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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Greetings From the Other Side
June 21st, 1888
Mr. Tilcott,
I hope this letter finds you well in fog-free London! I hadn't really intended to write..I didn't really know what there might be to say or if it was even truly proper. But in light of recent events, I thought why not? Surely, you'd be one to give me honest opinions.

I'm not sure if you read the Daily Prophet but a troll destroyed Honeydukes yesterday. I just happened to be there on the hunt for a specific treat. I was lucky compared to the others though. A few stitches in my cheek but worst of all, a broken right wrist. I suppose you could liken it to breaking your dominate throwing arm.. As a result, I'm forced to work with my left hand for the time being. Just sincerely hope that even with the lack of magic, my wrist will heal properly so one day I'll be able to go back to using it.

So...I've enclosed a sketch of a snitch I've done. Calla, my youngest sister, described the different balls to me that are used in Quidditch. The quaffle didn't sound like much of a challenge to draw even though I know that's what you typically deal with as a chaser. Hopefully I captured the snitch well enough based solely on what I was told. What are your thoughts?
Z. Potts

Fab Bee Set!
[Image: B3Itpe.png]

June 24th, 1888
Miss Potts,

I have to say, I was a little surprised to get an owl from you.

I'm sorry to hear you got off on the bad end of a troll. Even if others were more hurt hurt more. I've broken my arm on more than one ocashon occasion and it is never pleasant, so I completely understand how it could be a hindrance to you – especially when it is the hand you paint and draw with most.

Make sure you go to the infirmary or something if you need to. It will be painful to heal – but it will heal. Even without magic. It just might take longer.

The sketch is very good even if it is with your weaker hand. I don’t really get close to snitches when playing, but it looks good.

I’m glad to see you are still pursuing your talents a bit more and even branching out into quidditch (the best sport).

London has been mostly quiet given everything that has been happening in Hogsmeade though I think Rufus (my friend) has been having a lot more fun than me. Especially given his company last night. I think.

I can’t remember much.

Beyond your injuries and being stuck in Hogsmeade, how are you doing?

Thomas Tilcott,
Chaser for Puddlemere United

[Image: m69xJUo.jpg]
June 27th, 1888
Mr. Tilcott,
I'm sorry for the surprise. Perhaps it would have better had I not written..

I was taken to the hospital here, though. But without magic, there's not too much that can be done. A pain potion from time to time is about all I have along with a splint on my wrist. I'll just have to hope for the best.

But thank you for the kind remarks regarding the sketch. I wasn't entirely sure if I captured it but I shall trust the master of the subject that I did well enough. I may have to go back to florals though. I know those far better.

You don't remember much? Did you take a fall and hit your head or is there some other reason for it? Sorry, that's perhaps a bit too forward of a question to be asking.

I'm well enough though this fog is really quite awful. We fear we may lose some of our plants and flowers thanks to the lack of sun and since we can't use magic to help make up for the loss of it, are hands and pretty much tied. I just hope it is taken care of sooner rather than later so we don't lose too much.
Z. Potts

Fab Bee Set!
[Image: B3Itpe.png]

June 28th, 1888
Miss Potts,

That is absolute nonsense! I don't mind that you wrote me - I was just not expecting it. It was nice to receive your owl.

Please make sure you take it easy and don't put much weight onto your arm - it will heal quicker that way.

Your sketch is good. Florals, snitches, or portraits of myself. As I've already said, you have talent and you need to stop telling yourself you don't.

Also, kind of. I had some alcohol. A lot of alcohol. I think I annoyed Rufus though I'm not too sure. I've not really seen him much. He's smitten by some girl.

Also, I'm sure the fog will lift soon. The Ministry are doing an expedition - I'm unsure if you've read the Prophet - but anyway, I have volunteered to help. Thom isn't too happy about it but I feel like I need to do something to help.

We are due to head into the fog on the first of the coming month.

Thomas Tilcott,
Chaser for Puddlemere United

[Image: m69xJUo.jpg]
June 30th, 1888
Mr. Tilcott,
I hope this finds you before you leave on the expedition! Also, best of luck on it. Be careful.

And I've never told myself I don't have talent. I'm just unsure of the quality with things I don't normally sketch or paint. You will be surprised, however, to know that I've hung up some of my landscapes and floral pieces in the shop. Some have already showed interest in them and asked where we've gotten them. So thank you for that bit of advice.

Smitten with a girl? Sounds as if someone may be jealous. Is this girl coming between you and your friend? Perhaps you should speak to him on it. I'm sure he'd understand if you explained your concerns to him. But wallowing in alcohol hardly sounds like the thing to do.
Z. Potts

Fab Bee Set!
[Image: B3Itpe.png]

June 31st, 1888
Miss Potts,

I'm sending this before I go to the station to head to this expedition. I'm kind of nervous. I went for a walk through Diagon Alley earlier and some people were saying they think those going may die. I hope that's not the case - but I am worried nonetheless.

Though in lighter news, I'm glad to read you've hung up some paintings. I told you they would be popular. You're an amazing painter. And I meant that: stop being unsure of yourself! The more you're unsure of yourself, the more people will see it in your art. Your confidence will show in your pictures and if you're not confident, it will come out in them.

And jealous? Don't be silly, Zinnia! I have no interest in her! She's nice but definitely is not my type. Though I will admit she is causing a rift between us. He is neglecting our friendship to get into her skirt. At least that's what it feels like. And I can't talk to him about it. He's a grown man who wants to finally settle. That's his choosing.

I'm just stuck here with my broomstick and balls! Though if worse comes to worst - I'll just pretend I'm courting you!

I'm joking of course... Though my father does think I am courting someone. And he wants to meet her at some point. But... she's not real. So there's that.

Thomas Tilcott

[Image: m69xJUo.jpg]
July 1st, 1888
Mr. Tilcott,
I imagine you might be glad to know that I'm not unsure of myself and even sold a painting this morning. A woman was quite taken with one I'd hung up for display and she offered to buy it from me. She said she'd be passing my name along to her friends. I hope that it could prove to be good for me. But I suppose only time will tell.

He may be a grown man, but letting your opinions be known surely can't be that awful of an idea. Especially if you two were particularly close before. But then again, I'm not exactly well versed on such topics. I only have sisters and only one of them is married.

And how, pray tell, do you plan to sort out that situation? You know you shouldn't lie to your father, it isn't at all the thing to do. But should you try to use my name as your pretend courtship, let me know in advance. It could be a bit awkward if I'm approached by someone and haven't a clue of what they're going on about.
Z. Potts

Fab Bee Set!
[Image: B3Itpe.png]

July 2nd, 1888
Miss Potts,

That does make me glad. I knew there would be interest. You are more talented than any artist I've seen so of course people would like your paintings and wish to buy them. It would be good for you though as you say, give it time.

And I have made my opinion known though it has not helped. He isn't too taken by the fact I shared a bottle of whiskey with her. Though I'm pretty certain they decided to bed one another whilst they thought me asleep - though that could have been my mind playing tricks on me. I can only hope he sees sense soon and doesn't lose a good friend. He's like a brother to me.

Also, I don't know. I went into detail about what she looked like which... was not smart. The only reason I lied was because he would prefer me to settle and start a family than pursue my career. Which is very hypocritical of him given his past but he is my father so I ought to listen to him I suppose.

I wouldn't dare put you in that place though if I need to, I will be sure to think you as my fake courtship first! I am joking though don't feel as if the offer hasn't been lost on me. I appreciate the gesture immensely.

I'm not sure I'll be able to write you again before I go on this expedition. I got the dates wrong which was embarrassing as I waited at the train station for a good two hours before I realised.

If I don't return, know it was a pleasure that I met you and I wish you all the best.

Thomas Tilcott

July 3rd, 1888
Mr. Tilcott,
That may very well have been your problem then! You shared a bottle of alcohol with your best mate's girl. You don't think that goes against things a little? Wouldn't you be a bit cross with him had he shared a bottle with your love interest? If she weren't imaginary, of course.

Seems as though you have a knack for doing things without fully thinking them through. But please, pray tell, what is this lucky lady of yours to look like that your father thinks you to be courting? Perhaps I can keep an eye out for you so you can woo such a girl upon your return from the expedition and present her to your father. Of course, that solely lies on whether or not you intend to see it through.

And please don't say such things. You'll survive it all, I'm sure. Besides, you still have a portrait you need to pick up.
Z. Potts

Fab Bee Set!
[Image: B3Itpe.png]

August 2nd, 1888
Miss Potts,

I didn't die and I hope you're well.

I've... I'm not sure what to say. Turns out that expedition was a bad idea. I'm not sure who to talk to and you came to mind. I don't think I can turn to Bixby.

I lost my broom. I'm covered in burn marks. I was turned into a cat.

Also, I received an owl from my mother and my father's health has ailed drastically. So there's that.

Thomas Tilcott

[Image: m69xJUo.jpg]
August 2nd, 1888
Mr. Tilcott,
Well.. I'm glad to hear you're not dead at least.

The rest of your letter however, doesn't at all sound good. I'm not entirely sure what to say to it all..

I'm opening the shop tomorrow morning. I never did get any of the lemon sweets I'd gone for at Honeyduke's thanks to the troll. Perhaps you could find some in Diagon Alley for me? I'll trade you a portrait and an ear to listen for them..
Z. Potts

Fab Bee Set!
[Image: B3Itpe.png]

August 2nd, 1888
Miss Potts,

I'll have a look for you and will stop by your shop at some point tomorrow.

I'll see you soon, Miss Potts.

And I hope the last... month, I suppose, has treated you well.. I was only on the expedition a few hours... my head is still foggy.

Thomas Tilcott


August 3rd, 1888
Miss Potts,

I'm sorry I didn't come today.

The thought of going back to Hogsmeade. To my home. Or even to where my family is. It's hard. I tried to leave but my body wouldn't let me.

I can't see him. I can't be near where he is knowing he's likely on his death bed. Mother said he has been like it for a short while. All the whilst I was trying to... I don't know. Be a hero, I guess. A lot of good that was.

I've barely slept. Everytime I close my eyes, I get pictures of his grave. I don't want my father to die.

Sorry again.

Thomas Tilcott

The writing is shaky and scraggly as if he was trying to hold in his emotions

August 3rd, 1888
Mr. Tilcott,
First, there's no need to apologize. I can hardly begin to understand what it is you've gone through. Not to mention what you're currently going through. It isn't as if you've come home to happy tidings.

Where are you staying currently? Could I, perhaps, come to you? I.. I don't know how all I can help but if I can, I'd like to.
Z. Potts

Fab Bee Set!
[Image: B3Itpe.png]

August 4th, 1888
Miss Potts,

I'm in London. We can meet in Diagon Alley though please bring a chaperone or something. I don't want people staring at me.

People do enough of that already and I... I dont know. I can't put it into words. I haven't even seen Bixby since the expedition. I'm certain even my best friend has forgotten about me.

I'm sorry to be a pain. I just can't bring myself to be near him. It hurts.

Thomas Tilcott

August 4th, 1888
Mr. Tilcott,
I can be there tomorrow in the afternoon. Just after the lunch hour?

At Fudge & Son Desserterie if that's acceptable to you.

And you're not a pain. I'd like to think we are friends. Friends help one another when it's needed.
Z. Potts

Fab Bee Set!
[Image: B3Itpe.png]

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