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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Rufus Bixby

February 25, 1888

Mr. Bixby,

I wasn't entirely sure if I should still write to you after our last encounter as you didn't give me your name. However, since you seem to be something of a famous Quidditch player, your name was quite easy to track down so I thought, why not? If, however, you truly didn't wish to correspond, i will fully understand if I do not receive a response and you simply throw this letter into the fire. All I ask is that you don't do so in the presence of Apollo. He seems to be a feisty sort and may not take to such an act kindly.

I do hope this letter finds you well though and that you aren't going too stir crazy in your off season. I have yet to find anyone to hire me for their writing needs though I hope someone will come along soon enough. I forgot to ask the other day how your sister liked her present. Did you master the art of embroidery and stitch her initials in?

Miss T

Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
February 28, 1888
Dear Miss T.,

I must beg for forgiveness, it was terribly rude of me to leave you without a name. It appears you have found me out, however, and for that I am quite grateful as I confide I rather do like our conversations. I believe the shopkeepers might believe me quite mad if I were to frequent their establishment in hopes of finding you to pay you another favor. Do not believe me too forward on this sentiment, as I assure you I simply mean that I have enjoyed the pleasure of our acquaintance.

Stir crazy, I believe, is the definition of off season. But, nevertheless, I shall prevail to prevent it. Perhaps, I can return to my plan of haunting High Street in hopes of solidifying a friendship with a certain female acquaintance aforementioned in this letter.

I am sorry to hear that your services have not yet been hired, it will only be a matter of time here before Mister Apollo is spreading his wings and soaring about much too frequently for him to even warrant a stop to this humble quidditch player.

Sloane absolutely adored them, or at least her letter said she did. I’m afraid I have yet to get use to her away at school as I so easily envision her scampering about our parents’ home. I was able to have the gloves stitched with a gryffin and her initials, albeit my own skills were far from the task. I was able to find an acquaintance who was quite up to the task. When completed I thought the gloves quite handsome myself. I leave the true judgement to those of the fairer sex.

I as well was remiss in asking, how did your brother find his own pair of gloves?

I would ask toward Apollo, however, the fellow appears quite feisty as he did attempt to snack on my fingers when I attempted to retrieve your letter and returned to you the moment he felt the letter delivered properly. I hope Snitch is on his best behavior for you as I will feel quite remiss if he were to be another other than polite with such a lady as yourself.

I shall close this letter by saying that I hope it finds you in good health and that you do not think me too forward requesting our correspondence continue. I have no good reason beyond that I enjoy conversing with you.

Most Sincerely,

R. Bixby

Rufus Bixby

March 1, 1888

Mr. Bixby,

Well, I believe I have it on good conscious that a certain young lady will surely be running some errands down High Street and, if the weather holds, may even enjoy a little walk through Padmore Park this weekend. Though, I know weekends can be a busy time for Quidditch players so if you aren't able to see to your own errands over the weekend, I'm sure she would quite understand.

I'm very pleased to hear that she enjoyed the gloves! I'm sure they were quite handsome with their embroidery. And, if nothing else, will be one of a kind. Something only she has and will surely boast to all that listen about the amazing gloves from her dear brother. She really is quite lucky to have you.

I will see to it Apollo is properly reprimanded for attempting to dine on your fingers. I have noticed that he is quite taken with me and not so much anyone else. He even went so far as to bite my father at breakfast over the weekend. He was not all that keen on the owl to begin with. Now the little fellow is allowed only to my room if he is not outside. I shall have to do some more research on his breed to see if I can find the root of the aggression. Silly bird. If he nips at you again, do let me know. I may need to see about finding a new owl. I couldn't very well have him attacking my customers!

You are certainly not too forward in your asking to continue correspondence, so long as you're find with trying to find out who I am on your own for I shan't give you my name right away. Consider it something of a quest. I do hope you are well!

Until next time,
Miss T

Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
March 2, 1888
Dear Miss T.,

I also have it on good authority that a certain quidditch player had planned on visiting High Street this Saturday. It appears, sources have told me, as if he were inclined to be strolling in Padmore Park shortly after the lunch hour. If a certain young lady should like company on such a fine spring day as Saturday promises to be.

Thank you, although I believe your praise may be overly much. She may well curse having such a plethora of brothers one day, I unfortunately fall in that category when she comes to that conclusion. But until that day I should like to hope I live up to the honor of being the lucky older brother who gets to spoil her.

Poor Apollo. Don’t reprimand him on my behalf, the poor bird will be even more disinclined to deliver letters to me. I do hope it is only my fingers he nibbles on though. Perhaps you should send a letter to your owl to your brother before you have any customers? I would hate to think of Mister Apollo being bereft of your presence when he seems so clearly attached to you and you to him.

It is rather a good thing I do enjoy a good mystery, or quest as you so eloquently put it, and as such I shall be happy to continue such correspondence.

I shall close this letter with hope you have remained well and that you shall find your errands on Saturday quite enjoyable.

With my best regards,

R. Bixby

Rufus Bixby

March 6, 1888

Mr. Bixby,

First, I'd like to thank you for a splendid stroll in the park over the weekend. It was most certainly time well spent and I quite enjoyed getting to know the famous Mr. Bixby. My maid was a bit cross with me though. She hadn't anticipated such a long excursion but I think she actually quite enjoyed it. She insisted afterward to be the one brought along should such a walk occur again in the future.

How have you been since? Hopefully not too terribly bored. I've actually taken on a new client to format research notes. You won't believe it but he's just got back from India! He'd been researching some medicinal type plants there but needs to work on another project, or so he says, so didn't have the time to sort through his notes. Luckily, his handwriting is quite tidy and neat so it should be a breeze.

Oh! I've enclosed some of Apollo's favorite treats. I thought they might help you keep your fingers. I couldn't be the one known for maiming a quidditch player after all!

Until next time,
Miss T

Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
March 8, 1888
Dear Miss T.,

I hope this letter finds you well since our last meeting. I, too, very much enjoyed our stroll and do hope to have such an opportunity in the future. My apologies for any inconvenience to your maid, but I certainly hope she did enjoy herself and will join us on such a stroll again.

Your conversation has prompted me to purchase a book on the history of Greece, although, I know I shall never rival your knowledge in the subject I do hope to converse more on the subject the next time our paths meet. I do admit that the book is quite interesting and has been keeping the boredom of off season well at bay for the moment. Perhaps you might recommend another book for me to pursue when I finish this one?

I am glad to hear that someone has employed your services. While I can't say I am terribly interested in plants I would love to hear about what this gentleman has written of the culture in India. For your sake I am glad that his notes seem in decent shape.

Apollo quite enjoyed the treats, more so than my fingers I am happy to report. I do believe he was aware of what he was carrying as he waited for me to open them before he left.

Most sincerely,

R. Bixby

Rufus Bixby

March 11, 1888

Mr. Bixby,

Unfortunately, there wasn't much by way of Indian culture mentioned in his findings. And despite being quite neat and tidy, the writings were quite boring. There certainly wasn't enough for a book so perhaps he's simply submitting his research to something or someone. That job is done though and hopefully another will come along!

I'm very impressed you got a text on Greece! It should certainly keep you entertained in your downtime. Delving into Greek mythology can be interesting as well. I'm sure I have a book you can borrow on it when you're finished with your other book. Would that interest you?

I'm glad Apollo decided not to go for your fingers this time. I'll keep sending the treats with him for now on.

Until next time,
Miss T

Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
March 13, 1888
Dear Miss T.,

I take it that the subject of foreign plants is not what truly interests you then? I should hope the work was not terribly dull if that is the case, but if it were I do hope your next employer will be of more interest to you. Are there many who travel to do such research that might look to you to do such note taking for them?

It would indeed interest me if it comes at such a high recommendation from you. I admit that I have found parts of this book to be quite dull, but there are certainly sections that are quite fascinating. Perhaps the next time our paths cross we might discuss it? I would very much like to hear your opinions on the material.

Have you heard of the latest in Hogsmeade? There is to be a Celtic Fair this weekend. As it seems it has been a while since such a venture has arrived in our town I do hope it will be a welcome diversion. Perhaps I shall be lucky enough to have our paths once again cross at such an event.

Do not trouble yourself with sending treats for Mister Apollo, as it seems our correspondence shall continue I have invested in some for myself. As he did wait patiently for his treat with only a nimble or two on my fingers, I think there is hope he may one day warm up to me - or at the very least wait for a snack before returning to you. I shall make sure to have a supply for him, just in case, one can never be to safe.

Most sincerely,

R. Bixby

Rufus Bixby

March 19, 1888

Mr. Bixby,

I quite enjoyed our stroll at the Celtic Fair but it seems as though you had a great deal more fun following our encounter. I do hope you have a splendid time with Miss Dippet.

When you've finished with my book on Greek Mythology, I'd quite like it back.

Miss T

Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
March 22, 1888
Dear Miss T.,

I can not even begin to explain the events that befell me following our parting at the fair this weekend. Although I am sorry to disappoint, they were anything but fun. I shall do my best to explain and it seems you are quite put out with me and I rather value our conversations - if I may be so bold as to state that.

Shortly after we had parted ways I stopped to see a celtic tradition of sorts demonstrated. I confess, I had rather hoped you might be interested in such a piece of information and had hoped to write to you of it rather than what happened next. The crone, for I now feel certain she was not at all inclined to be of a good nature, chose volunteers from the crowd and had asked me to come forward. Miss Dippet volunteered herself moments later. I am still not entirely sure what happened, but some curse was cast on us and we found ourself unable to remove our hands from the others’ grasp. It really was quite unfortunate as I hardly know Miss Dippet beyond a brief acquaintance at school. She was quite unhappy with the situation given her own circumstances and impending wedding. It took until we were able to visit the ministry the next day for them to sort the whole sordid mess out. But I shall save you from further details, other than saying that Miss Dippet and I are not at all attached and this weekend has proved that we never will be.

You might have told me you were a Lockhart, I would not have judged you for being the little sister of Magnus Lockhart. I know him from my school days and his quite a nice bloke. I do wish you had been the one to tell me this and not to have found it out in a scandalous article in some magazine.

I am quite grateful that you have loaned me your book and will return it promptly if you so desire. I found the story of Hero and Leander quite interesting and had wondered what your thoughts were on it. I do wish I had more to share than the enjoyment of a story, but I doubt you’d be interested in a text on broomcare.

I close with the hope that you are quite well and that you may deem to write me still, despite the apparent offense I have caused you.

Most sincerely,

R. Bixby

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
March 31, 1888

Mr. Bixby,

You do realize that your "unfortunate" interlude was but one of your offenses when it comes to other ladies, do you not? The week following your front page cover of being tied to her you were also mentioned as being with another young lady of a higher class. I never thought you to be one interested in such things. Clearly those of us of a middling class aren't worthy for an upcoming Quidditch star.

I also saw you with yet another young woman just today near the park. Surely you didn't even notice me as you were clearly much more interested in broadening your horizons further.

And in regards to not telling you who my brother was, you never actually asked now did you? I thought you enjoyed the idea of it being something of a game for you to decipher. Had you asked, I would have simply given you an answer.

Feel free to keep the book. I've decided I'd no longer like it back and I already know full well it's contents.

Miss T

Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]

March 31, 1888
Dear Miss T. Lockhart,,

I did not realize that you had any sway in my personal affairs. Does it really matter whom I speak to? Nor is it my fault if I am stopped on streets simply to talk to fans. I can do little to keep them from approaching me. But as we are neither attached nor close enough of friends I do not believe that it is your right to have an opinion or to be angered by such a situation!

Further, to infer that I care about classes is a deep prejudice that I did not believe you possible of thinking. I had thought better of you than to believe you could think so little of a person with such little information before you.

Had I asked? You requested I not pry. I simply respect your wishes. Do not throw it in my face that I respected your privacy and requests as a friend would.

I have enclosed your book. I do not believe I will read any further on the matter. You can keep your history and books.

Good day Miss Lockhart.

R. Bixby

March 31, 1888
Miss Lockhart,

Don’t you think you are being presumptuous to think I might simply flit from girl to girl. I’m not even looking at courting. I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression, but I can not support a wife at this point in my wife. Even I realize that. You should too, your brother being the perfect example of this. And even if I were courting I had not realized we had established that sort of relationship. I do not believe you have any say over who I see and who I talk to. Be it serious or a passerby

March 31, 1888
Miss Lockhart,

You are out of line. This is none of your business. I had believed you would understand the opinion of a friend over that of rumors, it appears I have misjudged. Therefore, good day Miss Lockhart. I wish you the best in your future ventures. I would say I will miss our friendship, but as it appears I was mistaken in that category as well, I am not sure I will.

R. Bixby


April 9, 1888
Miss Lockhart,

I admit your accusations toward me in your last letter I found highly unjust for a number of reasons. First, I thought your sense of judgement removed from the gossip of magazines, afterall, you have seen what has been written of your brother. Second, I had not believed that we had a relationship that dicated I explain my every social encounter to you. While that statement may seem unfair, I do apologize if I have in any way led you on with our friendship. I had thought it simply that our companionship was enjoyment of one’s conversation and company. I honestly did not believe I had in any way led you to believe something that is not possible. For that I apologize. I am in no position to be able to take a wife at the present and while I might wish one day to meet a woman such as yourself, I do not wish to make her live in the discomfort of the wife of a quidditch player and the finances that come with such a position. It is with my most sincere apologies then that I may have misled you.

I can not, however, apologize for simply having held a polite conversation with an individual in public. I am, after all, known in the public eye and as such there are some conversations that may happen regardless. I am not going to defend myself against every slanderous article in a magazine or gossip in a foyer for I know them to be false and I hope my friends trust me enough to understand that as well.

As for your insinuation that I am looking to marry beyond my class in the future, I had hoped you might understand, that my attentions to a young woman are not for anything beyond the woman herself. While I may not be in a position to marry at the moment, I do count myself an unfortunate fool who does hope to not marry for position or money, but rather for love. I explain this in honor of our friendship this spring.

Further, I will not apologize for respecting your wishes on the matter of your identity. You had asked me not to pry and as such I respected that decision. I had hoped in time you might find trust enough in me to confide your identity.

I understand you are upset, and perhaps I have been too candid in this letter, but I do wish that we could continue being friends. I am sorry for any unhappiness or misunderstanding I have caused you and I hope to one day remedy that, to do so I understand that truth and candice must be employed and have endeavored to display that in this letter. Please accept my apologies. I will always be honored by your friendship but understand if you no longer feel you can continue this discourse.

With hope,

R. Bixby

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
April 11, 1888

Mr. Bixby,

I'm not entirely sure where to start or what to say. I suppose simply put, I apologize. However, I'd be a liar if I said hearing such rumors or seeing such things didn't bother me regardless of what your intentions may have been from the start. I have quite enjoyed our friendship and do hope it should continue though I'm not sure if it can...

You've said yourself you're not in a position to court nor are you looking for a wife. While you have time on your side, I do not. And I'd be a liar once more if I didn't admit to having formed some feelings toward you. Perhaps it is why I was bothered as much as I was.

I sincerely hope that was enough truth and honesty for you. I also sincerely want to wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Miss Lockhart

Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
May 2, 1888
Miss Lockhart,

It was wonderful to see you again yesterday, I certainly enjoyed our time together. I don’t believe I have enjoyed my time so well in a long while.

While it may be bold of me, and I assure you of no ill intentions on my part, but I would like to invite you to the Puddlemere Opening Season Gala this Friday, May 4th. As a professed Puddlemere United fan I thought you might enjoy the event and perhaps I might enjoy a moment of your company while there? First string players are required to make an appearance at such events before the game. I shall hope that you will accept my invitation and I have enclosed two tickets to the game if you would be interested in watching the match. Do not feel as if you must attend, I will not lie and say I will not hope for you to be there, but I understand if you have reservations.

Most Sincerely,

R. Bixby

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
May 5th, 1888

Mr. Bixby,

I just wanted to write and thank you for the invitation to the gala and the tickets to the game. I really enjoyed myself and it was even more thrilling with your team's win!

I do hope that I'll be able to attend more of your games in the future but we will have to see. I won't take up too much of your time though, I'm sure you're much busier now with the season well under way. Just don't forget me.


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
May 5, 1888
Miss Lockhart,

I am very glad you were able to attend, even happier to know that you enjoyed yourself. I know I enjoyed our time together, however, brief it may have been and look forward to the next opportunity to continue our conversation. I think I may contribute some of our success in the game to your good luck and as such much thank you for it.

If anything were to take up my time I would be glad to find it would be you. Please don't hesitate to write, I have always enjoyed our letters and will continue to despite the busyness of the season. Rest assured that I could not forget you even if I were given a forgetfulness potion.

Have you thought any further about the museum?


R. Bixby

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]

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