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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

See Inside
The Sorting Ceremony {1890}
"And so you are!"

What do you aspire to be?

Which house do you think you belong in and why?

What is your favorite game?

What do you believe to be your best trait?

To save your loved ones is there any cost too great?

Which word speaks to you most: glory, dedication, astuteness, victory?

Anne Moony

Anne felt her breath catch when she heard the Hat asking questions in her head. Nobody mentioned this part of Sorting. But she could do this, she'd read lots of books and asked tons of questions already. She could handle this. So she thought back, Hard.

What do you aspire to be? "I'm going to work at the Ministry after Hogwarts! I don't know if I want to be an Unspeakable, like my mother or not, but I like the idea of knowing all sorts of secrets. I could be an Auror, but I don't want to be just like my dad, not anymore. I want to be better. So I'll be a Hit Witch or maybe an investigator. As long as I can protect my family and my friends, if I can make everyone safe, then I will be happy."

Which house do you think you belong in and why? Anne fought the urge to shrug. "I thought it was your job to know. I want to be a Gryffindor, but I don't know if I want it because I should be one or because I don't want to be by myself. I also like Ravenclaw, that's what my mum is and she's so smart. I'm smart, too, but I'm also strong and I try and be brave. I don't want to be a Slytherin, I don't like snakes at all and I don't want to live with a bunch of them forever."

What is your favorite game? "I love Quidditch! It's the best game there is, but I can't believe there aren't beaters anymore because beaters are the absolute best! I also like chess, but it gets boring when people take a year to make a move. Gobstones are stupid."

What do you believe to be your best trait? Anne bit her lip. This was feeling a lot like bragging. "Well, I'm determined. I don't give up on things, I do things even when it's scary, and I hate quitting."

To save your loved ones is there any cost too great? "Of course not!" The answer formed before the question was fully asked. "I would do anything to keep my family safe. After what happened with my dad, someone has to protect my mom and Ned. I would give everything to make sure they didn't hurt anymore."

Which word speaks to you most: glory, dedication, astuteness, victory? Anne pouted, but thankfully, the hat hid most of her face. "Two of those are the same thing! Okay, dedication is important and being astute is the same as smart, I think. And glory and victory, that's the same. If I'm victorious, it means I have everything I want and I'm happy, but glory means victory plus other people knowing me and respecting me. I'd like that, to make my own name. So, I choose glory."

[Image: rOjzpw3.png]
MJ about made me cry with this one!
Thread Log | Help Anne Blame the DJ
"You certainly have the lively spirit of a Gryffindor, but I think you do Slytherin house a great disservice. The snake is a woefully misunderstood creature and many look down upon it for crawling in the dust, revile it for having no legs nor fins like other creatures, but the snake takes that perceived weakness and turns it to strength. Slytherins take the intellect of the Ravenclaw and the determination of the Gryffindor to make their own way to what they seek. You'll find equally tempestuous and impulsive friends in the house of lions but in Slytherin you'll find those who share your unshakeable loyalty and enduring resolve. Slytherin can help you grow but Gryffindor may hold you back..."

Would you still choose Gryffindor knowing it may not be the place best suited to you, or will you give Slytherin a chance and forge your own path?

Anne Moony

Anne felt her whole body freeze. She was certain she would be in Gryffindor with her brother, Ravenclaw as a second choice. This was a shock. She didn't know what to do. She wanted her brother's help, she wanted mum, she even wished dad was here. She couldn't be in Slytherin, could she? She was brave, like her brother. She was smart, like her mum. But she also wanted to be strong. No, she was already strong. She was strong, she was loyal, she was brave, and she was true. Setting her shoulders against the doubts swirling her her head, What if mum and Ned wouldn't love her anymore? What if the Gryffindors didn't talk to her if she was a Slytherin? What if this meant she wasn't brave enough?

Anne set her jaw to stop it from wobbling and tightened her fists. "There are more important things than forging paths and nobody holds me back. I can be the best me, no matter what you do, because I am Anne Moony and Moonys never, ever give up."

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   Billie Farrow

[Image: rOjzpw3.png]
MJ about made me cry with this one!
Thread Log | Help Anne Blame the DJ
Congratulations, you are a hatstall.
Your sorting has taken five minutes and 12 seconds of leathery agonizing between Slytherin and Gryffindor. People are growing impatient and starting to wonder what's for dinner but that's okay because the Sorting Hat finally puts you and everyone else out of your misery by declaring,


Crispin could not help but fidget as he waited for his name to be called. One by one, he watched as other students were called to have the Sorting Hat placed upon their heads. Miss Moneypenny, from the train, wound up in Gryffindor, while other students found themselves in each of the other houses. For himself, Crispin did not particularly mind where he wound up, but the youngster was practically vibrating with anticipation as he waited to find out.

Then Moony, Anne was called. He had not known it was possible for a sorting to take so long, and concluded abruptly that she must be a very complicated person and he would rather not be with her in Slytherin. His stomach growled, and then Crispin's name was called at last.

A nervous smile punctuated the boy's round features as he made the his way to the designated stool, sitting down with a small huff and trying not to focus on the many eyes upon him as the pointed hat was lowered onto his head.

"An interesting mind here, I think. Let's have a closer look."

Who do you care most for in the world?

What do you want to achieve at Hogwarts?

If you could wish for anything, what would it be?

Describe the perfect afternoon.

You have learned enough magic to adequately defend yourself in a combative setting. With this in mind, if you encountered a werewolf during a full moon, how would you deal with the situation?

If you could only learn how to make one potion correctly, what would it be?

Crispin Picardy

"An interesting mind here, I think. Let's have a closer look."

The boy started, probably visibly. For the other sortings, the hat had been silent until declaring a house—or so he had thought. The sensation of the hat's voice echoing in his mind was...not entirely pleasant, if Crispin was to be honest.

Who do you care most for in the world?

This was, immediately, rather a difficult question to Crispin, who guessed he was supposed to say his father or something along those lines, but could not quite bring himself to do so. Still, what was the alternative?

"My father, I suppose," he acknowledged after a moment.

What do you want to achieve at Hogwarts?

This one was easier. "Why, to make Father proud, of course." Everything else Crispin might have wished for during his time at the school—and, indeed, full stop—paled in comparison to that simple goal—one that often seemed near impossible to ever achieve.

If you could wish for anything, what would it be?

"And a cure for lycanthropy, I suppose."

Describe the perfect afternoon.

Crispin had had precisely one perfect afternoon in his eleven years, and it was this that was immediately called to mind: his tutor had praised him heartily for his successes and allowed Crispin to spend the afternoon in the gardens. The sunshine and temperature had been perfect, his heart had been calm, and a rabbit had even stopped for something of a staring contest! That same tutor had taken him to the Quidditch World Cup, and the boy felt a sharp pang in his stomach at the memory of how that had turned out.

You have learned enough magic to adequately defend yourself in a combative setting. With this in mind, if you encountered a werewolf during a full moon, how would you deal with the situation?

At the very suggestion, Crispin felt his heart begin to quicken, his complexion begin to pale. Werewolves were his worst thing. If it was possible to stutter in one's thoughts, Crispin did so then before the hat evidently found what it was looking for—or took pity upon him—and moved on.

If you could only learn how to make one potion correctly, what would it be?

"One that makes people happy, I think," Crispin answered, now feeling decidedly unwell.

The following 1 user Likes Crispin Picardy's post:
   Elias Grimstone


The day that Dorothea had been impatiently waiting for was finally here! Though all of the preparations for school hadn't gone exactly the way she'd wanted them to, the little upsets of her young life had not been enough to dampen her mood on this day. Nothing could steal this happiness from her. She couldn't keep herself from smiling as she took in the place that would be her new home for the next seven years. To her eleven year old mind, that seemed like a wondrous eternity, full to bursting with the possibility of adventure.

For a bit, Thea attempted to pick her siblings out of the faces in the crowd, but she wasn't able to manage it before the Sorting Hat broke into song. She gave a little gasp of delight and stared, riveted, with the brightest stars in her eyes.

Then it came time for names. When hers was called, she bounded up to the Hat, ready to hear where it thought she belonged.

[Image: FGrGSs.png]
"Where do you belong, I wonder? Hrmm..."

What are you most proud of?

Would you ever take revenge against someone if they wronged you?

If you had to get rid of all your possessions but one, which would you keep?

What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?

If you were struggling in one of your classes how would you deal with it?

If you could choose one skill to be exceptional in above all others, what would it be and why?

Dorothea Birdwhistle

Thea loved being asked questions just as much as she loved asking them, so she spoke rapid fire as the Hat's inquiries came. She tended to be decisive and her mind worked quickly. There was little hesitation when she spoke. If she slowed down, it was due to thoughtfulness rather than uncertainty.

'What are you most proud of?'

"Oh! Well, that's easy. My family! I'm proud of my father because he's very smart and kind and he works hard to provide for all of us. My mother can be scary, but she loves us and makes sure nothing bad ever happens to us. You've already met my brother and sister, but just in case you don't remember them ... huh ... can you remember things?" She was curious as ever, even in front of a crowd. "Uhm ... right, my siblings! We fight sometimes but mostly they're nice and are going to be Very Important People when they're grown up and I know because my parents say so." She hummed affirmatively and nodded.

'Would you ever take revenge against someone if they wronged you?'

"Nope! Nobody does things for no reason. If someone wrongs me there's a problem, and problems can be fixed. Revenge doesn't fix anything. It's just ... mean. I don't like being mean."

'If you had to get rid of all your possessions but one, which would you keep?'

"What counts as a possession? 'Cause if animals count then I'd get rid of anything but my kitty. She's very old and tends to cough up her hair all over the place, but I love her anyway, more than anything else. If animals don't count then I guess I'd have to keep my jar of Honeyduke's savings because that's pragmatical."

'What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?'

"I got stung by a wasp one time. That was pretty awful. There was also a time I ate too much chocolate and had such a horrible tummy ache I thought I might perish. That might be it."

'If you were struggling in one of your classes how would you deal with it?'

"I would ask for help right away. My father says an abundance of pride is for fools, so I shouldn't let that get in my way. I'm clever, but I don't know everything and it would be foolish to struggle on my own. If none of my classmates could help me, then I'd go to a professor. Another easy one!"

'If you could choose one skill to be exceptional in above all others, what would it be and why?'

"That's such a hard one! Just a single skill? Hmm." She pressed her lips together hard and gave it a lot of thought. "Language? Or reading? If you can understand words really well, you can understand anything. For magic and for people words are most important, aren't they?"

[Image: FGrGSs.png]


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   Dorothea Birdwhistle
Greta watched all the other students get sorted and clenched her fists. What if her name wasn't called? She was so excited for it all but what if she wasn't called and she was the only one left standing at the end and they had to explain that there had been some mistake.

She wasn't really a wizard or witch and that she just had to go home, forget about magic and live a completely normal life.

She didn't think she could do that.

She was so nervous. She'd tried to hide it behind the excitment of the moment but what if Cam had been right? What if she wasn't really a witch. Two muggleborn siblings in a family was rare. She'd be all alone and Cam, and Maddie and Oak would be together and...

She tried to control herself and wait for her own name to be called.
After them came a few others and then it was her turn. She quivered and she hoped it was from excitement. She wouldn't be left standing, waiting. She'd be okay.

"Greta Gillenwater" As the hat went down on her head she hissed.

"I'm not going home. I belong here." She said trying to convince herself of it. She did. She wanted this so bad - she didn't want to go back to a boring muggleborn life where all she had for a future was to get married or try and find a job as a governess or something. Wizards had all the fun and she wanted to be one so bad.

[Image: jdwjMQy.png]
Thanks go to the marvelous MJ for her sensational set.

[Image: s-age.png]
"And so you do, but in which house?"

If you hadn't received an invitation to Hogwarts, how would you have felt towards your magical family members?

Rank the following in order of importance: humility, intellect, generosity, individuality, valor, distinction.

How would you describe yourself to stranger?

An invisibility cloak has come into your possession, what do you do?

If you had to lose one of your five senses which would you choose?

Your house is on fire but everyone is out safely. You've managed to save one item, what is it?

Greta Gillenwater

Greta jumped a mile as the hat began to talk in her head. She had not been prepared for that. It was probably sheer luck that enabled her to not fall off the chair itself and it was because of that that it took a moment for her to process what she'd been asked.

If you hadn't received an invitation to Hogwarts, how would you have felt towards your magical family members?

She shivvered as she remembered the feelings of resentment, of jealousy, of being isolated and left out. The feeling of not belonging anywhere. Sure! Until Cam had gotten his letter she hadn't even known about magic but that had been long before she'd stopped believing that magic could happen (like her peers). She'd been so happy that her mother's marriage to Mr. Bell had invited them even further into that magical world and been so sad when they'd advised her that she'd probably never have magic, that she'd always be a muggle. She would've liked to say that she would love them all the same, that they'd always be her siblings whether she had magic or not and she knew thats what she was supposed to say. She was supposed to be truthful to the hat at least and Cam and Maddy and Oak wouldn't know. Cam especially wouldn't know that she'd started to resent him, to hate him because he had something that she could never have. That she had been angry at him. At the world for leaving her trapped in what looked like a boring life and she'd hate hearing of all their fantasticly exciting adventures while she'd be stuck at home figuring out ordinary muggle things and the most she could ever do would be to marry well, probably never outside Godric's Hollow, and probably never leave the quaint little town. 

"I- " She stumbled over her words, trying so hard to be truthful. She bit the lip and felt tears rise to the surface but the hat had said she belonged to Hogwarts. It hadn't happened. She could be anything she wanted to be. "I- " She thought of that future, of the resentful, person she could've become. "I don't think I would've been nice to know. I don't think they would've wanted me as a sister. I would've hated them. And been resentful. I would've avoided them and tried to live my own life and shut them out because they had something I couldn't have."

Rank the following in order of importance: humility, intellect, generosity, individuality, valor, distinction.

After that bombshell she was kind of relieved at the next question.

She didn't think humility was that important at all. If people were great they should just say they were great, there was a problem though when people lied about how good their achievements were .... but the hat hadn't asked about that.

Intellect was good but she defineately thought distinction was better.

She knew she should probably put humility and generosity at the top of her list because that would be the right true thing to do but.... she was trying to be honest.

She swallowed.

Distinction. Valor. Individuality. Intellect. Generosity. Humility. 

But maybe Intellect should be higher on list.

Maybe Distinction. Valor. Intellect. Individuality. Generosity. Humility. 

No that didn't sound right either.

Maybe Distinction. Individuality. Valor. Intellect...

No wait.

Valor. Individuality. Distinction.

Or perhaps  Individuality. Distinction. Valor. Intellect.

She couldn't decide. She'd defineately been wrong when she thought it was the easier question.... however finally she thought she had it.

"Individuality, Valor, Distinction, Intellect, Generosity and Humility"

How would you describe yourself to stranger?

How would she......... She pondered that for a moment.

She'd obviously say that she was very well-behaved [the times she was not didn't count and she certainly would not tell anybody that she liked sniffing out trouble even if her honesty got her into even worse trouble - oh that was another good one]; honest, charming, [she was not forthright, brash, bossy or stubborn at all, no matter other people said] and quite clever.

An invisibility cloak has come into your possession, what do you do?

She pondered that one.... if a invisibility cloak came into her possession what would she do......... She would've liked to pretend she'd be responsible and only use it when the situation required but she knew, deep down, knew, that she'd probably use it to do things she wasn't supposed to do. She'd use it to sneak into rooms she wasn't allowed to be in and find out things she probably wasn't supposed to know. It wasn't her fault she wanted to know everything - whether it was about people or books. Some people called it nosiness but she liked to think it was inquisitiveness. A good thirst for knowledge was good right?

"Ummmm." How could she say exactly what she was thinking so it didn't sound too nosy, and then remembered that the hat could read her mind. "Isn't a cloak of invisibilities main purpose to not be seen by others? It's literally made for sneaking and spying and uhhh investigating."

If you had to lose one of your five senses which would you choose?

Another hard question! She knew immediately she would not want to lose sight or hearing - those she used most often, and it was probably a good thing to know how things felt because images of not knowing you needed medical attention and dying filtered through her brain... she pondered... either smell or taste... impulsively she thought of taste but then realised that would mean never tasting her mothers cooking again, and never knowing if something tasted bad and accidentally poisoning herself. That left...

"Smell." If she couldn't smell she didn't think it would matter that much....

Your house is on fire but everyone is out safely. You've managed to save one item, what is it?

It was only new but she knew it was her favourite item in the world and without a doubt she'd always want it. It affirmed everything she wanted. It made her whole. She could still remember it giving off sparks the moment she touched it.

"My wand.

[Image: jdwjMQy.png]
Thanks go to the marvelous MJ for her sensational set.

[Image: s-age.png]

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