The things most worth doing — It felt like she taunted him. He stiffened and his face darkened and his mouth grew bitter. Of course, Themis had simply no idea what she was talking about. He looked at her and she transformed into a stranger in the turn of a second; she might be oceans and mountain ranges away from him. You have no idea who I am, he thought. His lover and confidant did not know him, and how could she ever come to know him? How could he ever tell her the truth? He was attempting to build a future on a base of quicksand, that would devour everything in time. There was no sense to it.
Go now, said the voice living in a burrow under the arches of the left side of his ribcage. He ignored it. Anger spread through him; it pulsed from his core outwards into his limbs and head. He was glad about that. It seemed to increase his firmness and density, his ability to stand upright. For the first time since that accursed night, he felt like he was real.
With two steps, he closed the distance to her. He took her wrist and held it up between them. The sleeve of her dress fell back and he stared at the scar she had given herself a week ago, in the shuttered laboratory.
Samuel looked into her eyes.
"What if what I am doing is not worth anything? — Not to any sane and moral person?" he asked and he heard his own voice, level and cold.
Go now, said the voice living in a burrow under the arches of the left side of his ribcage. He ignored it. Anger spread through him; it pulsed from his core outwards into his limbs and head. He was glad about that. It seemed to increase his firmness and density, his ability to stand upright. For the first time since that accursed night, he felt like he was real.
With two steps, he closed the distance to her. He took her wrist and held it up between them. The sleeve of her dress fell back and he stared at the scar she had given herself a week ago, in the shuttered laboratory.
Samuel looked into her eyes.
"What if what I am doing is not worth anything? — Not to any sane and moral person?" he asked and he heard his own voice, level and cold.