What's your all-time favorite board/card/dice/rpg/etc. game?
Remember the HP 1
trivia board game? Listen, as a kid I had a "favourite" babysitter who trumped out the usual babysitter because she always brought HP trivia over. Eventually I had a whole collection of HP games myself, including that & CoS trivia & HP Cluedo & SceneIt! (Remember SceneIt?!) and obviously these had the dual benefit of being my obsession and being something I could always win. Lmao.
What was either your favorite game as a child? OR What game do you love to play with children?
Coppit. There was a moth-eaten, fifty-year-old version of it that used to sit around in my grandparents' basement in Canada, but with the non-disgusting, chewed up version, it's a game that's as much luck as it is strategy... and from a kid's perspective, nothing is more fun than eating the other people's hats and winning in a towering pile. xD
What's your favorite party game to play with a crowd?
Articulate, hands down! I used to be sleepover HQ for all my friends purely for the iconic memories/in jokes created by this game. Basically it's just a "describe the thing without saying the word" but people say the
dumbest things and it's fabulous.
What's your favorite game to play with cards? (Ex. Uno, Cards Against Humanity, Deck Building Games, Gin Rummy, etc.)
As a kid, Top Trumps, I had endless themed versions. <3 Recently my family has gotten insanely into
Sussed, which is essentially that game they do with married couples on tv where you find out who knows who best... but it's basically answering quiz questions about yourself/your fam & friends, and nothing is funnier than your brother saying, with a totally straight face, "If I were a cat, I'd be most likely to..."
What's your favorite competitive game?
I actually have an intense love/hate relationship with Monopoly but once upon a time my friends and I ran around London for a "monopoly challenge" and it was one of the funniest days out of my life.
What's your favorite co-operative game? (IE. You all win, or you all lose.)
...I can only think of a game called
"Max" from my childhood where you try and stop a cat eating some rodents. So... yeah. That.
Favorite 2 player game?
That card game called Speed/Spit/Slam that I knew as "Stop" where you have to be super-fast at shedding cards, except my friend and I used to play the version with multiple rounds that could go one for like, four hours at a time.
Favorite adult game? (Inappropriate.)
I've just found out there's a version of Sussed called Sussed After Dark. So. Huh.
Favorite RPG or storytelling game?
I can't think of anything I play that could go into this category sadly.
Which game do you find yourself playing over and over again?
This has made me realise it's been a WHILE since I've played a board game, actually. xD
EDIT: I've just realised all of the above is a lie. In truth, I'm a jigsaw puzzle person all the way, and the family favourite game is doing jigsaw puzzle "races" with rando puzzles from my childhood. PUZZLES.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3