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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Bixby Bonding Time
August 29th, 1890 - Quality Quidditch Supplies
Rufus Bixby

In the wake of the paused World Cup Match, Sloane's birthday had been a rather... subdued affair and that was alright with her. They'd had her favorite dinner and cake of course, but then she'd descended into teenage drama over the course of the following week and then everything culminated in a blow up with Cam yesterday and then they'd gotten through it somehow. Next time she was just writing to Alice first, her friend was the only one who could really talk her off the ledge sometimes, being so level-headed. Meanwhile Rufus had played in the continued match yesterday and they'd unfortunately lost to Morocco, it was a huge mess. Sloane was so ready to head back to the simplicity of school. Friends, class and quidditch, that was all she needed.

Thankfully she'd also had Ned's book to devour and she was actually impressed with the amount of useful and practical things it contained. It made a lot of sense, clearly written by someone who knew the ins and outs of what a meta could do. It had kept her busy over the course of the week, a good distraction at certain points when she'd needed it. Thank Merlin for Ned and his never-ending ability to be a steadying force in life. He'd be so impressed when she showed him she could now change her hair color on purpose!

Somehow she was back on the High Street with Fussy, on their way to the quidditch store to get a new broom care kit for the school year. She'd promised no funny business, plus Rufus was the strictest of chaperons. Sloane never knew what to ask for when her birthday rolled around, but with Fussy it was easy, it was always quidditch related. She was sporting Cam's bracelet and bolstered by her new meta successes, and Alice's letters- in a good mood for the first time in a week. She didn't want to seem too excited though, because of course Britain losing the cup was bad, and so she tried to keep the buoyancy to a minimum. "How's the knee feeling?" She asked just as they reached the door.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
The past week had been one of the worst Rufus could remember in a while. The first half of the match had been a shitshow and the second had ended poorly. Taking Sloane out to get her a gift seemed a great way to lift his spirits, especially with his own nerves about the baby that would be arriving in only a month or so now according to Tuni.

Sloane had been oddly quiet as they walked but she finally piped up as they reached the shop. Rufus opened the door for her and followed her in. “The healers did their magic, feels almost as good as new.” Except for when rain was brewing, but he’d had enough injuries of the sort to expect that.

You ready for the quidditch season?” Rufus was still irate over the decision the school board had made. The evening of the newspaper report Rufus had spent the evening in discussion with his father over the matter and how it would affect the sport in the long run.

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
Glad to hear her brother was feeling alright at least physically, Sloane wasn't so sure was in a great place mentally, but it was hard to mother your brother who was over ten years older than you were. With his own child on the way, no less. "Good, at least you get to keep your position professionally." She joked, taking a turn to meander the shelves instead of heading straight for what they needed.

"I guess, it's going to be really different without bludgers and beaters." Better without Selwyn as captain, but he could still make the team if Lilywick decided he was best for the position or deserved it somehow. Hopefully he would see reason that ditching Selwyn was a blessing. "Better that than banning female players again." She'd have positively revolted. "But I won't be well-prepared for the professional league if it sticks for too long." That was another downfall.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
That was thing though. After the last match he wasn’t sure what his position would look like. Not with outrage like this making its way through the community. Then there was Tuni and the baby. Without Tuni working playing, even as captain, was making things rougher then they had been. Was it irresponsible for him to keep playing? “What would you think if I decided to coach like pa or work in the ministry like ma?” Not that he’d want to join a department embroiled in such a mess as it was now. Still he did have his child’s future to think of.

It’s a bloody travesty.” Rufus grumbled angrily. “Demeans the whole sport.” He still wasn’t happy about the whole thing. “But I agree, it would have been fool hardy to ban girls from playing. Look at how Robins did in the match afterall.” Rufus had a great deal of respect for his female teammate, in fact he was wondering if he might be able to recruit her to the Arrows. “I doubt it will stick long.” He added, not wanting to put too many of his worries on his younger sister’s shoulders.

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
Or maybe he wouldn't be keeping his position. His question about a career change caught Sloane off guard. Well that was unexpected. Or maybe she should have. With a baby on the way he would probably need a "real" job. Being an adult was miserable. But, it was also his fault for getting married when he did, now he had to deal with it. "I think you need to do what you need to do," If she were being honest though, he probably didn't have enough experience to coach, so it would be the ministry for certain.

"It did boot a particularly unpleasant teammate from the roster, so I guess there's that." Sloane had been so thoroughly thankful that Selwyn was no longer captain. "Miss Robins is quite the player." She was the kind of female player Sloane easily looked up to for how she performed in the World Cup.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
Sloane was right, of course. If it was something he needed to do he should. But he wasn’t at that point yet. They had saved and would be alright for a few years, at least he could only hope they would. But hope wasn’t money, you couldn’t live on hope alone. That said he had expected more of an answer from Sloane, she had never been one to keep her opinions to herself, but since he had married he was lucky Sloane had even gone back to talking to him, so he met her comment with a noncommited noise and let the subject drop.

Oh? The Selwyn boy?” He asked, remembering her mentioning the name at a family dinner at some point this summer.

She really is.” Rufus agreed. “I rather hope I have another chance to have her on my team agan.

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
Sloane nodded along as her brother spoke, making a noncommittal noise every once in a while as she stopped to look at a pair of goggles on the shelf. She could use a new pair, but it wasn't critical. Thankfully last year they hadn't had too many rainy games and she hadn't had to wear them, they should last another season.

"Yes Selwyn. He's very difficult to play with and he was supposed to be captain. Thankfully now they've appointed Cam-" She hardly caught the slip. "Mr. Gillenwater, who should have had it all along." Somebody had to have had too much to drink when making that original choice.

"Who knows, maybe I'll get to play with her some day." Sloane had her eyes on the Harpies when she graduated in a few years. Hopefully Miss Robins was still playing and Fussy hadn't stolen her away to his team. It was highly unlikely her brother would still be playing in that time. Which was good. The professional league could only handle one Bixby at a time.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
It sounds like it may have worked out for the best then.” It was always tough to be on a team where everyone disliked the captain, they were rarely successful when that happened. “Mr. Gillenwater is a friend of your’s, though, yes?” Rufus certainly hadn’t missed the slip. He remembered being that young, the rules had seemed flexible back then, not as rigid as they turned out to be when one grew up.

I think Miss Robins would be honored to have you on the same team.” Rufus added as he turned down another aisle. “How are your gloves holding up?” He asked suddenly faced with a display of gloves that brought a half smile to his face. He’d bought Sloane a pair when she had first made the team, it had been when he met Tuni for the first time. If not for a pair of gloves his life could have been entirely different.

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
Sloane did her best to hide the pink in her cheeks by looking very intently at the goggles she'd already been looking at. "Yeah, he made the team the year before I did, we've played together the whole time I've been on the team." That was a safe answer. Sure.

"Getting a little snug, but I think I can get another season out of them." She pressed on eagerly, moving down to join her brother. It wasn't like she'd grown all that much over the last two years. She reached out to run her fingertips over a handsome set of dark red ones anyway, thinking they would suit her nicely when the time came.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
Teammates were different than friends and from what Sloane had mentioned of Mr. Gillenwater over the years he had thought him among the latter rather than the former. As such was left with the distinct impression that Sloane had had some sort of falling out or other with Mr. Gillenwater.

Watching her attention to the red gloves in from of him Rufus asked, “Are you sure? Properly fitting gloves can make or break a seeker.” He was teasing of course. “Besides, those would look handsome on you.

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
Sloane hummed out her agreement, but said, "I didn't ask Ma for gloves, just the care kit for my broom." She shrugged. It was fine, she could certainly make due for another season. There had to be a way to stretch them out if she needed. She didn't even need them until it got into the colder months. Sloane didn't like the feeling of them in the warmer weather, her palms got sweaty and she felt like her grip was off.

"I think the kits are in the back." Sloane could certainly get lost in here if she were allowed. There was so much good stuff to look at, between equipment, professional memorabilia and everything else, she could blow through her allowance in ten minutes. 

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]

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