June 16th, 1890 — Zabini Residence, Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Ama Zabini
Ama Zabini
Billie relied heavily on word of mouth in order to land herself with as many odd jobs as she did. Often, word reached her secondhand, which was the case with Ms. Zabini. It seemed many people needed small tasks completed without wanting to pay someone an exorbitant amount for their services. She couldn't blame them, really, and she certainly didn't mind profiting off of it.
The only problem with secondhand information was she couldn't always adequately prepare. Without knowing what the woman wished her to do, Billie had brought along a few general supplies, some of which she borrowed from Gideon. She had yet to tell him why she was so adamant about generating extra money, but she also wasn't sure he realized with all the drinking he'd been doing.
Squinting about at all of the homes, she tried to find the one that had been described to her. Once she found the most likely culprit, the ragamuffin beamed and set off with a determined hop to her step. She reached the door fairly quickly and set about knocking upon it. While she waited for someone to answer, she hurriedly attempted to smooth her unruly hair down and fixed her collar. It helped to be at least somewhat presentable! A thought she would have barfed over a year ago.
When the door swung open, Billie's face lit up with a genuine smile. "Morning! I'm looking for a Ms. Zabini."
![[Image: gmun6e3.png]](https://i.ibb.co/HH4662t/gmun6e3.png)
MJ, yet again working her magic. <3 <3 Thank you