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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

See Inside
The Sorting Ceremony {1888}
September 1st, 1888 — The Great Hall, Hogwarts

The floating candles overhead sputter as a worn leather hat is brought out and placed upon a wooden stool. What could easily be mistaken for wrinkles in the fabric, suddenly take on life and form a wizened face. The Sorting Hat chortles and launches into its sorting song.

The applause dies down and the first name is called.


The hat is lowered and the judgement begins.

Quote:Which house would you like to be in and why?

"I see, hrmm."

Quote:You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?

"Very enlightening…"

Quote:Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?

"Hahaha, I thought as much."

Quote:What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?


Quote:Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?

"Now that is quite telling!"

Quote:What do you consider to be your best trait?

"Interesting, I'm not sure that would have been my choice but there you have it."

Reply to this post with one post only. Include your character's answers to all four questions that the Sorting Hat asks. First years can reply one after the other. They do not need to wait until the sorting hat responds to each individual. This allows for a quicker sorting for the first years. When the sorting hat does respond, it will reply to all previous first years with one post. The more detailed the answers the more accurate the sorting will be. Include the character's thought process and the logic used in their decision making. If your answer does not give enough information to make a judgement call or is very closely tied, a second round may be necessary.

Joella could still hardly believe that she was here. Especially without Dolly. The castle was enormous! How did anyone ever find their way around it? She couldn't imagine it. Joella followed after the rest of the first years as they were shepherded into the Great Hall.

Watching the hat as it was brought out, she eyed it as it sang. Oh, what a joy to have the surname of Wood. It was going to take forever for it to be her turn! Joella just wanted to get this over with.

Finally, the name Joella Wood was called out and the hat was lowered on her head.
The hat is lowered and the judgement begins.

Quote:Which house would you like to be in and why?

"I don't know and I don't care," she replied shortly, truly never having given it much thought. "All I know is that I don't want to be in a house full of idiots so maybe Ravenclaw? They're supposed to be smart, right?"

Quote:You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?

A student copying her friends homework? Really? "It would depend, I guess. If my friend is smart then maybe it would be smart to copy their homework myself." If they didn't want their homework copied then they should not have left their homework out was what Joella figured. "Either way, I wouldn't snitch though I might blackmail the cheater."

Quote:Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?

"Ugh, I hate animals so maybe a centaur since they're more human than animal? What the hell does this have to do with anything, anyway? " Besides that, Centaurs were pretty smart while most animals seemed to be pretty dumb to Joella. At least centaurs could hold intelligent conversations.

Quote:What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?

"I am not sure. I know I want to do something important. Maybe become someone famous that could make sure my family is well taken care of. " Honestly, that was a little too big of a question for Joella to ponder at the moment. She just wanted to explore her options. It wasn't like it was a usual for someone of her caliber and social class to have the chance to attend Hogwarts! She was absolutely determined to at least get her OWLs though she was totally gunning to earn NEWTs.

Quote:Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?

"I would commiserate with them about how awful the world is." Joella was not the most cheerful person in the world and she was definitely a pessimist. She was definitely not the sort of friend that could cheer up a miserable friend through lightness and laughter. Joella was more likely to accidentally just make her friend feel even worse.

Quote:What do you consider to be your best trait?

"I am very practical. What one sees it what one gets when it comes to me." Joella didn't see the use in daydreaming ones life away. Once she wanted something, she put in the work to achieve it. She had no expectations about the things she wanted in life just being handed to her. No way.

[Image: QDSMhQU.png]
mj is a graphics goddess
This was it. This was Hogwarts. It was so different, yet so very similar compared to how she'd imagined it; it was just as enchanting as her brain had pictured it, but even more so - and not to mention so incredibly large! She'd expected to spend the entire boat trip chatting with Rex and Sirius and Mr. Bulstrode about what was to come, but her eyes had been distracted by the light's reflections off the boats and then...the castle!

Now she was indoors, eagerly awaiting her turn at the Sorting Hat. She'd heard enough about it to be able to name it, but was fairly clueless about just how it worked (or at least she had been before realizing it spoke! She'd never heard of an object speaking with any sort of sentience; it was absolutely extraordinary!)

When her time came, Flora sat upon the stool and allowed the Hat to be placed on her head.

"Which house would you like to be in and why?"

Flora considered the question. It was one she'd spent hours of trying to approach the question with every angle - what her strengths were, what sort of people she wished to be around, etc. She had not, however, considered that her feelings would even mattered, and now sat atop the stool, her mind drawing a complete blank.

"I suppose that's for you to decide, though I personally don't feel I'd make a good Gryffindor," she replied. "You see, I've made an entire list on the matter, and after weighing the pros and cons, I don't think I'm well-suited for the house," she continued before realizing, oops, she was rambling.

"You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?"

Flora scoffed. "I'd snatch the parchment out of their hand and tell them to do their own assignment," she responded before continuing. "And if they refuse, I'd have no other option but to report them!" She didn't want to earn a reputation as a snitch (she cared far too much about being liked by her peers), but she wouldn't want her friend facing potential ramifications if the professor couldn't determine who did the original work! Besides, what would they learn if they cheated? She'd be doing them a favor by telling them to quit!

"Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?"

Apart from their general descriptions, Flora knew very little about each creature. She had done a little research (mostly consisting of flipping through books until she found the page she was looking for) on unicorns after receiving her wand at Ollivander's, so it seemed like the best choice.

"Unicorns!" she chirped in response. "They show that you can be elegant and wise and feminine, while also being respected by everyone. I want to be likable but absolutely dread the idea of being walked all over!" Her Mama would never allow herself to be walked over - no good socialite would!

"What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?"

That was a no-brainer!

"I'm going to marry and become a socialite like my mother," she declared with confidence. "My entire childhood was devoted to my education in the feminine arts -" Years of piano classes - penmanship practice - flipping through French books! "- and to waste it would be most illogical!"

"Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?"

Flora tried to think of her actual friends, rather than merely a hypothetical one. She thought of Rex, and how he'd been so very miserable while trapped in Hogsmeade - or Arabella, when her reputation had been put as risk when she'd wandered away from her chaperon with the wild Miss Bénet.

"Well, you'd comfort them, I suppose. It would depend on the friend, though," Every person was different - that was obvious, she thought. "If a situation can't be helped, you give them comfort." There was no use in trying to solve problems that couldn't be solved (or that she, an eleven-year-old girl, couldn't solve). "But if it can be helped, offer them all the solutions. Sometimes they're just over-thinking things."

"What do you consider to be your best trait?"

"I like to think I'm very sensible," she said with a nod. "I don't like people who make ridiculous claims and unreasonable demands - the type of people who have no rational bone in their bodies. Imagine assuming someone's dead because you can't find them - it's ridiculous!"

Her mind went to Mr. Fudge. "Some people think I must be a silly girl because I love fashion and wear frilly dresses, but my head's screwed on tighter than theirs."

C was for Crabbe. Sirius, a B, had already been sorted into Slytherin, and Abraxas doubted he would be joining his best friend there. But where would he end up? He cast an anxious glance back at his cousin—an M, Flora was still awaiting her own turn—before approaching the stool. Rex's body was tense with excitement and nerves as the Sorting Hat was lowered onto his head.

Which house would you like to be in and why?

I don't know, Rex thought back honestly. Much though he would love to join Sirius in Slytherin, he was not convinced that it was the right house for him. He had so many excellent role models from each of his options that the boy had never considered one to be any better than the others.

You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?

Tell my friend when they get back, of course! The thought came instantly, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. It was not Rex's job to inform the professor, of course, but he was a loyal friend who couldn't quite bring himself to let even a harmless slight slide entirely.

"Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?"

What an odd question! What was the context, Rex wondered? Obviously all of them could be incorporated into wand cores, but he would hardly pick a unicorn to have a lengthy chat with, just as he knew better than to try to ride a kelpie. Abraxan, I suppose? There had been a mini-abraxan at his cousin's birthday party, and it had been neat enough, Rex supposed.

What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?

I'll be a great scholar! Or a great quidditch player! A great quidditch scholar? Maybe an auror, or a healer! Okay, so perhaps the first year hadn't quite narrowed it down yet, but he knew he wanted to do something more than just sit around and be rich. How boring must that be?

Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?

Anything I can do to cheer him up! Probably give him some chocolate, Rex added, or go on a small adventure. Sometimes all you need to do is offer a listening ear!

What do you consider to be your best trait?

This one gave him pause. Rex had never really had to consider this before—his childhood had been full of people telling him how cute he was, how bright he was, how polite he was, how kind he was, how wonderful he was. But what did he think?

The boy remained "quiet" for what felt like an eon but was, in essence, the better part of a second in a half, before settling on, My mind.

Was that the right answer? Were there wrong answers? He supposed he was about to find out.

As they were led into the Great Hall to begin the sorting, Fleur gasped so loud that a few of the other first years closest to her turned and stared. She didn't even notice them looking at her for she was too busy marveling at just about everything in the magnificent room. She tried very hard not to whisper to Sybille, but one or two comments slipped out, unable to contain her excitement.

When the sorting hat began to sing, her wiggles ceased, and she, for once since they had arrived, stood with her full attention on the old hat. Oh, which house would she be in? She hoped beyond hope it would be in the same one as her cousin, but it seemed she wouldn't find out for some time for they were going in alphabetical order. Why, oh why, did her surname have to begin with an R!

Finally, she was called! Fleur eagerly skittered her way up and allowed the hat to be lowered upon her head.

Quote:"Which house would you like to be in and why?"

When the hat spoke to her, she sat up straighter. She didn't have to give the first question much thought for the already knew what to say, right away, "I think I would be happy in any house as long as my cousin Sybille is with me." She truly had no preference for which house she wished to be sorted into. After a moments hesitation, she quickly added, "Oh! And it's so very nice to meet you, Mr. Sorting Hat!"

Quote:"You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?"

Someone would actually do that? She couldn't fathom even wanting to cheat off of someone else, and, perhaps, she saw too much of the good in others to believe they would stoop so low. "I'm not sure. I think I would probably point it out to them how wrong it is to cheat and tell my friend so they don't also get into trouble."

Quote:"Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?"

Fleur frowned at the question, slowly ticking off centaur and kelpie from the list of creatures for her to choose from. "Either unicorn or abraxan! Unicorns are just absolutely beautiful, and winged horses are magnificent. I don't think I could possibly choose between the two."

Quote:"What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?"

Another question she didn't have to think on. For this one, she practically beamed as she communicated her plan, "Oh! That's easy. I would love to open up a bakery to make everyone such wonderful sweet goods. I would love to learn how to make them look like creatures or to sing or to change colors or anything to make them even better than they already are!"

Quote:"Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?"

Of course, he thoughts quickly jumped to her siblings and cousins for reference, especially the Lukeson family after they had lost so many. She would do what she had done for them, "Well, I would make them something delicious to eat. It's hard to be too miserable when your stomach is full. And then I would hug them and tell them everything is alright. And help them with anything I could, even if it doesn't have to do with what is making them miserable. And just listen to them while they cry."

Quote:"What do you consider to be your best trait?"

The last question was what gave her the most difficulty. What was her best trait? She had never given such a thing much thought before. It was with a tentative start that she answer, "I'm kind?" After she'd gathered her thoughts on the matter, she continued. "I'm nice to anybody, even if others don't like what they are."

[Image: xQaSnp.png]
Thanks, MJ!
Any excitement that had grown whilst riding the boat up to castle had rather suddenly washed away. Archer felt sick to his stomach with dread as he marched to the sorting along with the other first years. This would determine where he spent, hopefully, his next seven years at school. Not knowing where he was going to end up made him practically nauseated and near to dissolving into a true panic attack.

It was hard to tell if him having to be one of the first to be sorted was a relief or more reason for him to freak out. On the one hand, it would be over with rather quickly. On the other, so many would be staring at him, not yet bored after countless first years had already been sorted.

When his name was called, he made his way up as if he were about to be executed. His hands were balled into sweaty little fists, face starting to go pink around his ears. Once the hat was on, he made sure it fully obscured his eyes.

Quote:"Which house would you like to be in and why?"

"I-I'm not sure. I thought maybe you could tell me?" The boy sat very still, frozen in front of all of the eyes he knew were likely watching him. He figured he should probably give the question a little bit more though, since he truly had. He'd made pros and cons lists for every house and reasons why he think he could be in said house. The problem was, none of them had particularly come out on top. "Maybe Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff? I'm not so sure I'd fit in Slytherin, and I don't think I'm brave enough for Gryffindor, even though my sister is in that house." In all honestly, he wasn't sure if he would fit anywhere.

Quote:"You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?"

Archer clutched the bottom of his sleeve. He knew what the right thing to do was, but he didn't always know how to follow through, especially if it meant confronting someone else. He knew he should probably call out the person cheating, but the likelihood of him mustering up enough courage to do so was slim. If it were something more serious, or life or death, he probably would, but homework? "I'd inform my friend. Then, they could decide what they would like to do themselves."

Quote:"Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?"

He had to choose just one? He decided against kelpie since he was sure he would run the complete other way if ever confronted with one. The others were most definitely interesting. However, he seemed to settle on, "Perhaps, centaur?" They would be the most interesting to speak with, at least.

Quote:"What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?"

Finally, a question he didn't have to spend many painful moments considering. He knew this answer right away, and it was probably the first time he sounded truly confident. "I would like to work at the Ministry of Magic either in the Beings or Spirits Divisions. I haven't yet decided which I like more. I figure school would help me decide which is best." He was very ambitious about his future plans.

Quote:"Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?"

Another people question. He wasn't good when it came to people! Again, he knew what he should do, but he took a moment to decide what he would actually end up doing. "I'd listen." Archie was very good at that. Sometimes, it was the only thing he felt up to offering up, but others tended to appreciate it. Sometimes, he'd offer up a kind word or a bit of advice if they were truly close.

Quote:"What do you consider to be your best trait?"

The boy's face grew pale. What kind of question was that? Why was everything so personal? Ask him about facts, and he'd be right there able to answer, but abstract queries about his inner self. Forget it. "I..." What he wanted to say was 'I don't know' and flee from the room, but he couldn't leave any question unanswered. That wasn't his way.

He had shuffled through about a dozen different traits and dismissed them. He was smart, but he didn't think he was the most intelligent. He wasn't going to say that. "Determination?" His answer was hesitant. He wasn't even sure that was the correct word to properly describe what he meant. "Persistence?" No, that wasn't quite right either. Perseverance? Hmmm. "I...I guess I don't give up on things easily? I research until I find an answer and keep trying again with--" Social situations? "Even if I might be scared or don't want to." He always had to find his answers or a solution. For once, he was at a loss of how concisely describe what he meant. Archer went quiet after that, worrying that he had said the wrong thing.

[Image: kBOqnap.png]

MJ is the best!
Tansy had clearly been bouncing the entire time she'd stood waiting for the sorting. From the train ride to the boats, she'd never felt more excited in her whole life. Luckily, Terry had been right there with her through it all though the two couldn't look more different as twins. He had the cool and calm veneer of a young boy unimpressed by it all, at least to those around them. Tansy saw right through it though. She knew he was just as excited and anxious for it all as she was. He was just better at hiding it, unlike her.

Her blue eyes were wide as she took it all in. The Great Hall was amazing! There was no doubt she was excited by it all, it was evident right on her face. Clearly, she was a girl that wore her heart on her sleeve and her emotions on her face. But then her fellow soon to be first years were being called up and she heard her name being called. With a quick hug and smile to her brother, she all but bounced up to the dais where the hat was placed. She took her seat and then the world went dark as the hat covered her head and eyes...

Quote:Which house would you like to be in and why?

That was a hard question. She'd never really thought of what house she wanted to be in, always thinking the hat would make the very best choice for her in the end. But.. "I think I'd quite like Ravenclaw," she thought in response, thoughtfully before adding, "Or maybe even Hufflepuff. They seem to be the most like me. I'm not sure I'm brave enough for Gryffindor and truthfully, Slytherin seems kind of scary.." Yes, the first two definitely seemed as if they were better for her. Though.. Gryffindor did have some draw to it. This was an awfully hard question!

Quote:You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?

Biting her lip, Tansy thought on the question for a few moments. That was hard, there were so many variables. "Well.." she started but paused, unsure of how to respond once again, "I suppose I'd point out to them that that isn't exactly the correct thing to do. But what say would I have really? I'd also tell my friend after. If it really bothered them, they could certainly pursue something further." That seemed about right, anyways. She would at least try to say something but she'd probably be ignored so as long as her friend was made aware, that would be good.

Quote:Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?

Oh that was most certainly a no brainer. "Unicorn!" she all but shouted in her thoughts, maybe even out loud. How embarrassing would that be? She didn't mind though, unicorn was definitely the one for her. "They're sooo pretty and elegant and majestic. I would love to see one in person one day!"

Quote:What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?

That was hard. Tansy knew exactly what she wanted to do but if she admitted it out loud there was a chance she wouldn't be good enough for it or wouldn't succeed. But.. who could the sorting hat really tell? She doubted their secrets could be leaked by such a thing, after all. "I'd like to go into fashion design, like my mum," she answered honestly though there was a blush on her cheeks as she admitted it, "But new fashions. More bright and vibrant colors and more daring styles.."

Quote:Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?

"That's a hard one," she thought briefly, her mind racing with all the possibilities of things she could do but would likely be unable to do. She'd never been that great in the kitchen so a sweet treat to brighten a day wouldn't work really. Her sewing skills were phenomenal but would a garment of sorts be something to do? "I'd probably sketch and color them a picture of something I know they like," she finally decided on, "I don't usually show my artwork but if it wasn't a design, I don't see what harm it would do."

Quote:What do you consider to be your best trait?

"I'm an artist!" she thought happily but wasn't sure if being artistic was really a trait one should boast about, at least not when it came to deciding on a house she'd be going into, "But I guess I'm also just a happy person. I like to look on the bright side of things and do things that make me and others happy. If I could spread happiness to all, I certainly would!"

Being at the beginning of the alphabet meant going ahead of most of the other incoming first years. Sirius had gone right before him and had been sorted into Slytherin - which, considering his family's history, wasn't at all surprising. Carius had given little thought to where he'd end up, firmly believing that he'd be placed where he belonged no matter how hard he considered the matter.

But then -

"Which house would you like to be in and why?"

"I'd like to be a Slytherin," he answered honestly. His sister was a Slytherin, as was his mother, father, and plenty of his extended relatives. To be anything other than a Slytherin would be odd - but he hadn't yet decided if that was necessarily bad. Still, that lingering question wasn't enough to change his mind.

"You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?"

"I wouldn't bother them," he replied. If a student was so desperate to cheat on a homework assignment - and risk spending an evening hanging by the ankles in the dungeon - then that was their business, not his. "If they're clever enough to get away with it, good for them. I'm not getting involved, though."

"Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?"

"Uhhh." He didn't know what magical creatures had to do with sorting - it would make more sense to ask a question like "Griffin, badger, eagle, or snake", right? "Centaur, I guess." They had an air of mystery to them, but weren't as soft and dainty as unicorns were. In his opinion, there was nothing inherently interesting about horses. (Unless the whole question was horse-related, though he supposed centaurs were only half-horse.)

"What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?"

"That's a loaded question," he replied. He was doted on and babied throughout his childhood, leaving him feeling like he was expected to do everything while also feeling like he could do nothing and be just as valuable. "I suppose that's what Hogwarts is for, right? To help me figure that out?" What he really wanted was to please his family, but he had yet to figure out what they wanted for him.

"Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?"

"Try to be there," he said this time. "I'd try and offer whatever resources I have at my fingertips, but other than that I'd just - well, if I'm being honest, I'd probably give them some chocolate. My father's always said it helps." He supposed it all depended on the situation.

"What do you consider to be your best trait?"

Hmmm, that was a tough one. He didn't consider himself especially smart, especially brave, especially kind, nor especially ambitious. He was just - plain ol' Carius, he supposed. Nothing special.

"I'm a good friend to those I care about." But perhaps not to those he didn't truly care for. "I'm always there, if that makes any sense? I'm helpful and not too hard to get along with."

Post Log
Claire was overjoyed, she had made it to Hogwarts! It was incredible! So much magic in one room, Claire could barely imagine the rest of the school. Oh, she hoped she was sorted with her twin.

As the hat was lowered onto her head, she shuffled with excitement and nerves.

Quote:Which house would you like to be in and why?

Which house? Specifically? Hm, which would be more fun for her? Gryffindors were brave, so did they get to go on adventures? Hufflepuffs found things, did it take an adventure to do so? A Slytherins were cunning and determined, like she had been to find a way onto that boat. Ravenclaws were smart and creative, that was good for adventure. "I don’t know. So many of them have the qualities for an adventurer. I’m an adventurer. I went on a ship with my twin, without Mama and Papa." She responded thoughtfully. Was that OK? Was it OK to not be sure?

Quote:You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?

How awful. I wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone I care about. What if it was Cele? She wouldn’t stand up for herself. Claire knew that she had to do something. "I’d first try telling them to stop. I might take back my friend’s work, glaring at the mean person."

Was that all she would do? She had to think for a moment. "Then I’d prank them when they’d least expect it." She added with a slight nod. Maybe Peeves would help with her pranks some time.

Quote:Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?

Ooo, animals were fun! And so many interesting ones were named. Oh, was it rude to think of a centaur as an animal? Most of them were horse related. Why was the kelpie placed among them? "Centaurs don’t really seem to like humans, they’d probably see me as annoying. Unicorns are pretty. I’ve heard that muggles like unicorns. Mama might not like unicorns then, she doesn’t really like muggles. I like muggles, they’re interesting. Don’t tell my mama that. Why is the kelpie among the horse like creatures? I feel that this should be explained. Aren’t they a type of merperson? Well, they’re probably nice. Aren’t they in the black lake? Oh, and the abraxan, I’d choose that. I can go on adventures with an abraxan." After finishing her small rant, she wondered if she’d annoyed the hat. Some people didn’t like when she talked that much.

Quote:What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?

Oh! Such an easy one! "I want to be an adventurer! I want to explore the world! That would be such a delight!" Excitement ran through her at the very thought of it.

Quote:Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?

Poor friend. Is it the same friend. "Is it the same friend from earlier? I’d invite them to come prank that mean person with me. Or we can go explore the castle together. Both seem like fun options. Depends on what I think would make them feel better."

Quote:What do you consider to be your best trait?

Hm, trait. Did it have to be a personality trait? Or just something she loved? "If being an adventurer is a trait, than I’d say that. If not, it would be my determination. If I didn’t have that, I might never have gotten onto that ship. I might never have had my first sign of magic. I might not have been able to be here." That’s how she saw it, anyway.

Magic by Bee!

French is mixed into her accent due to French parents and household staff
Terry's excitement, masked by a stoic expression and calm demeanor, had been bubbling in anticipation of this very day. The trip to the castle, with his twin in tow, had been a joyous and bewildering experience that he knew he would be keeping with him for the rest of his life. Now, another, possibly more important, memory was about to be made. One that would surely shape the young wizard's path moving forth in one way or another. Friends, dorm mates, antics, quidditch teams, clubs... oh the plethora of options presented before the boy. Most were overwhelming, some he was looking forward to, and the rest he remained anxious about.

He watched as Tansy underwent her sorting and let out a smile to assure her that, no matter what happened, they would still be seeing each other in the corridors, the great hall of course, and to study for subjects that made their heads swell. Tansy was always a sweet girl. Someone who seemed so free and open to the outside world. She was expressive, creative, and not afraid to show people who she was. Terry only hoped his inner thoughts could, in some way, mirror his sister's so he may not be apart from her, but knew the hat to be too wise to be fooled in such a manner.

It was now his turn. His fate about to be sealed as the old hat rested upon his head. Merlin.

Quote:Which house would you like to be in and why?

Which house... which house... What a question. His first thought was "Whichever house Tansy is sorted in to," but slowly began to evolve with a changed perspective. He didn't want to blindly follow his twin for the sake of being with her constantly, nor join her with the intention of protecting her from a world that she would eventually have to battle herself, alone. "But... I do like Ravenclaw. Maybe even Slytherin. I'm not mean, or at least I don't think so. I just don't like trusting everyone so willingly and some people take it wrongly." His inner monologue dampened his mood somewhat, though all in all he was glad he remained honest with the hat, and himself.

Quote:You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?

"I'd tell them to stop immediately and take the homework away from them, then tell my friend when they've returned," Terry thought as he wondered how anyone else could think any differently. That simply wasn't fair to him - why should someone else benefit from another's work if they don't even try? What was the point of being in a school if they weren't willing to apply themselves and do the work to succeed?

Quote:Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?

Terry cocked his head slightly when the question was posed. Four beasts, all of which he had never encountered or truly learned enough about to give a valued opinion. He had heard that Centaurs were known for their more ritualistic practices involving divination and thought it to be interesting enough to sway his vote towards them. "A Centaur!"

Quote:What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?

"In truth, I haven't given that much thought..." Terry had begun to wrack his brain to figure out just what he had wanted to do after his leave of the school. He could take the reins of the shop, but didn't want to be stuck in one location for the rest of his life. It wasn't as if he had the means to travel, so that was out of the question. And in terms of a career, well that wasn't at the top of the eleven-year-old's mind. He did know he wanted to be married at some point and have children, that was for sure. "I think I will figure that out over the years I'm here."

Quote:Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?

"Well I would talk to them of course. I'd want someone to do that to me, and maybe we'd find out a way to make them not miserable," Terry thought quickly. He was a compassionate sort to the core and always wanted others to be happy. Whenever Tansy or mum were upset, he did most anything in his power to ensure they had a smile on their faces at the end of the day. Mum always did the same for him, especially after the incident with the other boy, so he always valued that approach.

Quote:What do you consider to be your best trait?

Was now the time to brag about oneself? Terry hadn't that intention, nor did he really want to answer the question. In all honesty, he didn't know the answer. "I don't know that I have one. I think all of them are equal." Was this what the hat was looking for? He hadn't been lying and he wasn't trying to be modest. His legs began to rattle as he remained seated. The anticipation was wearing on him dearly. All he could do was consistently think "Come on, come on, come on!" after he answered the hat's final question.

[Image: xSfkUA.png]
Hogwarts! He was finally at Hogwarts! As he entered the Great Hall, the young Fudge boy was awe-inspired by the floating candles and moonlight ceiling. It was beyond everything he’d ever hoped for and it was absolutely magical. It didn’t matter what his brothers and sisters had said because it was more than that! He was finally going to learn proper magic that didn’t involve burning sand!

Watching intently when the students began sitting, Paxton felt the butterflies in his stomach begin to swirl into an anxious flutter and when he was seated himself, the Fudge child sat stiffly on the chair. He didn’t know what house he would be!

As soon as he sat, he began hearing the hats voice.

“Which house would you like to be in and why?” The hat asked and for a moment, Paxton was silent. What a difficult question!
“Well,” the Fudge son began, “Holliday and Somersby are in Ravenclaw, so maybe I’d like to be there because I think I’m quite smart… though I think I’m also very brave and courageous like Gryffindors are! I don’t want to be in Hufflepuff, though.” Hufflepuff, to him, always seemed like a silly house and he didn’t particularly want to be in it!

“You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?” The hat continued.
Hmm… This was rather difficult too. Paxton thought for a moment before nodding confidently, “I’d see why they had to copy my friends homework and then tell them off because they shouldn’t be copying. I’d have to report them and tell my friend because that just is not fair. Though if they are having to copy someone’s homework then it’s likely they’re too stupid to do it themselves so I’d probably try to help them understand the homework so they can do it themselves… After I’ve told them off, though.”

The next question caught Paxton off guard a little, “ Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?”
It didn’t take long for Paxton to answer though: - “Centaur! They are fierce and brave and I’ve read about them. They are really strong and I’ve heard they are in the forbidden forest, too!”

“What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?” The hat continued and Paxton furrowed his brows.
He… wasn’t entirely sure. He rather liked the zoo and helping around the estate, so perhaps that. But he also enjoyed running around the estate and causing mischief so… an adventurer! Then it hit him and he smiled widely.
“Erm… the Spirit Division in the Ministry, I think! I really like ghosts and think they are amazing. I want to learn more about them – and meet all the Hogwarts House ghosts! Like… Why is Nearly Headless Nick only nearly headless? And why is the Bloody Baron… bloody? Or maybe I could go on adventures and find more ghosts and research them!”
As it turned out, Paxton did have quite an idea for his future after all.

“ Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?”
This one was easy!
“I’d find out what is making them miserable and then try to cheer them up. I’d make jokes with them so they laugh because that always makes me feel better! Or maybe I’d find a game with them to play.”

And with that, it was to the final question. And… Paxton was well and truly stumped. He didn’t know what to say! It wasn’t for lack of good traits, he felt, it was more for lack of knowing which trait to choose!
“I’m very brave and adventurous. I’m also really good at helping people sometimes! Like… I kind of helped a friend find her parents once! But I think it’s… Yeah… I think I’m… Erm… I think I’m very adventurous. I think that’s my best trait because you have to be brave and smart and also not scared and that’s why being adventurous is my best trait because I am all of those!”

Once he was finished, Paxton went quiet and stiff once again and awaited the Sorting Hat’s decision…

As the group of first years entered the Great Hall Sybille stuck as close to Fleur as she could. The room was huge itself was huge, candles floating under an enchanted sky, even with all of Sybille's questions for her siblings she had never imagined anything like this. She knew she had been lucky in the way she grew up, but this was something else entirely. Her eyes grew round, beside her Fleur gasped. Then there were the eyes. She hadn't imagined quite so many people staring at them either. She didn't mind, but she was exactly comforted by it either. At least beside her Fleur's whispered comments made her feel better. Together the two of them would do this.

That was until "Lukeson, Sybille." Was called much before Fleur Rey. Sybille gave her cousin a smile, hoping to reassure them both, before she traveled up the steps, trying her very best to pretend people weren't looking at her. She didn't think she'd ever seen so many people together. Thank Merlin the hat slid down over her eyes and she could pretend it was just her and the hat on her head.

Which house would you like to be in and why?

The question threw Sybille for a moment, she supposed Hufflepuff because that was what her siblings all thought and that was her mother's house. But she hadn't exactly expected the hat to ask just like that. It seemed almost too simple, like when she had purchased her wand. "I think I'd make a good Hufflepuff." Sybille admitted, "It was my mother's house. I'd like to be like her. I think I am already, at least that's what my brother says." She paused a moment thinking of Fleur and their plans for their years at Hogwarts, adding as she collected her thoughts, "But I'd also really like to be with my cousin. I couldn't imagine being separated from her. Or rather didn't want to consider that thought. "[i][b]We've always done everything together." She explained.

You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?

"That's not okay!" Sybille thought, surprised that someone might do that. "I'd go to the head of the house and tell them so they could catch the student. Then I'd make sure my friend knows and help them change the homework that was copied so they wouldn't get in trouble from the other student." Really it was so unfair that she didn't quite know what to make of it.

Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?

Sybille decided instantly, "Unicorn." They were beautiful and innocent and she had always imagined if she found one it would be a loyal and kind friend.

What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?

Again it was a question that Sybille didn't need to think about before she answered. "Open a bakery with my cousin! And I'd bake all sorts of sweets for it that people would love to eat, maybe I'll even be able to enchant them then too! Like a cake enchanted to look like an evening sky!" Under the hat Sybille's grin was wide and enthusiastic.

Your close friend is miserable, what do you do about it?

The grin slid of Sybille's face. The last year came quickly to mind. She didn't like to think of the last year. There was too much sadness the Lukeson and Rey families had faced. But Sybille had tried to make them less sad. "I'd comfort them and be there for them. I'd give them plenty of hugs and make them lots of baked goods, only their favorites though. But most importantly I'd be there when they need someone to listen to them or to lean on. Being miserable is the worst when you think you are alone. I'd never let my friend feel alone."

"What do you consider to be your best trait?"

"I think loyalty. My mother always said that I'd never let the people I love down because I always want to be there for them, and I think that's loyalty. But I think it's my best trait because it is what matters most to me. Being there for the people I love." Sybille really wasn't sure that explained it quite right, but she felt to some degree it did. She was kind and sweet, but really it didn't matter if she didn't have people around her that she cared about. She always wanted to see them happy and taken care of and that in her mind was loyalty.

[Image: UK3atr7.png]

Joella Wood
The hat yells out a decisive, "Slytherin!" after a mere three seconds.

Flora Mulciber
A little more deliberation seems to be taken before the hat declares, "Slytherin!"

Abraxas Crabbe
The hat seems to ponder a little while longer than most. Finally it cries out, "Hufflepuff!"

Fleur Rey
With relative haste the hat shouts, "Hufflepuff!"

Archer Belby
After a long silence a cry of, "Ravenclaw!" bursts forth from the sentient pile of leather.

Tansy Tatting
The hat takes several seconds to draw a conclusion. "Hufflepuff!"

Carius Bulstrode
The Sorting Hat frowns and appears to be deep in thought. Finally, it reaches a conclusion."Gryffindor!"

@"Claire Benet"
The hat seems to barely brush the girl's head before shouting, "Gryffindor!"

The following 2 users Like The Sorting Hat's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Thomas Montgomery
Susan Proudfoot

Soo-Jin winced. It had been her grandmother that had registered her for the magical school, she knew, and the woman had always insisted on using her Christian name. Still, the eleven-year-old had not expected to have her proper identity not exist in the school records!

Quietly and dispassionately, the girl made her way to the stool. To say Soo-Jin was not thrilled to be on display for all to see was something of an understatement, but the young witch was eager to find out just where in this overwhelming castle and still overwhelming society she belonged.

Which house would you like to be in and why?

I do not wish to be in any house that sees itself as the center of attention, she returned, her thoughts—as always—in her native Korean tongue. Did the Sorting Hat understand different languages? Surely it must, if there were Welsh people and Irish people and Scottish people at Hogwarts.

You catch a fellow student copying your friend's homework in their absence, how do you deal with this situation?

It is none of my business and seemingly a victimless crime, though I would speak the truth if my friend later got into trouble for it.

Centaur, unicorn, kelpie, or abraxan?

Unicorn. Her decision came more easily than she might have expected, but in truth, unicorns were pretty and centaurs more complex. She wasn't sure what a "kelpie" or "abraxan" were, at least not in their English names.

What would you like to do once you leave Hogwarts?

Be happy, she answered simply. Soo-Jin had not yet given much thought to a career—her great grandmother always implied that for her to work would be the worst thing ever, and her English was not good enough to follow in her mother's translation footsteps—but the witch had always been other, at least since arriving in Britain. Her ultimate goal was, thus, to be happy in her future endeavors.

"What do you consider to be your best trait?"

She pondered that one. Granny Juliet often complimented her manners and obedience, while her mother approved of her capability to learn. The man at church complimented her piety in spite of her "obstacles", for everyone seemed to assume that a foreigner could not find religion. But Soo-Jin? She had other priorities.

I am artistic, she answered confidently. Her art, and particularly musical, skills were something she worked hard to cultivate, and something she was proud of.


Terry Tatting
It doesn't take long at all for the hat to make up its mind. "Gryffindor!"

Paxton Fudge
"Gryffindor!" The hat had shouted its decision before it had even had time to fully rest upon the boy's head.

Sybille Lukeson
After a few seconds comes the cry of, "Hufflepuff!"

Soo-Jin Proudfoot
The hat seems to be taking a while to decide...

Quote:What does failure mean to you?

What does failure mean to you?

Soo-Jin considered this. Failure was bad, of course, in just about every way, and it was something the witch instinctively strove to avoid. But what did it mean, per se?

Not meeting the expectations set, she settled upon. Something one must work hard to stay away from!

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