October 29, 1894 - Honeydukes' House, Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
"She's asleep." Dahlia sighed in relief as she sank down beside Quin on the couch. Her eyes were heavy with a tiredness even worse than the first few weeks of Marigold's life. She curled into Quin's side, head leaning on his shoulder. Marigold had been fussy the last few nights, refusing to sleep day and night from a cold. Dahlia had been in a fit wanting to Marigold to the healers', but Mama had told her it was entirely normal. Hemsley had too. And so Dahlia had lived in a state of half away exhaustion with their daughter screaming at all hours of the day. It didn't help that Marigold didn't like naps in the first place, but it appeared when she was sick she hated being set down as well. On second thought, Marigold hated being set down most of the time. The bright side was that Marigold had actually drifted off to sleep in Dahlia's arms tonight and stayed asleep when she had been settled into the bassinet.
She tilted her head up to study the stubble on her husband's chin the light, thinking how handsome he looked in that moment. Had she not felt as if she were about to fall asleep where she sat she might have been tempted to show him just how handsome he was.... in their bed. There abstentious after Marigold's birth had only lasted a scant two months before Dahlia had found herself back in his embrace. But as it were she didn't think she would be able to keep her eyes open much longer even for the scant few precious moments she had Quin all to herself.
"You know what sounds wonderful?" She mused out loud, "Your hot cocoa." Every since the weather had turned more crisp and chill with autumn settling in she had been craving his hot chocolate. It was the absolute most perfect way to end the day.
Quincey Honeyduke
![[Image: sgrDsA2.png]](https://i.imgur.com/sgrDsA2.png)
Pretties by Bee <3