Established around about the time that the Church of England split from Rome, the Church of Magical Jesus is magical society’s clearest, most favourable bridge to God. It looks to the New Testament as the story of Jesus, a muggleborn wizard, and God as the divine source of all magic and magical creatures. The ability to use magic is God’s blessing upon an individual and their family, and the loss of that ability a sign that one’s family has fallen from holy favour.
Their symbol is that of the Christian cross, where the long arm has been replaced by a wand to signify the gift of magic to wizardkind.
Most notably, their beliefs state that:
❧ Magic makes wizards closer to God’s image than muggles.
❧ If a wizard is made non-human, it is because they have sinned deeply. If a wizard is made a squib, it is because their family has sinned deeply.
❧ Muggles are to be guided and protected as the lesser of God’s children, but never to be considered equals.
❧ Muggleborns were chosen by God himself, and so are likely to have bright futures if they don’t squander all their potential.
❧ Ghosts are the spirits of sinners too cowardly to go to Hell.
❧ For best results, church is to be attended daily.
Many members of the faith attend 'standard' church services wherever they live, such as at the Church of St Fergus in Irvingly. However, the CMJ also rents out Hogsmeade Hall on the second Sunday of every month for a more CMJ-focused service, members do bible study at one another's homes, and the older ladies of the church have an excellent pamphlet-making-and-distributing system going on.
BELIEVERS:Blythe Fairchild
Rebecca Grey
Temperance Fairchild
Priam Lestrange& Nephele Lestrange
Wow this list is depressing. Come to God, children!
— graphics by rune ❤ —