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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Double your odds
October 18th, 1894 - Destiny Hotel, London

Seeing Double Ball

Halloween was always an excuse for the most interesting of parties and tonight's society event was no different. Already the effects of the maze of mirrors could be seen in the dance hall as Harrison chatted idly to one of his business associates. A ghostly young woman in an outfit resembling some ghoul ran right and stopped as though hitting her head on an invisible wall, no doubt the real woman was elsewhere nursing a bruised forehead.

Harrison let the ghost go on about her business before turning his head to the dance floor, there were a few society types here, including several younger patrons who must not be long out of Hogwarts enjoying the tail end of their first summer season with chaperones not far away. He adjusted the white mask. He played the part of the phantom of the opera, it was probably a huge cliche of a costume but it suited him and he could quite easily play something more gruesome when he wasn't trying to play the part of the handsome single man.

Across the room he spotted a young woman that just drew the eye, there was a hint of recognition from somewhere, or perhaps it was the way she carried herself but it drew his eye from across the room and he lifted his glass and gave her a polite wave to get her attention. He said a few words before given a pat on his arm by his friend and making a move that Matilda Farris would hopefully recognise was in her direction. Of course if she gave an indication that she did not wish for his approach, he would make his direction elsewhere, but if she should appear welcoming he would introduce himself.

"Good evening, I'm Harrison Knight, it's a pleasure to meet you, would you like to dance?"

Elias Grimstone

Her father had no particular fondness for the unnecessary frivolities of any costume parties, but Mattie had already decided they would be too fun to miss, so she had wheedled an aunt into coming with her, and had swiftly separated from her to spend more time chatting with her friends.

She had come in an adapted red dress, spotted and with a new black bodice, to resemble a ladybird* without looking entirely ugly, and supposing the brightness would help her to stand out. So far, she seemed to be doing well enough – and here came another gentleman. Not one she had yet met. That meant she had to pay more attention; she had not yet struck him off her list of prospects and intrigues like some.

“Miss Matilda Farris, and certainly,” she agreed easily, offering him her dance card at her wrist to write his name upon. Because she had not heard of him particularly, and could not see his writing from this angle – and because a minute without something witty to say was a minute wasted, Mattie inquired playfully: “And is that Knight as in the dark kind, or the chivalrous one?”
*something a bit like this


Harrison observed the woman's red dress, it was quite an interesting costume, he doubted he would see many ladybirds tonight. "Farris" he said quietly to himself to make a mental note. Not a name he was familiar with from society but then he was hardly the most avid follower of different family fortunes.

He grinned at her inquiry as he filled out her card while gently holding her wrist. "It is Knight with a K. I do hold myself to be quite a chivalrous man, but please allow me to change my suit if you wish me to stand en garde for your honor." it was a very well made suit, but it's cut left little room for the rigours of combat. He would probably be better suited duelling with a quill in any exchange anyway having spent much more time in business.

He held his arm for the beautiful young woman to take and lead her to the dancing. As they walked another couple in ghost form chased themselves across the room in front of them before taking a hard turn to the right following the maze. He laughed "The enchantment in this venue is fascinating, don't you think?" he very much wondered if anyone gad ever forgotten themselves and acted in a way that should be reserved for private viewing, but he would not air that curiosity until he had a better measure of the woman. Harrison would begin to dance if she allowed him to lead "Is this your first visit Miss Farris?"

Matilda Farris Elias Grimstone

She rather hoped that he wouldn’t be altogether as chivalrous as he made out, in case that only made him dull in tandem; but she was satisfied at his joke about changing his suit first that he was not too tied up in seriousness. “I’ll be sure to give you good warning, Mr. Knight,” she assured him, with a pretty smile, “though I doubt my honour is in any danger tonight.”

She was too clever, Mattie was sure, for there ever to be a stain on her reputation to need defending, and this party was hardly the place to invite trouble – and there was a small part of her that disliked the thought of anyone, gentleman or otherwise, defending her on her behalf. It was not ladylike to admit, so she wouldn’t – not aloud – but Mattie fancied herself capable enough to protect herself in any way she needed to, by word or deed or duel. She didn’t like the thought of falling back on anyone else to do it for her: she had no ambitions of ever being a true damsel in distress.

He had them poised for the dance, and Mattie’s hands found his shoulder and hand readily enough. He was on the taller side, so it was hard to meet his eyes when they were together in hold and turning – she would have a better look at his features when they separated later in the dance, for the interweaving of partners – so instead she followed his conversational lead for the moment and cast her gaze sidelong across the ballroom. “It is a fun illusion,” Mattie agreed, half-interested in the spellwork itself, and half-intrigued by a woman’s ghostly double looking eminently bewildered. “Oh, I attended a ball or two here in the season,” she said, of the Destiny Hotel (it was a generally fashionable place to be invited, as far as she knew, and she had heard talk of New Year’s Eve parties here in years past), “but I haven’t been in the mirror maze yet. What about you?” That was the only thing that was different here tonight.


Harrison was a good dancer, but then, so was everybody; it hardly set him apart from the crowds. He looked over at the woman, and now he was able to focus his attention on her. She had striking features that rendered her quite beautiful, and she carried herself with confidence. Those were both excellent qualities but now he desired to know more. He continued to dance, spinning her around before pulling her in with her back to him and dancing with his hand on her to make conversation a little easier. "I suppose then you have been twirled and spun up and down the length of this ballroom many times." he wondered how many times it would take before the dances were so well drilled in that one might begin to plan their next trip to the market rather than think about their steps.

"I have tried to attend mostly events with something else?" his intonation indicated he wasn't sure if that was the exact right word. "I recently visited a rather interesting society event, dedicated to the disaster at Pompeii of all things. Another of the ghostly people walked through them, this time gingerly touching every space to find the mirrors as they walked along. That was what they needed to do, something different.

The dance would not last long so he asked her. "Would you care to try it?" he asked, gesturing as they moved, towards the parlour that led to the mirror maze. "It might be fun to try something that neither of us has ever done before." his competitive edge surfaced and he smirked at her. "If I beat you out, perhaps I can take your hand for another dance? Fair warning though, I was a Ravenclaw in school and always had a bit of a knack for a puzzle." the game was hers.

Matilda Farris Elias Grimstone

“Not so many as to be entirely bored of it yet,” Mattie countered idly to his first comment. Whether Mr. Knight took this as a remark on her youth, this only being her first, fresh-faced season, the novelty having no time to wear off generally, or took it as a compliment to his company that he had imbued as ordinary an activity as dancing with any interest at all, Mattie didn’t care; she scarcely knew which she had intended. He might take it however he liked.

But by the sounds of it he had been in society long enough (as all men had been, by the time they felt obliged to start actually looking) to begin to be discerning about things. And perhaps, Mattie thought wryly, her delightful company alone was not quite enough to merit tonight a diverting event.

So when he posed a challenge, she felt all but compelled to take him up on it. “Certainly we can try it,” Mattie agreed smoothly. “Your terms don’t scare me –” (what was another dance? No skin off her back) “and nor does your warning, for that matter. You’re not the only Ravenclaw in this ballroom.” She arched her eyebrows meaningfully. (In truth probably about a quarter of the ballroom were Ravenclaws, but of course she meant herself.) “But,” she added, continuing the dance with a pretty flourish to her footwork although her mind was mostly on the maze already, sketching out some tactic for it, “what will happen if I beat you?” She challenged, cheerful.

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   Harrison Knight


He couldn't help but let out a little laugh as she implied that she was still enjoying it. She had the glow of youth, and her enjoyment of the season had not been chased out of her by lines of obnoxious suitors; that was good to hear. Ladies who were still upbeat about the whole situation were always more fun.

Harrison nodded, "Yes, I definitely would have guessed you as a fellow Ravenclaw." he felt like you could often tell these things. It mattered very little in the grand scheme of things, but that leathery old hat had a lot to answer for in its long-term effects on society.

Admiring her steps (and her beauty), he considered her question back to him about the results and whether she should win. "The way wagers work, typically you are the one who chooses your prize..." he thought a moment. "But if I might suggest, you wager my suite for the night. Of course, I shall ensure to be noted spending the night with my valet and not trouble your propriety. But it is a very nice suite and we'll stocked with champagne and fruits." he made sure to mention that he did not intend to be there, this was a bit of a fun and interesting way for him to demonstrate that he had the disposable means not to care about an expensive hotel room, it was not an offer to throw her reputation to the dogs.

The last few steps of the music ended, and he slipped his arm gently around her waist and held her for a few seconds for the final pose.

Matilda Farris Elias Grimstone

She had no idea whether he had actually marked her for a Ravenclaw or that was just something he had said after the fact – who didn’t want to seem smarter than they were, and right about little meaningless things like that? (Well, maybe just a Ravenclaw, but anyway.)

Mattie just about refrained from rolling her eyes at the fear he was going to explain what a wager was to her – and she knew young ladies were hardly expected to make wagers, in their day to day, but they certainly still knew the logic of them! – but at least Mr. Knight did not succumb to a lengthy lecture on the subject, and instead indulged her. (There was not much appropriate that a woman could ask for, even couched in the excuse of a betting prize – maybe especially couched in the excuse of a betting prize – so she had already strategised that there would be a higher stake in whatever he suggested.)

And she had to admit an eyebrow had arched up ever so slightly at first hearing the suggestion, her mind reading the illicit into it, though she doubted even the biggest cad at the party would have said as much with a straight face. (And of course he hadn’t meant that, and if anyone knew what Mattie had been thinking instead, she would be ostracised from polite society in a heartbeat. Her father would have disowned her at once, if he had not had an aneurysm from the mere thought first.)

But he was only offering his hotel suite, and not himself included in it – Mattie had to suppress her smirk harder than ever, to look as charmingly guileless as she ought – though one might call this a little forward in itself. Or – a kind of masculine boasting, she supposed. No doubt he was rich, and used to throwing his money around. If she wagered anything, she would wager that Mr. Knight was an eldest son. (A good catch. For someone interested in fishing for husbands, that was.) And he mightn’t undertake to trouble her propriety, but Mattie could imagine quite the scandalous evening of lounging in a well-stocked suite, gorging herself splendidly on champagne and strawberries, so much so that it was almost a pity if one didn’t have company.

“Chivalrous, indeed,” Mattie merely remarked, showing amusement rather than shock at the suggestion, and making every effort to take it in stride. “Well, we had both best hope I lose the maze race, else wherever will you sleep tonight?” She was entirely teasing, naturally, as if he would ever be left out in the cold; of course he could always go home, wherever he lived. He probably had more than one abode, if he were as wealthy as he sounded; and perhaps many a warm bed elsewhere waiting for him. (That was what unmarried men did, wasn’t it? She had heard the whispers of a bachelor’s common vices, however blind young ladies were supposed to be such things as the existence of harlots and mistresses. Mattie had never thought seriously on the cause of suffrage, but on the hushed universality that a young man, upon graduating, must go out in the world and find his freedoms, indulge his passions, sow his wild oats as they said, when they supposed innocent young ladies were not listening at the door... well, she privately felt that a little unfair. What she would not have given to be afforded all the blank slates and open doors of a charming young rake.)

So jest about it was all she could really do. And indeed she could hardly stay at the room, however grand the Destiny Hotel was, and however she might have enjoyed it – her father would never approve of her accepting such an offer. It was not ladylike. Nothing fun ever was.

But the dance had ended, so at least she had the prospect of a competition to be won and lost to entertain her for the time being. “Come along, then, Mr. Knight,” she intoned, letting him take her arm to move towards the entrance to the mirror maze at the end of the room, although she was perhaps now leading with brisk strides. “I hope you’re not too afraid of your own reflection.” She laughed merrily, tossing him a look – she could not think that he would be, whether he was in costume or not. There was not much to complain about, from what she could see. “I’ll see you on the other side?”


Her teasing manner was music to the young man's ears. It made sense if one was to consider the women he was usually drawn to, smart and independent thinking, he didn't look for a simpering follower as a partner, he wanted someone who would be more fun, and this was promising. A part of him turned over the idea of offering the use of his room along with company, it was entirely unacceptable to offer, but men and women didn't go through these charades without even a casual thought to the potential ends, even if they might be a long time in coming.

Harrison took her arm firmly, happily allowing himself to be led by the woman towards the night's entertainment. As she looked at him and commented on his reflection, or at least his fear of it, he made sure to note her elegant appearance once more. "I shall try to remain stoic should I come face to face with myself. Now, should I turn the corner and be confronted by a beautiful brunette debutante, then who knows how my nerve will hold." he laughed and nodded as she gave them the start they needed. She seemed in good spirits and as soon as they were ready to go, he would release her arm and begin the game. Would it be gentlemanly to give her a little head start, perhaps? But the woman seemed to want the game so he would give her just enough start so he could admire her a moment and then proceed himself. How she acted while they played would tell him a lot, would she commit to the competition or deliberately lose because of appearances? "May the best eagle win."

He was certainly going for the win, he would hate for her to find him boring. When she went left, he went right, walking briskly around the mirrors and windows with purpose but keeping half a hand in front of him to avoid potentially ruinous collisions with an invisible wall. He also had to remember that their actions were not being broadcast into the other hall, it wouldn't do well to do something embarrassing. He looked forward to seeing Miss Farris on the other side of this maze and to work out who was the victor of tonight. As he rounded one corner he saw what looked like her moving straight towards him and he held up a polite hand of greeting before realising that the pair were only seeing each other through a mirror and she was elsewhere.

At another point, he had to squeeze to one side as another couple tore through the maze with the man leading the young lady by the hand. It did give him pause as to whether he had picked the right option and he laughed, he guessed he might never know for certain if Miss Farris would have preferred for her hand to be held in guidance around the maze rather than being sent to seek her own route.

Matilda Farris Elias Grimstone

Mattie let out a clear, ringing laugh at his comment – it was blatant flattery, of course, but that wasn’t to say she ever minded blatant flattery. A little flirtation never did any harm. “Who knows,” she echoed genially, happy enough to tease. “I pray your heart doesn’t stop.”

She would allow it to perhaps skip a beat at the sight of her, if his heart liked – but other than that, she hoped he would take none of this to heart. The last thing she needed was for her father to see her getting along with a bachelor too well – for one, that would stop any fun she dreamt of in its tracks, and for two, Mattie did not want anyone to get ideas about marrying her. (That would be the surest way to stop any of her desired fun in its tracks.)

For now, she could keep her independence – they parted ways into the maze. It was darkened, the lights tossed askew by the flashes of mirrors at ever corner, and although Mattie was striding briskly, getting her heart rate up at every remembrance this was a race, she was conscious also of looking serene as she walked, in case there were any eyes upon the ghost-semblance of her out in the ballroom proper.

It was hard to have any sense of how much time had passed in here, or how many distorted versions of herself she had passed, how many left and right turns she had made, but then she came out onto a path that seemed to stretch ahead and perhaps even out, a light at the end of the tunnel, as it were. She daren’t win, but she didn’t want to lose badly either – but, as she slowed for half a second to consider this, who came out towards her from the opposite path but him? “Would you look at that,” Mattie remarked, with a pleasant smirk in greeting. They had been well-matched in this challenge – unless he darted ahead now, at the final stretch. She raised an eyebrow, wondering amusedly which streak was stronger in him – the chivalrous or the competitive?

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   Harrison Knight


It had been a decent amount of fun doing the mirror maze, a little bit of childish entertainment never hurt anyone. The man made sure to keep his appearance proper amongst the other partygoers, although he doubted he looked quite as elegant as his opponent as he hustled down some of the longer passages. The moment separated from her gave him a little time to think. It was much too early to see whether this would be a moment's fun or something more long-term. He did consider himself attracted to her and he could not outwardly determine anything that would make her a poor match. Perhaps he would commission his assistant to do a little digging in the morning.

As he saw his victory in sight he was pleasantly surprised to see Miss Farris appear, nearly neck and neck to the finish. "It looks like a draw might be on the cards, but think of the scandal asking the lady to share her winnings?" he joked to the pretty young woman. It was probably lucky that the other witnesses were not aware of what he had offered her as her prize.

He walked next to her a little, his eyes flickered and his mouth played as competition and chivalry fought in his mind. But he knew the gentlemanly thing to do would be to yield. There were a few more steps before he began to feign a minor limp. "Well wouldn't you know, an old sporting injury back to haunt me. I shan't keep you. Would you be a dear and wait for me at the finish line?" the smirk was his now. Of course, he was faking it, playfully offering her the win.

Matilda Farris Elias Grimstone

Mattie’s mouth opened in a playful mock-gasp at his think of the scandal – he was forward, even teasing about the prospect of sharing his suite. (She was certain that was what he was joking about – she admired his forwardness, even if she was not allowed to admit it anywhere else, even if she would not be able to take him up on it tonight.)

If not for the ghost-versions perhaps out there roaming the ballroom, Mattie would have taken a chance on him, and done something bold right now. Instead, she gazed at his smirking mouth for a moment, resisting the temptation, and doubled back to entwine her arm with his. “Oh, but I’m not so heartless as that,” Mattie told him, just as playfully. “I’m perfectly willing to share...” she let the pause linger, to let him soak up the private insinuation, before adding, “that second dance you asked for.”


The young woman was quite different from many of her peers, much more forward, much more sure of herself, at least that was the impression that Harrison got from her. The pause in the air was just enough for him to understand that his insinuation had not gone unnoticed or unwanted, but he knew enough about how the world worked that there was a large social leap from a joke to entertaining an unwed woman alone.

"Would love to. " he said as they began the short walk back to the main floor. "I'm not sure if you've ever been told this before, but in India, that beauty spot on your cheek would be considered a sign that you had a charming, sociable and strong personality. Doesn't seem too far from the mark from where I stand." Harrison smiled, he hoped he would not offended by mentioning it, there were more than a few young women who might after all. "I think you would do well there."

Should she now let him, he would turn her onto the dance floor and place his hand on her side to begin the dance.

Matilda Farris Elias Grimstone

She would have to keep Mr. Knight in mind for a rainy day and a better opportunity for some amusement, Mattie told herself. He seemed very much inclined to have fun.

So she would hardly mind having the second dance with him – and certainly not if he was going to keep complimenting her. Mattie smiled back, tilting her head to show some coyness, but little feeling it. It took more than compliments – or suggestions of scandal, as it happened – to make her bashful. “Well, I should like to think the Indians are right,” Mattie said, pleased and bright; she was surprised he knew much about India, but it seemed he did. “Do you – travel there much?”


He was pleased she enjoyed the foreign compliment, he had learned that interesting women usually wanted interesting things said about them.

"Yes actually." Harrison replied with a broad smile. It was not just the theoretical cache that such things bought him with prospective suitors, but also a sense of genuine pride in the accomplishments he had made there that made him swell. "My family have significant holdings in Mumbai, it is a beautiful city. Perhaps if you would consent to seeing me again after tonight I might show you it. It would mean travelling by port key though, which is to everyone's tastes." he laughed thinking about the alternative, it was a very long way. Although I'm your chaperone would prefer it to fending off my advances on a muggle steamer for eight weeks." Almost for perfect timing the dance steps called for him to pull her in a little closer and waltz around the room.

Elias Grimstone Matilda Farris

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