Quietly sullen and perplexed, Clue continued with Narcissus along the bank, pausing only to return his book and cloak to his satchel so he had less to carry. The heaviest things he carried were psychological.
Just before they hit the stretch of bank that was mercifully free of students, they passed two young witches heading back towards the castle. The girls looked longingly at Narcissus, one of them stifling a giggle. Clue stared at them blankly. When they had passed, whim struck Clue and he decided to grab his friend's wrist and lead him suddenly behind the nearest tree — so that when the girls looked back over their shoulders to
stare at him some more they wouldn't have the privilege.
"It's that", explained Clue scathingly, gesturing with his head back at the now-departed girls. He looked up at Narcissus as if intending to pin him to the tree with a cold glare alone.
"It's them. Girls in general. Always staring at you."