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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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Discussion | Spiderman: Into the Spideverse
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse

Can we talk about how amazing it is they gave her POINTE SHOES for her outfit?!?!

So that movie night didn't go really according to plan, however it seems that a majority of us have already seen the movie so I figured why not post a discussion of it anyways? I also know I forgot to post one for Mary Poppins Returns, so please let me know if you'd like me to post one of those as well.

This might be a given, but SPOILERS are ahead!

If anyone wants to see it who hasn't seen it, please let me know and we can work something out!

Anywho, onto the questions [and a little bonus for everyone at the end Wink]

I want to know.....

Your first impression thoughts vs. your overall thoughts?
Sometimes your first impression of something can be different than your thoughts after you've been exposed to it more. I know a few of us have seen it a LOT, so I'm interested in hearing both sides of this!

Your favorite part of the entire movie?
Big or small, whether it be the detail that went into the animation, to the soundtrack etc AND YES YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONE jk list all the ones you want, I'll most likely agree.

Who was your favorite Spider-Person?
Between Peter Parker 1 [the one in the beginning, voiced by Chris Pine], Peter Parker 2 [the one who is Miles' mentor, voiced by Jake Johnson], Miles, Gwen, Peni, Spider-Ham, Spider Man-Noir....you can only choose one Wink

What did you think of the film style?
Being a film studies nerd, I would be remiss if I didn't post at least one question about this xD I believe this is the first time we've seen a major movie do this style of animation, where it seems like a mix between the normal "Pixar"-esque dimensional style and an ode to old fashion comics. Did you like this new approach, did it bother you?

I mean....*chef's kiss*

Final Thoughts!
Anything else you're looking to gush about, speak now or forever hold your peace/DM me about it because I obviously <3 this movie xD

If you want some bonus features, feel free to look at this video [YouTube link] that Wired did. If you're a film geek like I am, I think you'll enjoy it xD

I couldn't help but think about the many thread titles the soundtrack offered so I wrote a few down free for anyone to use!
  • What's Up Danger?
  • You're a Sunflower
  • Who In Here Tryna Start a Riot? [Im lookin' at you, Revs]
  • I'm Not Afraid of the Fall
  • Start Feeling Invincible
Thanks everyone for coming to movie nights for Camp Charming! <3 Hopefully next time it'll be a little less bumpy!

[Image: gvM7opq.png]
Granted my first impressions took place at work in the afterschool room rather than movie night, but honestly I was initially peturbed by the animation style. There wasn't anything actively wrong with it; it was just so new and different to me that I instinctively stuck my nose up at it. But because I was forced to watch it with a bunch of 5-10 year olds who were adamant that they were going to watch it, I actually found myself enchanted by the different animation! The story itself was so touching and honestly was just as empowering as people give it credit for, especially when I was watching children from all different backgrounds saying "I'm going to dress up like Miles/Spider-Gwen/etc." for Halloween while watching it.

Miles, definitely! He was just such a relatable and well-written character and turned a lot of the traditional Spider-Man tropes on their heads.

When Miles figures out who his uncle was right at the end of the battle sequence only to have to watch him—spoiler alert—die moments later for choosing his nephew's life over his villainy. It was touching and sad and I cried at work and while re-watching last night.

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set by MJ!
What did you think of the film style?
I honestly loved it, without hesitation. It was such a deviation from the norm in animation (while also hearkening back to 'old school') that it felt fresh and original. I also felt it really honoured the characters comic book roots and gave the film's creators more leeway with character design, storyboard, etc. than if they had been confined to live-action.

Also, more a cinema thing than applicable to home viewing, but this was a rare film that was actually enhanced and lent itself well to 3D. I don't typically like the added dimension as it feels like a gimmick rather than something that is properly utilized, BUT UTILIZE IT THE SPIDERVERSE DID.

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   Amelia Evans

[Image: imset.png]
Schemes are afoot! Graphics by MJ

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