The boat ride over had been like a dream. It wasn't as if Gogo had never been on a boat before. Indeed, the trip over from Calais had been much bigger (though maybe not grander) than that, but there was something special about sitting on self- rowing rowboats on their way to a castle. It was just like a pirate story, except they weren't going to storm the castle or be stranded on its ruins. He'd heard stories from Poldi about thare being a squid in the lake, even mermaids! The only thing that could have actually made the boat better was if one of them had surfaced. That would have been just like a pirate book. Someone did fall off of the boat, though, which he'd found very funny when it had happened, seeing as she'd come through it alright.
He felt a bit guilty for laughing when he ended up standing next to the sopping wet girl, but not too guilty. His awe at the towering turrets, the broad stone arches, the mystical, floating lights, and the sheer size of the castle didn't leave much room for things like that. He didn't pay too much attention to her shivering form or the drip, drip, drip of the puddles forming around her. His eyes were on the professor up on the stairs, looking him up and down from his greying hair to the wizards robes flowing off the widest point of his portly girth, when the sharp sound of a sneeze cut through the excited, anxious murmur of the others waiting to be sorted.
"Gesundheit." he murmured automatically, glancing back at his waterlogged classmate, allowing her to register in his mind for the first time since they stepped inside ancient hall. She did look kind of cold. He supposed he would be too if he'd just fallen into a lake. "Are you alright?" he asked finally, reaching behind his robe, into his pants pocket and pulling out a folded, white handkerchief, which he promptly offered to her. "you look kind of.... wet." A towel might have been a more helpful thing to offer her, but he didn't have that. He wasn't even sure she would know what it was. Couldn't wizards just dry themselves off with magic once they learned the spell. Poldi didn't and Mutti didn't, but Poldi was just used to doing things the muggle way and Mutti didn't even have a wand anymore. They weren't any kind of example for what wizards usually did.