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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Scallion Escher
Full Name: Scallion Ermintrude Escher
Nicknames: Scal, Scally
Birthdate: April 3rd, 1877
Current Age: 17
Gender: Female
Occupation: Seventh Year
Reputation: 8 — known bastard
Residence: Hogsmeade Slums
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 15" Red Oak & Dragon Heartstring
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working Class
Family: Ermintrude Escher — Mother
Madoc Yarwood — Father
Kermit Escher — Half-brother

Appearance: Scal's most striking features are her red hair, ornery expression, and her generous smattering of freckles - in that order! She stands at just over 5'7" and is very pleased to do so thank you very much. Her height and wiry build make her look gawky at times depending on what she's wearing. When not in school robes she wears secondhand dresses that are years out of fashion and usually stained in at least one place. She is right handed.
History: Scallion was born and with her arrival she cemented her mother's fall from grace. She also nearly killed her. In a state of delirium during recovery, her mother came up with the name Scallion and it was only once she had recovered her wits that she had second thoughts. Upon third thought, she had no other name ideas and decided it sounded kind of nice anyway.

Scal grew up in London while her mother worked various jobs for muggles and claimed to be a widow. She attended a muggle school that was surprisingly well-to-do for a girl of her background (still not particularly grand, mind you) and there she learned how to read and write and do her sums. She also learned how to fight, verbally and physically. She was almost constantly in trouble.

Around the age of seven, Scal's magic began to manifest frequently and erratically to the point where Ermintrude was struggling to keep her daughter's magic a secret from the muggles they lived amongst. The final nail in the coffin was the birth of Kermit. In early 1885, Ermintrude moved the family to Hogsmeade and assumed a false last name to give the impression to anyone who knew her that she had married. Unfortunately, Scal refused to play along and before Ermintrude could establish this new name, the neighbors were already calling her Mrs. Escher.

In 1888, Scal's Hogwarts letter arrived. Despite her mother having spoken of her future attendance, Scallion couldn't understand how they could possibly afford it and so when the letter came, she could only marvel at the quality of the parchment and the elegant handwriting but she didn't think for a moment she'd actually be able to go. But she was.

Somehow there was enough money to send her off to Hogwarts and before she knew it she had all the equipment on the list and her wand was bought new, straight from Ollivanders! Upon arrival, she was very swiftly sorted into Gryffindor. Now that the world seemed to be her oyster, Scallion dared to dream. First she wanted to be a quidditch player. She failed to make the team in her first year and by her second year she'd discovered the quodpot club and decided that was more fun anyway. Then she wanted to be a spell inventor. Eventually that gave way to hitwizard or auror because those jobs sounded exciting and their lack of suitability for a female made them even more appealing to her.

Prior to Hogwarts she had always lived in cities and seen very little of the countryside. As a result, she'd spent very little time around animals that weren't cats, rats, mice, or dogs. She'd also seen her fair share of horses but hadn't really had much interaction with them on a personal level. Now that she was at Hogwarts, she was surrounded by owls, cats, and the odd toad, not to mention all the wildlife that roamed the grounds. It seemed to her that suddenly she was encountering animals everywhere she turned. Without fail someone's cat would always accost her in the common room, at breakfast she had other people's owls land on her head multiple times and she swore it didn't happen to anyone else. By the end of her second year when it came time to pick her electives, she'd gotten used to these happenings and so when she picked Care of Magical Creatures (it should be noted that she chose all of her classes at random by closing her eyes and pointing at them) she didn't think it might be something she regretted.

To her chagrin, she seemed to be an animal (magical and mundane) magnet and CoMC quickly became her best subject. While other classmates would struggle to win over a particular creature, she couldn't seem to get away from them. This is not to say she dislikes animals, but that's exactly what she would tell anyone who asked. When it came time to select her NEWTs, she was planning on dropping CoMC, but with most of her other grades being rather average, it seemed incredibly stupid to do so.
Personality: Bold. Stubborn. Fearless. Abrupt. Brash. Frank. Honest. Loyal. Moody. Impulsive.
Other: Any other information you want to include.
Sample Roleplay Post:

Name: Olive
Age: I exist outside of time tyvm
Contact: PM, Discord
Other Characters: Ursula and Friends
How did you hear about us?: The town crier

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We hope your time here is magical!

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