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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

A Horse of a Different Colour
April 5th, 1890 — Diagon Alley -Dressmakers

Gwen’s trip to town today had been hadn’t had much of a purpose, boredom more than anything else, she had been invited to take with Mrs Lowestoff but she found the woman drab and boring and frankly her home spelled of cat. How it was even possible for a palatial London townhouse to stink of cat but it did - always.  As such Gwen had concocted any excuse not to have to accept the invitation.

The fact that Verity’s birthday was only a few weeks away had functioned as a reasonable, if weak excuse. She could have sent the houseboy to the music store to buy some books of fine new music she had ordered, but going herself allowed her to miss Mrs Lowestoffs frightful luncheon and instead make herself scarce until the Afternoon Tea at the Lady Morgana that afternoon. After all – who held luncheons these days anyway, it was very middle class.

After procuring her music, her next stop was the dressmakers.  She did not ordinarily go into the dressmakers, preferring to have them come to her, but as a pretense of prolonging her day in town she decided to go and choose a few fabrics to be included in some new dressing robes she was having made.  A simple task, and a way of killing 20 minutes.  As she flitted into the store, her maid trailing behind her, the two footmen taking their place at the door she was sure to draw attention - but then that was rather the point. 

The seamstress buzzed around her and dispatched shop girls to procure the bolts of fabric for her to peruse.  In a break in the hubub, she noted the pretty blonde, also in attendance.  She dismissed the shop keeper for the moment.  'Who are you my dear?' she asked, 'why don't I know you?' she remarked playing with the long chain at her throat.  She prided herself on knowing most of the notable faces on the season and the fact that this girl was a mystery meant one of two things- she wasn't in the season, or she wasn't notable - but pretty faces were seldom the latter.

@'Liliana Selwyn' //@'acacia ruskin'

[Image: nsqshLK.png]
MJ is queen
Gwen is referred to as Countess of Adinbury by others, but as Lady Adinbury when you are speaking to her
The day had started off tense, as things often had when she was at home for holiday. When father was busy, anyway. And when was he not busy? Ambrosia was a thorn in Liliana's side, as always. Everyone else was either in the way or trying to put her in a bad mood. Cad, for example. Continuously enjoying to point out that she would be under his mercy were father to die before she married. Which lead her to remind him about how much father liked her company better. She always fancied herself as the favorite in their father's eye. Whether this was true was beside the point.

Dragging her secret half-sister aunt to the dress shop was the only delightful thing in the day thus far. A dress for the coming out ball was a must to be found soon, for fittings and minor adjustments to make things perfect took time if one wanted to look spectacular. And father would never let Ambrosia deny her that. Liliana would never let Ambrosia deny her that.

As one who was not 'out', it was perfectly reasonable to not yet be recognized. She certainly would be by the end of the first week of the season. Even if that meant her father chaperoning her personally to every party she could manage. Finding a husband by the end of season was her dream, if only to then rub it into Ambrosia and Cad's faces. "My name is Miss Liliana Selwyn. I am a seventh year at Hogwarts, so I have not yet been introduced into society." She replied politely. Until she had a reason to give the cold shoulder, she was perfectly polite girl. Unless one was obviously poor. Then a hint of chill wasn't too out of line. Did they truly have to insult her eyes by dressing like they were poor?

Magic by Athena
The name was familiar- that family with all of the rumours, and if she wasn't mistaken this was the little claimed natural daughter of the patriarch. How curious- it was unlikely that the mistress of the house would want to pay much attention to the girls debut, which might be a good opportunity for Gwen to make good on her bet with Lady Whitmore.

'Charmed to meet you Miss Selwyn' Gwen said, 'Arn't you a lovely little thing,' Gwen said charmed by the young lady before her. If she had been a single woman, or a debuntante herself this was exactly the sort of girl she would have [i]hated[/]. Driven mad by jealousy of the pretty blonde with nothing to lose.

The countess linked arms with the young lady, 'you must tell me all about your plans for your debut, is your step mother already hard at work?'

[Image: nsqshLK.png]
MJ is queen
Gwen is referred to as Countess of Adinbury by others, but as Lady Adinbury when you are speaking to her
Rumors about her father's little habit were practically famous as far as Liliana was concerned. Plus both her uncles were odd men in their own right. Add that to the fact that her step-mother was an unpleasant hag - as far as Liliana was concerned - and there was pleantu to discuss about the Selwyn family.

Well see? Liliana was a charm to meet. It took everything in her to not let her smile turn smug. Take that, Ambrosia. Jealousy was the true best form of flattery, in Liliana's opinion. Unless she was the jealous one. "And you, Mrs. ..." The woman seemed too old and unchaperoned to be a Miss.

"Hardly. I'm sure she would be happy to leave everything to an aunt, if not simply leaving me without any help." The cruel old bat. There were certainly worse things she could say about her step-moster. "Father promised a personal Coming Out in addition to my Hogwarts one."

Magic by Athena
Gwens smile faltered for a moment, 'Countess my dear, ' Gwen fluttered as though she wasn't twitching internally, 'Countess Adinbury, Lady Adinbury between friends' she noted, 'You may call me Lady Adinbury - we shall be friends shan't we?' she asked cocking her head to one side. Everything Gwen did seemed affected, but then it was! Everything Gwen had ever done since she was 12 years old had been affected in some way or other.

She led the girl away from where they were originally standing, to walk through the aisles, 'You cannot leave matters to an aunt', she was conspiratorial with the young lady, 'You are too fine a young lady to leave matters to some maiden aunt! You should let me do it!' Gwen trilled, as though the idea had only just struck her. 'We shall be good friends before too long and I would be wonderfully placed to sponsor you this season.'

(Gwen if channeling peak Victoria GReyson right now)

[Image: nsqshLK.png]
MJ is queen
Gwen is referred to as Countess of Adinbury by others, but as Lady Adinbury when you are speaking to her
A countess? For a moment, Liliana was a hint star struck. While the jewel in her father's eye, she was a bastard by society's standards. To be friendly with a countess was unheard of. "I beg your pardon for not addressing you properly. I would happy to share a friendship with you, Lady Adinbury."

These words were music to Liliana's ears. An opportunity that would put Ambrosia to shame! "It would be my honor to be sponsored by you." Even if that silly cousin did come out early, Liliana would certainly have the upper hand.

Magic by Athena
'Marvelous!' she trilled, and the raven haird countess turned to face her new little protege, appraising her with eyes so dark they were almost black. 'We shall have to get you an all new wardrobe of course,' she explained, 'You are a pretty girl, but there are few girls that cannot be improved by a new wardrobe.' she made a gesture with her hand indicating that Liliana should turn on the spot for further appriasal.

'Yes I am sure Mister Lytton will be able to make you something spectacular, and you shall need different dresses for your Hogwarts ball, and then something spectacular for your solo debut.', she linked the girl again and started walking once more. Gwen was domineering at the best of times, when organising parties she was practically pathological. 'Oh!' she exclaimed, 'You will also need a theme- something to make you stand out.'

[Image: nsqshLK.png]
MJ is queen
Gwen is referred to as Countess of Adinbury by others, but as Lady Adinbury when you are speaking to her
New clothes? This woman certainly was speaking Liliana's language. Always one to follow, and make, fashion trends. Always begging father to send the latest styles while she's at Hogwarts. This was like a dream. And likely a dream come true for her father as well, who would not have to spend a sickle on any more clothes for the time being. Practically glowing, she turned around as the countess indicated, feeling like she was floating on air as she did.

Two dresses for the different coming out parties was a must, and the soon-to-be deb nodded eagerly as the countess went on. "Perhaps something that would get the gentlemen's attention, but in a feminine way of course." She mused. Finding a husband asap was the goal. "But not something that would make me look needy." She added quickly.

Magic by Athena
Gwen might have told herself this was altruism, it wasn’t really though, it was a game. She had money and time, and the devils make work for idle hands. The fact that Miss Selwynn is likely to be ignored by a diffident woman who would see her husbands bastard as a threat, or at the very least a creature to be ignored or disdained.

As she gave her assessment about a theme to draw attention in the correct way, Gwen smiled, clever girl, the appearance to be a prized debutante, but the savvy and skills to know exactly the point of a debutantes season. It wasn’t to party or flirt, it was to secure a husband. ’Exactly the right sort of thinking, something where you are the center of attention.’ she thought carefully, the decision would take some time and have to be carefully – and of course opulently, planned. ’You are on the right lines, we shall have to think it over further. Will your mother mind if I take over her normal role?’ she pressed. She was referring to Mrs. Selwynn, rather than her biological mother – she had no name or status worthy of Gwens noting, but her tone noted the fact that she knew that her new friend was unlikely to think of her fathers wife as her mother.

[Image: nsqshLK.png]
MJ is queen
Gwen is referred to as Countess of Adinbury by others, but as Lady Adinbury when you are speaking to her
A part of Liliana would be offended to learn that she was simply a pawn in some game. But she was too bold and ambitious to really care how this came about, as long as it got results. A marriage was the key to a comfortable life without the fear of the legitimates kicking her too the curb. As a married woman, it was far less likely that she would have to deal with the lengthy task of a divorce if she played her cards right. Love wasn't an issue, she could always figure something out.

To party and flirt were certainly perks of the season, which she would happily indulge in. As carefully as a debutante was allowed. But she knew what she wanted and how that process was to be obtained. And to have the other woman understand where she was coming from was music to her ears. Scrunching her nose - just a little - Liliana knew exactly which woman the Countess meant. "I'm sure she could not be more delighted to have all of this planning off of her shoulders." For goodness sakes, Ambrosia might even throw a party to celebrate the fact, while Liliana was at school.

Magic by Athena
’Of course she would!’ Gwen trilled, if memory served her the eldest Selwynn girl was a natural daughter and so of little consequence to the family in terms of making an advantageous match, but there was no denying her beauty and she would make a pretty wife to someone of consequence who neither needed money, nor a bride that offered them social advantage, and there were plenty enough of those.

’We should have tea my dear’ Gwen declared, it might have been an invitation but it was as good as a command. ’Write to me just before term ends and we shall arrange for you to come to Tempest Park for a few days to get things organised.’ rather taken up with the excitement. Already compiling a list of all of the gentlemen she would have to invite to the Manse to meet her new little protégé.

[Image: nsqshLK.png]
MJ is queen
Gwen is referred to as Countess of Adinbury by others, but as Lady Adinbury when you are speaking to her
The delight of the matter regarding her step-monster was a bit frustrating, but it was easily ignored in favor of the delight of this far better suited woman who would get her a match far better than Ambrosia ever could. One that would do her father proud and make Cad weep from frustration. It was utterly perfect. Going home to flaunt this would be a delight.

Command or not, Liliana was pleased to be joining a countess for tea. "I would be honored." The potential husbands that were sure to be lined up for her choosing made Liliana all the more excited.

Magic by Athena
'Of course you are!' Gwendolyn trilled, 'I will make an appointment for you to come seeMister Lytton for some new gowns- we must have you properly dressed if we are to do something with you' she expained, as though the gown she was wearing was rags, but then in contrast to Lyttons - they were. Gwen had already organised a full new wardrobe for herself for the season so one for her new protege would be more than fitting.

She fished into her small purse, 'my calling card dear' she pressed the small white card into the girls hand, 'its enchanted so tapping any letters or messages to me with it with ensure that it comes straight to me rather than to my secretary.' she explained. Ladies of Gwens rank tended to not answer thier invitations personally, and most of her mail went through a secretary, but if Gwen was to champion the girl in the season they would need to communicate freely.

'And if your mother' there was a tone to the word, 'has any issues, you may tell her to write to me.' She didnt expect any sort of resistance.

[Image: nsqshLK.png]
MJ is queen
Gwen is referred to as Countess of Adinbury by others, but as Lady Adinbury when you are speaking to her
Liliana was always one to keep up with fashion. If she didn't get the latest, her father got a mountain of cards until she did. Though that only really happened once. The girl was utterly spoiled. But her excitement did not allow her to read further into the countess's implications.

It was in this instance that Liliana listened carefully in one of the few times in her life that she was actially interested in someone else's instructions. Nodding as she listened, there was no need for response until the step-monster was mentioned. Another scrunch of the nose, she gave a brief, final nod. "I will be sure to, thank you my Lady..

Magic by Athena
'Excellent I'm glad that is settled' Gwen thrilled, and with a final flourishing flounce and a jerk of her head towards her lady's maid she moved off. 'I'll be in touch!' she called over her shoulder to her new little project and flounced out into the street, happy to have something fun to do over the summer.

[Image: nsqshLK.png]
MJ is queen
Gwen is referred to as Countess of Adinbury by others, but as Lady Adinbury when you are speaking to her

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