in the floofy long hair anti-establishment counter-cultural Oscar Wilde way. That's him desperately trying to signal that he's not straight.
Myles/Johnny Flynn: Yeah he was just in Emma but the truth is I really care about one (1) of his songs from his folk musician career. Did see him in Vanity Fair, he was with Phyri's pb in the terrible BBC Les Mis, and one day I will watch him and Gus' pb in Beast.
Phyri/Lily Collins: I needed someone with ~eyebrows to go with Maisie Williams as a sister. Half the time Lily Collins looks very preppy and plays characters Phyri would like to murder but just often enough she'll go a bit goth or out there and look v
witchy for me.
Trystan/Matthias Schoenaerts: Catch me trying to find someone with ~family resemblance to all those played Selwyns, esp. to the blond bastards, also me looking for someone built like a bull and suitably Zeus-ish, and The Old Guard reminding me of Schoenaerts' existence all at the same time. Serendipity.
Tyb/Darren Criss: It was 2011? Pretty much entirely for AVPM reasons. Then like five years later he freaked me out by becoming
too Tyb by creating 'Elsie fest'.
Yassine/Tahar Rahim: Can't remember how I found him but I will be looking at any films directed by Jacques Audiard in future as clearly he has the same taste in faces as me.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3