November 10, 2020 – 1:18 AM
Alice Dawson — Played by Emma
As awkward as the touch was, Alice was relieved he hadn't yanked his hand away as though her touch burned. Such a small act staved off a mountain of embarrassment. Still, Alice couldn't meet his gaze through the dark as his apology mixed with her own, her eyes instead locked on the now empty common room. At least none of their classmates had witnessed such an intimate moment. Alice wasn't sure how she would've coped knowing the entirety of Gryffindor had seen her flaming cheeks.
"It happens sometimes, I think," she replied much more quietly than a few seconds prior. She noticed in the early mornings or late evenings that the door began to stick after non-use. Really, she should've expected it when it hadn't swung open like normal. "I should probably head upstairs ... " Alice continued. Despite her embarrassment, she didn't wish for this evening to end just yet. Once she headed up the stairs and away from him the guilt from the touch would set in. Merlin, how would she explain that to Sisse?
Amazing set by Bee!
November 10, 2020 – 10:32 PM
Edison Moony — Played by Finn
It was for the best their only witness was a cat. The fact that they were returning to the common room together after hours would be enough to raise a few eyebrows, not to mention their accidental finger brush and subsequent embarrassment. Ned was prepared to play it off, as long as Alice did, but it certainly hadn't felt like 'just nothing.' Not that he would voice that.
"I think you're right. I suppose that's just the side effect of being centuries old," he attempted to joke, but it came out a little flat, his thoughts preoccupied elsewhere. When Alice made her excuse to leave, Ned gave her a simple nod,
"I suppose it would be wise to at least snatch some sleep. I'll probably be sitting up for a little longer." He gestured toward one of the chairs near what remained of the fire. After rounds, he usually sat and read for a short while until he felt tired enough to retire to bed. He didn't wish to keep the others up with his wand light.
![[Image: FmFuKc.png]](
Pretties by Bee <3 <3
November 10, 2020 – 11:08 PM
Alice Dawson — Played by Emma
The prospect of having more time alone with Edison was tempting, but one she knew better than to succumb to. She missed their friendship terribly, missed being able to relax and chat like nothing was wrong. However, it wasn't her place anymore to maintain such a friendship, not when her feelings were what they were. Alice had dreamt once that they might one day fall in love like the couples in romance novels, but she realized now that wasn't meant to be her path. Sisse was meant to be happy and find love and she was meant to work until her family was well provided for.
It all made sense now.
In another life, Alice would've accepted the subtle invitation to sit and read with him. However, this time it was her turn to nod. "Don't stay up too late, you'll miss breakfast," she warned quietly. It already was too late in her books, but she wouldn't police him. Pulling her books tighter against her chest, Alice then smiled and murmured, "good night, Edison."
Amazing set by Bee!
November 10, 2020 – 11:23 PM
Edison Moony — Played by Finn
Ned figured it was a big ask to hope that Alice might sit up a little longer with him. He knew she needed her sleep and was fairly serious about those in their friend group getting adequate rest. However, that lingering disappointment decided to appear again, despite a fairly normal laugh that popped out of his mouth.
"I promise I won't miss breakfast."
He missed being around her. He had noticed how she'd ceased lingering at breakfast, along with a few of their other friends. She didn't hang back in class, so that they could walk together and complain about how irresponsible the others were being with their studies. Even if they didn't speak of anything and they both just sat reading or working, he would take it. It was her company and friendship he enjoyed the most.
"Goodnight, Alice." He gave her a warm smile and side stepped away to tuck himself into one of the armchairs.
![[Image: FmFuKc.png]](
Pretties by Bee <3 <3