Let me be the place that you hide.
We can make our lives on the go.
Run away with me.”
August 10th, 1890 — Athens, Greece
Kamal hadn't been thrilled when Jo requested a week off less than two months into her work, but had agreed on the promise she would work without complaint through the holidays. It wouldn't be the first (or last) Christmas she spent abroad instead of with her family, and quite frankly that was how she'd grown to prefer it. She no longer fit in well alongside her siblings, for where they were marrying and having children she was working tirelessly across the globe. There were worse things than spending Christmas Eve with only a bottle of firewhiskey for company.
(It was also worth noting that each holiday Jo had missed spending with the bulk of her family was still spent with Saturn, so his absence would likely be keenly felt. Such were the sacrifices she made for her job.)
The trip from Cairo to Athens was a quick one when using magical transportation, a fact she was grateful for as it allowed for more time spent with Zach. Jo wasn't sure what to expect from him (or if she should expect anything) but was nevertheless thrilled to be roaming ancient archaeological sites for anything other than work. It helped, too, that the company was as attractive as Zach. If they remained only friends, which given her track record with men in England was highly likely, then at least she could admire him from afar.
Dressed in what could only be described as an adventurer's outfit, Jo had foregone the dress for a pair of her nicer work trousers and a simple blouse. Her hair was swept into a neat braid on the nape of her neck with the few too short strands loose and tucked behind her ear. Satisfied with her appearance, Jo left her (cheap) hotel and walked down towards the cafe they had arranged to meet at. "Zachariah!" She cheerfully called upon spotting him. "Hi!"