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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

The way that it feels when you lean in and kiss me
October 29, 1894 - Honeydukes' House, Bartonburg, Hogsmeade

"She's asleep." Dahlia sighed in relief as she sank down beside Quin on the couch. Her eyes were heavy with a tiredness even worse than the first few weeks of Marigold's life. She curled into Quin's side, head leaning on his shoulder. Marigold had been fussy the last few nights, refusing to sleep day and night from a cold. Dahlia had been in a fit wanting to Marigold to the healers', but Mama had told her it was entirely normal. Hemsley had too. And so Dahlia had lived in a state of half away exhaustion with their daughter screaming at all hours of the day. It didn't help that Marigold didn't like naps in the first place, but it appeared when she was sick she hated being set down as well. On second thought, Marigold hated being set down most of the time. The bright side was that Marigold had actually drifted off to sleep in Dahlia's arms tonight and stayed asleep when she had been settled into the bassinet.

She tilted her head up to study the stubble on her husband's chin the light, thinking how handsome he looked in that moment. Had she not felt as if she were about to fall asleep where she sat she might have been tempted to show him just how handsome he was.... in their bed. There abstentious after Marigold's birth had only lasted a scant two months before Dahlia had found herself back in his embrace. But as it were she didn't think she would be able to keep her eyes open much longer even for the scant few precious moments she had Quin all to herself.

"You know what sounds wonderful?" She mused out loud, "Your hot cocoa." Every since the weather had turned more crisp and chill with autumn settling in she had been craving his hot chocolate. It was the absolute most perfect way to end the day.

Quincey Honeyduke

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3
Quin had been assured by almost every woman around him that Mari's cold was nothing to worry about and he was not about to argue with Laurel Potts on a manner like infants. She would know. It seemed to be wearing on Dahlia however, and though he had tried to take a turn getting her to sleep, Marigold wasn't having it, preferring her mama's warmth to his and so Quin had slunk off to the kitchen, but that was clean, thanks to Mrs. Hopkins and now he felt utterly useless.

He was on the sofa with the newspaper when Dahlia resurfaced, looking weary and worn out, but still as beautiful as ever. "Well done," he whispered, afraid to speak louder, leaning in to press a kiss to the top of her head. He chuckled as she requested cocoa. "I will happily make you some if you like, I think I just need to heat it up." But that would mean moving, so he wanted to be sure.

[Image: Quin-Sig-New.png]
"Mmm. That would be lovely." The thought of the cocoa had slid to the front of her mind and as much as she loved the embrace she didn't think her mind (or mouth) would rest until such a craving was satisfied. Such cravings had been gripping her lately, not that she had given much thought to them. She rather thought it natural after one had a baby to crave such things. Something to do with nursing the babe? She was sure that was what it was.

"I promise to stay awake to enjoy it." She added, because only the night before she had fallen asleep when he had gone to get her something from the kitchen. Moving slightly she looked at him with a playful smile, searching his gaze. She absolutely loved spending her evenings with Quin without worrying about her reputation or any of the other issues that came with courting.

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3
"What my wife wants, she gets." Quin assured her with a smirk of his own. She had done the hard job of getting Marigold to sleep, the least he could do was heat up some cocoa. "I'll be back in a flash." Truthfully, though he obviously enjoyed her company, it was hard to hold her sleepiness against her. Dahlia did so much with the baby and around the house that he was always left in awe of her.

He tossed a blanket over her after he stood, making his way to the kitchen. Cocoa was easy enough and quick, so he set everything on the stovetop to simmer while he got the necessary things to put in the pot. Thanks to magic and the memorized recipe, he was back in less than ten minutes with two steaming mugs of cocoa.

"You made it," he teased lightly as he sat back down, tucking himself beside her easily, getting comfortable. "Is she still congested?" Quin had come to learn that Mari was not an easy baby, just through snippets of conversations he'd overheard, but it seemed particularly rough when she wasn't feeling well. "I will get up with her first tonight," he would have to wake Dahlia eventually, especially to nurse, but he could get up and change the nappy and everything else first.

[Image: Quin-Sig-New.png]
Despite her request Dahlia mewed as he shifted and stood up, the warmth of his body no longer close. She leaned her head back on the sofa instead with a pout. "I'll hold you too it." Dahlia mumbled, but her words were too low and he had already disappeared into the kitchen.

Her eyes were heavy as she tried to keep them open. She wanted nothing more than to let them close, to snuggle into the sofa and sleep. Or rather. She would have, if she weren't so desperate for some time with Quin. She missed her husband, missed being alone with him. So she forced herself to keep her eyes open.

The reappearance of Quin in the doorway what felt like a very long time later brought a smile to her lips. “I did.” Her own voice sounded surprised as she graced Quin with a grateful smile. He easily settled in next to her and eagerly she grabbed the hot cocoa, “She is-” Dahlia was about to tell him that their beautiful little girl most definitely still was congested when the smell hit her.

One of the most heavenly smells in the world, Dahlia thought, was her husband’s hot cocoa. She loved to breathe the scent in as a mug steamed between her warm fingers. But this time the smell was awful. Without intending to Dahlia gagged, thrusting the mug away from herself and sloshing the liquid on their clothes. “Wha–?” She sputtered, a hand flying to cover her mouth. She was quite certain she was going to vomit the contents of her stomach everywhere. She scrambled up and made a run for it to the kitchen, the scent still haunting her and she heaved her empty stomach into the kitchen sink in horrible dry heaves.

Words: 299

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[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3
Quin barely had time react before Dahlia was moving. Fortunately the cocoa wasn't scalding hot, as he wound up with some on his pants. He quickly dispatched with the cups onto the table, he would clean that up in a moment.

He was hot on Dahlia's heels, right next to her, rubbing her back and making soothing sounds. He was used to this after early in her pregnancy, but he was too dumb to make any connection to that at the moment, in his worry for her. Maybe she was coming down with something? Quin stepped aside and filled a glass with water from the pitcher on the counter. "Alright?" He asked after a moment, brow creased with concern.

[Image: Quin-Sig-New.png]
Dahlia hated the feeling of almost throwing up her insides, hated how it made her feel, how it had to look at Quin. He was amazing, rubbing her back, but all she wanted to do was cry. She squeezed her eyes shut as she took shaky breaths, her hands clasping the edge of the sink tightly. "I am so sorry." The words broke as she said them and she covered her face in mortification, the tears leaking hot from her eyes.

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3

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