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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Could go to hell but we'll probably be fine
She liked his hand on her leg, but this was where she’d gone and said something stupid when they were on the beach. Hudson wasn’t going to be her husband — he wasn’t the marrying type. But she was in mourning, and in darker moments she was losing hope about her own future marriage, so she was just going to have to enjoy the way his fingers felt on her skin.

She was, she thought, overthinking it. Hanna tried to mimic him, and ghosted kisses along Mr. Hudson’s jawline. When she broke away, she said, ”Are there more places I can touch you? I want to — be more flexible.”

[Image: qkvfT2Y.png]
set by Bee
Dean was enjoying her exploration, rolling his head to the side to give her better access, though he could still feel a tentativeness to the contact. "Anywhere you want," he answered her with a low chuckle. He realized that probably wasn't specific enough even if he was perfectly content to let her figure out what it was she wanted out of this. She was already getting better at kissing, she'd be all set soon enough and maybe their little lessons could just turn into fun, like she'd once mentioned. Dean had zero expectations from Hanna however.

"I do enjoy when someone runs their fingers through my hair," Dean was a big fan, especially with the scrape of nails across his scalp. He had a lot of experience figuring out what he liked though. "Where should I draw the line?" His hand had crept higher still, in search of warm skin, but the bloomers would prove to be a problem, at least from where he'd started, for going any further and he was pretty sure she wasn't ready for anything much beyond this at any rate. If they wound up getting further in the future, he would suggest a change of attire for her visits.

[Image: Dean-Sig-New.png]
Hanna moved one of her hands to Mr. Hudson’s hair, sinking her fingers into it, and ran the other hand over his chest and down his abdomen. She wondered if it would be inappropriate to unbutton his shirt for more skin — his hand was on the soft skin of her lower thigh now, though, so maybe not — but the thought was cut short by his question.

”There’s steps between — this and intercourse?” Hanna asked, tone quizzical. She intended to be a virgin for marriage - surely there was some way a man could tell - but his question implied the impossible, that there were steps in between.

[Image: qkvfT2Y.png]
set by Bee
Dean almost purred at the feeling of the hand in his hair. Merlin he loved that. He mumbled something in appreciation against her skin, but her next comment had him leaning back to look at her. He hadn't meant anything beyond what they were already doing, slow, baby steps. He had meant physically, with his hand up her skirt, where he should stop, but he was too dumbstruck by the question.

The genuine surprise on her face was equal parts endearing, amusing and frustrating. Dean thought it categorically unethical that women went into marriage with such little knowledge of sex. Flowery metaphors and lines about duty were all such bullshit. Sure, people in the business of making children needed to do it, but it had every opportunity to be actually fun and satisfying along the way. 

"There's a lot of possibilities actually." Dean was pretty familiar with all of them, too.

[Image: Dean-Sig-New.png]
Hanna's brow furrowed. She almost felt as if Mr. Hudson was poking fun at her, but his tone seemed serious. "Like what?" she asked, amusement in her voice — he was speaking as if there were multiple options, but Hanna could not begin to imagine what those options were.

[Image: qkvfT2Y.png]
set by Bee
Dean could hear the amusement in her voice, but he wasn't sure she believed him. "I'm very good with my hands." He slide his hand so that his thumb was closer to the inside of her thigh and then slid upward. His eyebrows shot upward too. "Usually the best place to start, ease into it." This was supposed to just be kissing lessons and he wouldn't push for anything, but she was asking about it. "Or," he smirked. "I'm also pretty good with my tongue."

[Image: Dean-Sig-New.png]
Hanna was the only person who had ever touched herself there, and she had never done so for pleasure, only for bathing. Her eyebrows shot up in response to his hand being near that secret place, and she gripped the fabric of his shirt near his abdomen. "And those can feel — like kissing?" she asked. She suddenly felt wound up, as tight as a coil — and that secret place, between her legs, felt wet.

[Image: qkvfT2Y.png]
set by Bee
"Better, in my experience." He rubbed his thumb along the soft skin, but didn't dare go any higher. The grip on his shirt was tight and he thought she might be interested, but he needed her to tell him that's what she wanted. "You tell me what you'd like." He caught her eye, saw the hint of arousal darkening the color. "And you can tell me to stop whenever you need to." He assured her. He felt like that phrase haunted him, but he wanted her to know it was okay if she needed to.

[Image: Dean-Sig-New.png]
Felt better than kissing. This sort of trouble would not particularly help her, but Mr. Hudson was making eye contact with her, and it was not as if this sort of trouble could hurt her chances of getting married. And she could stop it; he would stop when she asked.

"Show me?" she asked.

[Image: qkvfT2Y.png]
set by Bee
Dean hadn't anticipated going quite so far in her first visit, but he had no reason to deny her if she really wanted to. He couldn't even recall the last time (if ever?) he'd dallied with someone quite so inexperienced, at least in this respect, but he would maintain that he would rather it be him than someone else. Plus he liked Hanna and all of her quirks.

"Let's head upstairs, more comfortable," better angles, more space. "You'll have to wear fewer layers next time," he chuckled as he stood, adjusting his trousers a little in the front, hopefully inconspicuously, while he held out the other hand to help her up. Dean was good with his hand after all and corsets really were a bit of a nuisance. It had been a while since he'd taken someone new upstairs, most often he was out of the house for his shenanigans these days; only a select few were allowed into his space. Apparently Hanna made the cut.

In an effort to distract her, so neither one of them could get in their own heads in the meantime, Dean pulled her in and kissed her slowly, backing toward the bed as he did. He worried briefly that this was a slippery slope, but he had good control of himself even if it might come back to bite him in the ass later. He lowered them to the bed easily enough, getting comfortable himself, letting the hand he wasn't leaning on start to wander back under her skirts. Pushing the fabric out of the way, Dean would forever be grateful for the ease of access in women's underthings.

He broke away, lips moving down her jaw and to her neck as he let his hand trail up slowly, trying to ease her back into the heat from a few minutes ago and giving her time to adjust her expectations. Waiting a beat he slid up even further, both slightly amused and more than a little aroused, to find she was already primed for the occasion. Still, he continued to be slow and gentle, moving his fingers at an easy, unhurried pace to allow her to catch up to the sensations.

[Image: Dean-Sig-New.png]
It wasn't like she was able to tell anyone about this, but her friends would never believe her if she did — Johanna didn't land in situations like this. Not because she didn't want to — she was obviously incredibly curious, that was why she was now going up the stairs with Mr. Hudson — but because it was difficult to get into trouble when you found yourself doing or saying off-putting things so often.

She backed onto his mattress in a fwump of skirts — maybe she should wear less next time — and tried to focus in on kissing Mr. Hudson. She put her hand in his hair again, threading her fingers through his hair, and tucked her other hand into the skin at the top of his shirt. Should she unbutton things? She'd told him to touch her, so maybe more skin was allowed, but she had not fully confirmed —

"Oh," she breathed, eyes opening wide at the feeling. This was not what she'd expected that to feel like, but heat immediately started to build in her lower abdomen. She pressed her hand against his head, because now she wanted to kiss him again, and she was immediately feeling a little frantic about wanting to touch him more.

[Image: qkvfT2Y.png]
set by Bee
Dean hummed out a noise of approval against her skin as she tangled her fingers in his hair. She was learning quick. Or maybe she was just reacting on instinct now. Either was fine. The latter was better. Overthinking things always took away from the fun of it.

He followed the easy direction of her hand, making his way back to kiss her again, letting her set the tone. It was easy to get caught up in the sensations, he knew, as he was deliberately trying not to himself. It would be a flat out lie however, to say he wasn't turned on by her reactions and they might have to have an awkward conversation at some point, but for now it wasn't at the forefront of his mind.

In an effort to give her a good experience, Dean changed the position and pressure of his fingers just a little, pushing a little further now that she'd had some time to adjust. He got more comfortable on the bed, sliding his free hand under her neck to pull her in closer and give him better access to any bare skin at the top of her dress.

[Image: Dean-Sig-New.png]
How did she get more of this? This was good, and it was a new sensation, which was good because it helped prevent her from overthinking — even if she was still more aware of her own mind than she thought a normal person would have been. Hanna spread her legs, trying to give him more access to that secret place. Her pulse raced. Her skirts did feel dreadfully in the way.

She was still worrying about the Right way to react, and embarrassed about the way she had just gasped into his mouth — Hanna started pulling at the buttons of Hudson's shirt, trying to increase the amount of skin she could touch. And then — her gaze caught on something she was sure she would have noticed pushing at his trousers if it was normally present. "— what's that?"

[Image: qkvfT2Y.png]
set by Bee
Still treading carefully, he was encouraged by her reactions. Dean had always been the sort of person to ensure his partners were satisfied before he was, which was realistically the only option tonight, but he wanted her to have time to get a feeling for what worked for her and what didn't. He pressed in closer, giving easier access to the buttons she kept pulling at, but of course they weren't going to get through this without a little bit of awkwardness.

The laugh that bubbled up couldn't be helped and Dean sighed. Merlin these debutantes really were clueless (through no fault of their own). Hanna was proving at least to be observant. The question was how exactly did he explain this without embarrassing both of them.?Well, he supposed there was very little that actually embarrassed him in situations like this, but he didn't want to go scaring her off so he'd start with the basics. "Anatomically," he chuckled again. "Men and women have different parts that are supposed to fit together." He'd stilled his hand, but used it to demonstrate the explanation a little better, sliding one finger a little further in. "So that goes here during sex." It didn't fully explain the strain in his trousers, but he wondered just how much she wanted to know.

[Image: Dean-Sig-New.png]
Hanna flushed, prepared to be embarrassed after Hudson's laugh — but then he explained a bit more, and pressed a finger up inside her. Hanna shifted on the bed, more aroused than she was embarrassed or astonished by the new feeling. She leaned back on her elbows. She supposed that she was ruining the moment, a bit, but it was impossible to stop herself from saying — "That fits?"

[Image: qkvfT2Y.png]
set by Bee
"It fits," Dean assured her with another rumble of a laugh. He could understand the skeptical tone to her question, clearly Hanna hadn't even considered that male anatomy was different, so she would be surprised to put the pieces together of the whole puzzle.

Clearly he wasn't doing a very good job here if Hanna still had any breath to ask these questions, so he needed to change up the game a little bit. Rolling up to his knees, Dean shifted on the bed to push her skirts up a little bit more after settling between her legs. "That's not on the table at the moment though," this was supposed to be kissing lessons, and they were already in his bed, so he couldn't send her home disappointed.

He tugged gently on the ties holding her stockings up and slowly pulled them off, exposing more skin. Leaning down, he brushed his lips against the sensitive spot on her inner thigh, waiting a beat for any protests before continuing.

[Image: Dean-Sig-New.png]

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