Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
It was late, but the door to the print shop opened — Declan looked up from his seat on the stool by the door, dog-eared his book, and smiled.
"Saffron," Deck said, waving one ink-stained hand at her. He was just about done with work — once this invitation finished printing, he just had to put it in a small box for pickup tomorrow. She seemed like she was going to have a moment, though — he remembered, belatedly, where she had been all day. "Quidditch?"
Her head was pounding. Or was that just the sounds of the printing shop echoing in the distance? Or maybe it was the sound of her shoes scuffing the pavement as she made her way up High Street. Shops had already closed, and lights were slowly fading as people turned in for the night. Saffy had started to count the number of steps it took to make it to the print shop but for some reason she always only got to 7 before she started over again.
On four her shoe hit the welcome mat. Her hand went to the door and she pushed it open, shuffling in. Predictably, the shop had also closed. And predictably one of her favorite people was still working, for whom she managed to crack a smile. The world seemed like it was about to throw itself into chaos - or perhaps it was her ears still ringing from the match. She let her bag hit the floor and collapsed into one of the chairs, leaning forward to put her head in her hands (she’d put her head on the table, but refrained for fear of getting the word ‘the’ stamped across her forehead again).
“Yes,” She mumbled. It felt as if her mind was both melted and like every part of it was revved up to 100. “Why are men stupid.” It was most certainly a statement and not a question. “Stupid Quidditch moves that don’t make sense.” She was even fried enough to let out a small but distinctive whine.
July 1, 2024 – 8:58 PM
Last modified: September 3, 2024 – 3:18 AM by Declan Buchanan.
When Declan could get out to a Quidditch game he did actually enjoy it, but Saffron didn't like it — and he didn't know why the Ministry men couldn't just accept that she had different interests than they did. Sometimes he wished he could explain it to them.
The printing press was running on magic and Deck didn't have to stare at it, so he wiped the ink off of his palms with a rag and stepped out from the stool. "D'you want a drink?" he asked. "Tea? A beer?" They were below her house, so all of the drinks were hers — but he had long since gotten used to wandering in and out of the Whitby living space.
Mmmm a hot cup of tea, actually sounded delightful. And perhaps a pastry from Ivy Leaf, though she hadn’t had the forethought to get one before they’d closed for the night. She’d have to settle for a strong cup of tea then. And maybe a beer after. “Cuppa sounds lovely,” She murmured gratefully, raising her head from her hands and giving him a smile. “Busy day today with the shop?”
"Let's head up, then," Declan said — he didn't have to wait for Saff to feel comfortable wandering up to make them both tea, but she seemed like she maybe wanted to talk and it was better to do so without pauses. He walked over to the bottom of the stairs and waited for her there.
"Right, busy day — lots of invitations." The Season was rapidly approaching.
Invitations. “Ahhh,” That’s right, the Season was approaching and the socialites of London and Hogsmeade had parties to throw. “Remind me to illustrate something for our next pamphlets, I’ve got a few ideas.” She smiled sleepily as she followed him to the bottom of the stairs.
Declan led the way up the narrow staircase, keeping his pace slow because he knew that Saffron was tired. "What sort of ideas?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow at her, "Big sleeves and heeled shoes?" (Declan had limited exposure to the upper classes, except the few people who came to the printshop instead of sending someone on their behalf, which generally meant that his impression of them was mostly based off of stereotypes.) "Or illustrations for the other pamphlets?"
Hand on the railing, Saffy followed Declan, trying to keep the noise down; between Tess’ perpetual exhaustion and Sage’s work schedule, there was no telling who might be trying to catch a bit of shut eye at all times of the day. “Don’t forget big purses.” She added with a chuckle. “With a crying, abandoned baby behind them and speech above them about how good they feel after they’ve donated.”
When they reached the kitchen, Saffron collapsed into a chair and put her forehead down on the table. For one it felt cool to the touch, and for another, it was all she could do to support her upper body until she’d sat down.
Declan laughed. "And that's not even the no-fault divorce pamphlets," he said cheerfully, "Broken wedding ring, a lawyer, et cetera." Declan was all for no-fault divorce, and for legal access to abortion potions — both would improve situations for women, and especially for working class people.
He patted Saffron's shoulder and put the kettle on the stove, lighting it with his wand and a muttered spell. "What kind of tea do you want?" Deck asked, opening the drawer. He was quite at home in the Whitby kitchen — as long as he was with one of the girls and not feeling like an interloper.
“Exactly,” She sighed, already slipping into that sweet space between wakefulness and a deep sleep. Declan’s pat on her shoulder jolted her awake though; her eyes fluttered as she took a deep breath and sat up in her chair. “Mmm, it’s been a long day; think I can have a chamomile and spearmint in the same mug?”
She watched Declan move around the kitchen, smiling at how comfortably he navigated the space. “What about yourself? You said you had a lot of invitations to print?”
"Might be a risky flavor combination," Declan said, mixing the leaves in the strainer. He looked up and her and smiled, expression playful. "I'll have to join you, to review it myself."
He nodded at her question. "It's the Season," Declan said, with a shrug of his shoulders. "I've got the smaller press running still — I'll have to box things up after our tea, then I should be done." There would only be more invitations to print, for the rest of the summer — it wasn't the most interesting of their wares, but he did like hearing everyone's commentary on different events that rich people had.
“You know me Deck, when it comes to tea combinations, my boundaries know no limits.” Saffy chirped in an extremely tired but jovial tone. Watching Declan walk around the kitchen made her extremely grateful for the small village that her family had welcomed. Deck and the rest of the shop hands were so invaluable, and in more ways than one. She was eternally grateful that they also helped lighten the workload for Tess. Truth be told she always felt bad that she hadn’t stayed to help, even though Tess wouldn’t have dreamed of insisting that any of them remain at home in the print shop.
“I’m not holding you up, am I?” She inquired with a worried look at him. “I can prepare my own tea if you need to hurry back.” He’d worked hard tonight no doubt; she could certainly tell that by what she thought were dark circles under his eyes. Or perhaps that was just an ink smudge.