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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

The Love We Found
December 22nd, 1890 — Crawford Home
Samuel had debated a thousand different ways to do this - some dramatic flaire, something bouyant and showy - but that didn't seem right, not until at least he was sure of the outcome. He wasn't sure he could take another rejection, and he wouldn't put Hope in a position where she might be subject to ridicule or gossip should her inclinations take her another path. He had planned something for afterwards! A sleigh ride in the park, and a dinner - should all go well. The week before, at dinner, he had spoken with her father already, a quiet word asking if he would not out and out forbid such a pairing. He had shaken Samuels hand and said that the decision was Hope's* - that was something at least.

What a tumult of a year, and now at it's close he had the prospect of something good in his future. Someone good.

There wasn't a formal invite for this evening, although by the expression on Mrs. Crawfords face when she showed him into the sitting room and quickly departed she probably suspected why Mister St.John-Black had arrived unannounced, top hat in hand, fidgeting with the rim of his black satin rim, and gloveless on a snowy winters evening.

Samuel could not help but pace, as he waited for Miss Crawford to see him - if she would see him. The box in the pocket of his coat felt like it weighed a ton.

*if her dad would have other views let me know

[Image: YKi0A8i.jpg]
Lady is a star
Hope wasn't quite sure what to make of the sly looks being cast her way now and then by her parents. In the end, she figured they would tell her or she would find out on her own eventually so she dismissed it from her mind. She was watering the flowers in her small, backyard greenhouse when her mother came to get her. She smiled as she was informed that her suitor had arrived and was in the sitting room.

"Mister St. John-Black! I wasn't expecting you this evening," Hope said, greeting him with a warm smile as she came into the sitting room. "What a delightful surprise, would you like tea?"

ooc: he would have just said that he would have preferred a more official/formal courtship prior to an engagement but would still have said "it's up to Hope" since they more or less have been 'unofficially courting' for a few months now anyway xD

'Eh....no' he admitted, at her surprise at seeing him so unexpectedly, and then realising his answer worked for both the tea, as well as his unexpected arrival he added, 'thank you Miss Crawford' he cleared his throat, still turning the brim of his hat in his hands. He did not think he could muster the presence of mind of sip without choking himself, or indeed suppress his nervous energy long enough to sit politely in a chair. This was intolerable.

'Hope...I mean Miss Crawford... he started, 'It is difficult...to find the words' he admitted, looking into the fireplace instead of at her, he had been wrong before, and there was a small part of his heart, that seemed attache to his nervously clenching stomach that told him she was about to dash his hope...his Hope - there was a thought. His stomach gave another perilous clench.

'Will you allow me to be forward with you Miss Crawford? For the sake of my nerves and my poor ability to express myself I pray you will grant me that?' he asked, looking up at her finally, meeting those impossibly blue eyes of hers.

(oddness chocked up to the oddness of Americans - since formal courtships were already on the way out by this stage in the 19th century)

[Image: YKi0A8i.jpg]
Lady is a star
Hope assumed the 'no' was meant towards the tea so she had the maid for one out only for herself as she settled into one of the seats herself. He seemed to be nervous about something, that much she could tell. She was able to deduce that there was something he wished to discuss with her, at least. But what could they have to discuss that would make him so nervous? There was one thing in mind but she didn't think that could be it.

Hope took a sip of her tea as he spoke of how it was hard to find words. "Oh, certainly. Please speak freely, Mr. St. John-Black," quite concerned now for the man she had become very fond of as she set down her tea cup.

Well she wasn't dismissing him out of hand, or stopping him. Frank talk was not something one tolerated from people you disliked or were politely tolerating. That was good...wasn't it.

'Miss Crawford, we have been spending time with one another for some time now, I find myself looking forward to those moments more and more.' he admitted, he tried to look at her, but got as far as her mouth and his nerve failed and he had to turn his head back towards the fireplace, where the fire crackled and snapped merrily, unaware of the portentous conversation occurring within it's warmth.

'I would beg you to consider how ardently I admire you' he managed to eek out, wondering if his voice sounded as strangeled as it felt. 'I am in love with you, wish I hope you might know.' Merlin he was making a balls of this. With a flick of his tail coats he knelt in front of her, reaching into his right breast pocket with his left hand and removing the ring that had once belonged to his grandmother Black. 'Miss Crawford, would you...might you possibly consider, doing me the honour f consenting to be my wife?' he managed at last, a nervous wreck.

[Image: YKi0A8i.jpg]
Lady is a star
Hope smiled in agreement as Mr. St. John-Black spoke of how they had been spending time with one another. It had been quite a few months, hadn't it? To the point that Mr. St. John-Black had come to a dinner in her home with her family. She was not so dense to not have expected the question of courting to eventually come up but it only just now occurred to her that the moment was happening now. That explained the nerves, she supposed.

What did shock her even more speechless was when he sad he loved her. Hope had known that he admired her but to speak of love! Hope's cheeks flushed a pretty pink and then her eyes widened in further surprise as he knelt before her. A proposal! It took her a moment to realize she had yet to actually say anything verbally as she stared at him. "If my father agrees then I shall be glad to."

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   Samuel St.John-Black
As she uttered the words his face broke into a broad grin and he stood taking her in his arms. 'My dear your father has already given his blessing', He was breathless, his face pale but neck flushed, his face open and clear. He left out the part where her father had been expecting a formal request of courtship but to have had the American request her hand had surprised him - not that he had doubted the American's interest in his daughter - almost a year in the making, but rather the stodgy English tradition of a formal courtship and then a formal engagement - when one was already very sure of their affections was already on the way out in the more urban parts of United States.

It had been clear for all to see that Samuel had been courting Hope - any doubts had surely been assuaged by her accompanying him to the world cup. 'And leave the matter to you, to whatever choice would give you happiness.
If that is truly me, well...'
he paused a moment, taken aback as though expecting her to pull the rug out from under him. To tell him that actually she had been feigning her interest and now that she had his affection she would really rather he left her alone. 'Then I should be truly honoured to endeavour to make you happy for the rest of my life.'

[Image: YKi0A8i.jpg]
Lady is a star
He had? Hope was mildly surprised for some reason. "Yes, I believe it shall be," she assured as the man spoke about choices and happiness. It kind of felt like he was expecting her to change her mind any moment which was mildly disconcerting. "I shall attempt to do the same." They really were quite well matched.

Samuel could not help the roaring laugh that broke burst forth from his throat, he wanted to spin her around, the true delight he felt was like nothin he had imagined.

'My dearest Hope' he managed to croak out, his voice breaking a little as he struggled with his own emotions, 'you have made me about the happiest man in England, in America, in the wizarding world,' he enthused. He turned his head in the direction of the door where a vague scuffling noice indicated that an excited mother, or perhaps trusted servants were listening at the door. He turned back to her smiling, 'I shall leave you to celebrate' he acknowledged, eager to return to his own home, to write to his sister and brothers, to tell them of this new happiness he had found in England.

'Good evening my love' he added and kissed her, finally allowed by the bounds of propriety to offer a kiss to his intended.

[Image: YKi0A8i.jpg]
Lady is a star
"Oh, is that all?" Hope said teasingly, her sensibilities a little overwhelmed by such display of emotion. Were all Americans so expressive in their joy? Hope figured this to be so since her only real connection to an American was her newly minted fiance himself. "Good evening," Hope said in return as he began making his leave. The kiss brought a blush to her cheeks and she dearly hoped her father wasn't listening in.

He offered her a last, almost bashful smile, an expression of his near delirious pleasure as he turned his hat in his hands, tapping the top, drumlike, with his fingers as a mode of distraction. 'Good Evening Miss Crawford.' He bit his lip again, and hurried from the house.

As he sat in his carriage, looking out at the dull london evening, he wondered what right he had to be so happy.

[Image: YKi0A8i.jpg]
Lady is a star

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