September 19th, 1890 — Gryffindor Tower
This might single-handedly be the silliest thing he'd ever done in his life. Never had he ever stressed so much over one single assignment, but ever since Professor Shacklebolt had given it he'd been worried about who he could ask. Sisse would have been the easy option, if they'd been permitted to choose a partner from within their class. But they hadn't been, and now Cameron was left to pick between his other friends.
Alice was a solid option. She would be proud that he'd at least taken the initiate to do an assignment without constant reminding, and she would probably be straightforward enough with it. But Alice might also take it too seriously, which left little room to make jokes during the whole awkward ordeal of holding her hand for thirty minutes while he tried to figure out if she was going to die young or not.
Ned was... no, Ned wasn't an option. Ned was also too serious with academics, and there was a fine line between friendship and weird between him and the now-prefect. Besides, Ned might totally write off any of his predictions as silly. (Or maybe Ned knew more about Divination than Cameron did, which seemed ridiculous but would figure given that Ned seemed to know everything. The last thing he needed was a constant critique.)
Maddy and Greta were both options, but they were his sisters and that was no fun. Calla was also out of the question because he probably wouldn't take any of his work seriously while she questioned him through the entire session.
Sloane was an option, though... wasn't she? She likely knew nothing of Divination and wouldn't question his evaluations. She had a good sense of humor, too, so he could joke and tease with her to lighten the mood. But, he told himself, she was also Sloane; a new and different tension had arose as they attempted to repair their damaged friendship, and Cameron was still learning to cope with it.
Still, she was right there, and she was his best bet.
"I need your help with something," he said, taking a seat beside her on the large sofa. He had his book in hand tucked it between his arm and his side as he turned to face her. "It's Divination, and Sisse can't help me with it this time."