Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Clarissa Cosgrove
Full Name: Clarissa Genevieve Cosgrove
Nicknames: Clary, Cici
Birthdate: August 14, 1869
Current Age: 18 Years
Occupation: Pendergast Rose
Reputation: 9
Is openly friends with mildly questionable people.
Residence: Irvingly while at PSYR, Hogsmeade the rest of the time
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Hazel, 9", slender, Scales of a Basilk
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper
Family: Josephine & Clarence Cosgrove
Two elder brothers.
A little below average in height at an even five feet, Clarissa also has a slight, slender build. She has blue eyes and black hair which stand out prominently against her porcelain skin. Favoring the latest fashions in feminine colors, Clarissa has a special fondness for shoes, parasols and fans, collecting them like one would a chocolate frog card. Her nose often twitches slightly when she is highly curious about something, a tic that she cannot seem to shake.
1869: Clarissa was born as the third child and only daughter to Josephine and Clarence Cosgrove, an upperclass couple. She was also the last child that the couple would have.

1877: During the initial wave of muggles finding out about magic, Clarissa had been discovered by a muggle walking his dog making it 'snow flowers' in place of snow - her first signs of magic. The man set his dog on attacking her but was thwarted by Clarissas older brother. The incident left the young girl with a subconscious fear of both muggles and dogs.

1878: Unable to cope with living in the neighborhood they had lived in for years due to the bad memories associated with the ostracization, the Cosgroves moved to the settlement of Hogsmeade.

1880: Clarissa is sent to Hogwarts and is sorted into Slytherin, the same house as her two brothers before her. She has a pretty uneventful year, or rather, how uneventful a year can be in a magical school and being away from home for the first time in her life.

1881: Clarissas fear of muggles is lessened as she feels for the family of a murdered muggleborn student as well as sincerely wishing for the safe return of the missing muggleborn students. When it is revealed that the Minister of Magic was behind the crimes, Clarissa loses her respect for most authority figures. Clarissas eldest brother gets married to a foreign upper class woman and decides to live in the other country.

1882: Clarissa meets a fellow Slytherin yearmate when he startled her from a nap. Thinking that he was attacking her, Clarissa moved to defend herself and managed to kick the boy. As if that wasn't bad enough, he had the gall to call her 'small' which resulted in Clarissa declaring him to be her enemy for life.

1883: After a student had flooded the dungeons, Clarissa was assigned to live within the Hufflepuff dorms, where she greatly enjoyed their kind hospitality causing her to have a soft spot for the house of badgers.  Clarissa is one of the victims of the Amortentia chaos as she finds herself infatuated with the aforementioned Slytherin despite the fact they had been arguing at the time which turned into the girl complimenting the ears off of the boy after drinking some laced tea. After it wore off, she finds herself still left with the feeling of infatuation despite still thinking that the boy was the most annoying prat she had ever met.

1884: During the summer, Clarissas Hogwarts letter comes with a shiny prefect badge. Clarissa spends time tutoring other students, especially with etiquette. Due to a Peeves prank, Clarissa and her so called enemy for life share their first kiss.

1887: Clarissa graduates and is enrolled into the Pendergast School of Young Roses. She quite enjoys attending the finishing school despite feeling like she doesn't really need it. That summer, Clarissa is trapped in the Wizarding World Market but comes out of it without physical injuries. Later in the year, Albert Pettigrew draws her interest.
Personality: Charismatic. Sociable. Artistic. Stubborn. Lady-like. Proper. Mildly flirtatious.
Other: - is demisexual
- has a thing for bad boy types.

Name: Kit
Age: 30
Contact: PM Roberto Devine

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We hope your time here is magical!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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