Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

August 2018
The fog is over!!!!!!!

For IC updates check the DP tomorrow. Magic is back on, everyone rejoice & be glad. There will be at least one more event for SWP participation for the stamp. Beanie's going to go take a three-week nap, enjoy your lives.

MJ made this!

The AC is underway—deactivations are underway, and just a couple of lists remain to tidy up! Remember that if you lost a character you did not wish to lose, you may post in maintenance to take their soul back from the reaper starting Wednesday, August 8th. If you currently have no active characters, you may post immediately to reactivate one!

Posting Wizard has rolled over! July's winners were Hawke (@"Fortuna Lockhart") with 336 and Bee (@"Elsie Beauregard") with 156. This month will be an epic showdown amongst Kayte, Olive, Bree, Fallin, Kelly, and Kit!

Our next batch of Summer Raffle winners have been drawn! They are...

A set (with rotating avatars!) from LadyJackie (Thaddeus Davies)
Immortality DiscountTe (Declan Wood)
Against the OddsElbeess (Lilian Hill)
Featured Want AdBee (@"Elsie Beauregard")
Character Playlist from Cassius LestrangeMJ (Elias Grimstone)
Moodboard OR set from BeeEvan (Arthur Price)

We still have one more drawing this summer, so be sure to earn as many ballots as possible!

Attention anyone related to Hogwarts: It's time for student updates! This is a critical process each year, and if not completed, your student character WILL be deactivated in September. Please get it done ASAP!

There are precisely four weeks left in Camp Charming! Keep your eyes peeled for OOC events this month, such as group threads, viewing parties, and movie nights. Being an active participant in book club and completing a fog roulette thread count as OOC activities, too! Remember: you must post with your three threads before your post count will be compiled!

There are also four weeks left to complete a summer reading challenge! Please pester me if you've not already been added to the challenge Skype group :)

The following 1 user Likes Aldous Crouch's post:

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

Summer is winding down, and we’re starting to look forward to fall. What does that mean for you?

If you have any characters not yet updated for the upcoming term (including would-be first years), please do so ASAP!

Need something to do to while away those summer afternoons? Some of our professors have posted summer homework—swing by and see if there's any for you!

Lastly, we have several vacant student staff positions on the table that would LOVE to be filled! Grab your HoH/Matron/Headmaster recommendation and fire off an application!

Reminder that the last day to submit threads for Camp Charming is August 31st—and that you must submit in order for us (read: me) to bother looking at your post and event counts!

As of right now, I have the following counts for qualifying events:
  • Beanie x1
  • Bee x2
  • Bree x4
  • Evan x2
  • Fallin x3
  • Fawkes x2
  • Finn x1
  • Hawke x2
  • Jackie x1
  • Jon x1
  • Kayte x5
  • Kelly x3
  • Kit x4
  • Lauren x2
  • Lynn x2
  • Meeka x1
  • MJ x5
  • Olive x3
Still not at the magical three you need to complete Camp? Fog Roulette threads, if completed and posted in the appropriate thread, count as well! You can also participate in one of our book club threads if you’ve not earned for that yet. We also have upcoming movie nights from Bree and Olive, and an upcoming group thread from Bee! That leaves you with two your-pace, two scheduled, and one windowed activity to add to your counts!

If I can, I will run another Cards Against Humanity or two, however our usual site for this has shut down, and is unsure how soon (if at all) they’ll relaunch.

SRC runs until the end of the month as well! Reminder to update your reading logs and to participate in the discussion threads! If you’re not in the skype and would like to be, please let me know :)

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
[Image: tumblr_n8iko9sZCf1sbo963o1_r2_500.gif]

Hello darlings, it is I, the mod who lurks and does mildly useful things.

A couple of minor announcements:
    If you're still looking for some Camp Charming pieces to your stamp puzzle, there will be a Group Stamp Thread running starting next week!

    Darlings as much as I love you, I simply cannot keep up with your adorable widdle students this year. You are responsible for updating your Student Clubs entries in the spreadsheet. Please update your current students' years and if you love me, remove your inactive students. Otherwise I will clean house in the October AC.

Kisses ♥

The following 1 user Likes Elsie Kirke's post:
   Rebecca Grey

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
Just what you needed to save you from the late-summer blahs—new stamps are here! In addition to officially listing our SWP8 and 8th birthday stamps, we've added three, brand-new stamps to those available:

Get off that computer and go out into the world! Instead of spending the day with your Charming friends on-board, why not meet them in person?

Taking want ads is great—in addition to helping out your fellow Charmer, you get a new character with built-in connections, and even plots! What's better than taking on one wanted, though? Why, fulfilling two—with the same character! Capitilizing on the hip new trend (make it a trend, guys) of listing wanteds available for double duty, we thought we'd award such cleverness with a new stamp.

Let's go streak—no, Olive, put your clothes back on. It's not that kind of streaking! Can you post one character every day for a month? There's a stamp for that!

Head on over to our Stamp Station to claim these shiny new additions to your collection, and take a gander around—there may be more you've earned without realizing it!

The following 1 user Likes Aldous Crouch's post:
   Elsie Kirke

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
FAQ Incoming! I'm currently working on putting together a new FAQ for Charming, and I'm seeking your submissions! If there's any Charming questions you think are asked often - or would otherwise love to see answered - please PM them to Cassius Lestrange by Saturday, 8/25.

MJ made this!

Remember how I said summer was winding down? It’s really winding down now! And with that, a few last reminders for August:

The AC is coming!  The September AC will take place on Saturday, September 1st! To ensure you survive, please make sure that... If all of the above are squared away, there should be no reason for you to fall inactive in the upcoming check!  To our new members: the AC requires no work on your part. The staff team simply makes sure the above is seen to!

That means there are other deadlines, too! That same day will feature our last draw in the summer raffle and launch a new month for Posting Wizard—signups for which are open now! We’ll also be assessing any prefect applications we’ve received that weekend.

Sorting is Coming! Please ensure you register your first year if you want them to attend Hogwarts this term.

And so is quidditch! Quidditch tryouts for students go live on NEXT WEEK—get excited! Remember that you must sign up before you can post in them! They’ll run through September 9th this year.

Camp closes next Friday! Be sure to get your threads for Camp Charming posted by then. Even if you don’t complete the challenge, it can still earn you a raffle entry if your threads are posted!

Finish reading! The Summer Reading Challenges wrap at the end of the month, too! Remember to get your discussion posts in if you want the stamp!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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