February 10th, 1890 — Elias Grimstone's shop
A week in the dreary and freezing English weather had Jupiter already itching to board the next boat to somewhere mdash; anywhere warmer, back to Venezuela ideally. She missed the heat of the sun on her back as she worked, the easy rapport between the other workers, and, oddly, the constant layer of dirt caked onto her hands. The stright rigidity of England matched its weather perfectly. It was a wonder how she (or anyone, for that matter) laid any claim to happiness here.
If only she had the freedom to leave.
Mars was...well, Jo wasn't quite sure what Mars was. Grieving, obviously. But the twins led such different lives now that it was hard for Jo to relate easily. A pregnant, widowed mother wasn't a role she had any experience with, and only Saturn truly understood the depth's of Jo's love for travel. Still, Jo was bound to her family enough to remain in this cold wasteland of a country. Mars had just lost her husband! Her chosen partner for life. She didn't grasp the romantic aspect of such a partnership, but she had frequent nightmares about losing Saturn. And as such, she would stay for however long Mars required her to, even if her spirit was washed away with every raindrop.
Hogsmeade was a more cheerful locale to visit in Jo's experience. The colder weather turned the miserable rain into fluffy snow - the one aspect of England Jo sometimes missed whilst abroad. The bustling activity on high street tore from the snow's beauty, but she had to get out from the cold. Her dresses, while warm enough for the occasional cool weather in the tropics, were no match for the blistering cold. Another second longer and the blood would be frozen solid in her legs.
Jo hastily stepped into the first shop she came across, not thinking to check what sort it was. Though, standing in the presence of so many brooms, perhaps she ought to have. The nearest pub couldn't be that much further, could it? "Hello?" She called out as she traced the smooth handle of one of the broomsticks. It had been years since she last flew, maybe this visit would be productive after all.