Once the hat was on his head, Andy was fully immersed into the experience.
His answer to the first question was instant: "A father." Then he thought that was a somewhat stupid answer. "I mean, I would see my father somehow fixed. He would be loving and responsible. He'd love my mama and he'd want to take care of his family, unlike what he's actually like."
It was a far fetched answer, but it felt just right.
He thought of the second question in regards to his daddy issues once again. The most terrible thing he could think of was losing his mother. "No, I would never give up my mother, even if it meant having a great father. She was there for me when he wasn't. I would never betray her like that."
The third question was more light hearted. Kinda. "Well, it depends on if I knew that it's for 24 hours. If I had that knowledge, then I'd see it as an opportunity to experience what's like to be a garden gnome. Otherwise I'd panic, I guess. I wouldn't want to be a garden gnome forever, that would be no fun."
The Hat asked another question. Andy saw Hogwarts as an opportunity to better himself, so he could one day take care of his mother, like his father never did. He would also marry someone and start a family and try to "fix" his childhood by being the best father possible. So he answered: "I would get up immediately and get it done. I can't afford to be a failure."
The fifth question was on bullying. Andy was never really picked on by others but he was never popular amongst the boys either. He always preferred hanging out with girls. He remained low-key. "I would try to befriend them. Or at least the friendlier one of the group. I'd also make sure to be closer to my friends. People tend to pick on loners."
He thought about the final question. "Honestly, I don't know. I was always the good kid." He rarely got angry, only at his father. Honestly, his teachers at the Irvingky school thought he was an angel. And his employers always trusted him.