September 1st, 1887 — London
His father likely wouldn't appreciate him appearing in the middle of his office at the hospital, just as he probably wouldn't appreciate the bloody mess he'd made of both office at home and his eldest son, but these were as far from Theo's consideration as they could be.
Theo had flooed to the hospital and barged into the office, a slightly sooty and bloody mess, wand drawn and breathing heavily. "Father, you have to come home at once!" he blurted out, face reddened from his haste. It hadn't once occurred to him what he looked like or what sort of disturbance he might be causing if not just for his father, then for the hospital in general seeing as he'd dashed out of a fireplace and to his father's office. He at least had the excuse of being an auror and in a hospital to excuse his bedraggled and blood-strained state.
Theo had flooed to the hospital and barged into the office, a slightly sooty and bloody mess, wand drawn and breathing heavily. "Father, you have to come home at once!" he blurted out, face reddened from his haste. It hadn't once occurred to him what he looked like or what sort of disturbance he might be causing if not just for his father, then for the hospital in general seeing as he'd dashed out of a fireplace and to his father's office. He at least had the excuse of being an auror and in a hospital to excuse his bedraggled and blood-strained state.