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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

In the Home Stretch of the Hard Times
June 19th, 1894 - 3BS

It had been a long shift. Somebody staying upstairs had absolutely wrecked one of the rooms and Kenna was left to clean up as much of the mess as she could. It had taken her nearly four hours to do the one room that would usually take less than an hour. Not to mention she'd still had several other rooms to take care of. Unfortunately she wasn't all that good with charms or anything else that could fix up the broken furniture or fixtures, but she had done her best to get the food out of the curtains and the liquor out of the carpet. Even her boss said she deserved a hot meal before she left and so Kenna was sat at the far end of the bar with a butterbeer before her, trying to stay awake.

It was later than she was expected to be home and so she had owled Declan to let him know she would floo home shortly. Truthfully the promise of eating a full meal was too alluring to pass up. She was fortunate enough that she wasn't usually left hungry at work, but when it was typically the only real meal she got, Kenna was not about to pass it up. She and Declan did alright for themselves; he worked hard and worked a second job and she was contemplating picking up a second as well, but their rent was always covered and they had a little saved up at any rate.

With her face in her hands, she looked about the fairly-vacant pub with tired eyes. The door was open to the cool summer night air and Kenna wished it was safe enough for her to walk home at this time of night but knew better. She didn't overly like the floo, but didn't have much of a choice if she left too late. Her coworker disappeared from behind the bar to take a cigarette break and asked her to keep an eye on it in case anyone came in. Kens supposed it was unlikely, but as soon as he disappeared, there was, of course, someone coming in.

Hopping down from her stool, Kenna didn't dare go behind the bar unless necessary, as she wasn't quite tall enough to reach over it well. "Evening, can I get you anything?"

Adam McKinnon c/o Henry Berkwood

[Image: Kenna-Sig-A94.png]
It had been a long day. Ordinarily, Adam might have appreciated spending most of the day outside of the office. It was a nice change of pace, and it was much less common now that he had subordinates he could send out into the field. But he'd come to Hogsmeade to provide backup for a situation that had turned out to be the purview of the Dragon Restraint Bureau, and now he really needed a drink to unwind before he went home. He would have thought that keeping a dragon--even a newly hatched one--in a garden was an obviously bad idea, but evidently this was new information for some people.

The Three Broomsticks was not very busy when Adam arrived, which suited him just fine. He smiled tiredly at the waitress who greeted him, saying, "Evening. A whiskey, please."

It was a straightforward request, except Kenna knew exactly nothing about liquor; she couldn't afford it and despite being Irish, thought whiskey burned too much to be enjoyed as an actual drink. If she was allowed, she preferred a sweeter wine. "Ah, sure." Kenna agreed and made her way back around the bar itself, behind the counter, looking at the copious amounts of bottles on the shelf. This really wasn't her wheelhouse and she wasn't afraid to admit it.

"I'm sorry, I'm just the maid. The barkeep stepped out," she admitted with a sheepish smile. "Can you tell me which one you'd like?" Kenna was pretty observant and a quick learner, so she knew how much to poor based on her few times cleaning up the pub, but there were so many different kinds of whiskey back there, she didn't know which one to grab.

[Image: Kenna-Sig-A94.png]
"No worries," Adam said easily, and named his usual fare, and, for added helpfulness, pointing to the right bottle where he could see it on its shelf. "Hopefully things stay quiet while he's out?" Adam took a seat at the bar while he waited for his drink. "Wouldn't want to handle this place on my own during busy times, if it were me."

Kenna eyed the indicated bottle suspiciously. It was just out of her reach and she did not trust her spellwork enough to levitate it down, so she located the stool beneath the far end and climbed atop to procure the liquor. Fortunately glasses were easy enough and so she poured him the measured amount that she saw the bartender normally pour (maybe a bit more for being patient with her). She placed the glass on the bar that was now between them before turning to replace the bottle.

"I ah, don't know how much that should be, so please don't go running off on me." Or she would have to pay for it out of her wages. Hopefully the barkeep would be back soon and she wouldn't be in any trouble for stepping in. He had asked her to keep an eye on the bar after all. "It's usually pretty quiet this time of night, but I do like to stay out of the way." She was here about now quite often. It was a strange sort of lull between the dinner crowd and those who came in much later to drink. She would like to be long gone before the latter came in. Sometimes she got asked to help keep the pub clean when they were short staffed, but it wasn't her favorite.

The ring of the bell from the kitchen had her jumping. "Excuse me for a minute." Kenna disappeared before the rumble of her stomach could give her away. The smell of the chicken and potatoes was nearly heavenly and her mouth watered; she was hungrier than she realized. Kens reappeared a moment later and looked at her original seat and the gentleman. Was she supposed to stay down there and chat?

[Image: Kenna-Sig-A94.png]
Adam took a sip of his drink and felt himself relax. It really had been a long day. Honestly, he probably ought to just head home, but it felt nice to decompress a little before heading back.

Looking over at the waitress when she came back to the dining room, Adam smiled. "Don't let me keep you if you've got work to be doing or anything," he said. He raised his glass. "I can certainly keep myself occupied while I finish my drink."

Kens decided on her original seat, since it wasn't that far down the bar. He could reasonably ignore her, if he wanted some peace, but she could make sure that he settled up with the barkeep whenever her coworker decided to reappear. "Oh, no. I'm all done for the day. Just having a little something to eat before I head home. But don't let me bother you." She countered before stabbing a potato and cutting it up into a reasonable bite. She sighed gratefully, thinking this would hold her until breakfast for sure.

[Image: Kenna-Sig-A94.png]
"You're not a bother," Adam said. "I'll be out of your hair soon, don't worry." He said this lightly, so she wouldn't think he was implying he felt rushed. He was only enjoying the one drink, after all. Though he didn't know if anyone was at home waiting for him, at the moment. Their schedules often clashed, unfortunately.

Kenna smiled softly. She did hate to be a bother. She had never been very good at taking up space. "No rush whatsoever, I have to wait for the barkeep to get back anyway." She assured him after taking a sip of her drink. "Would you like any more?" She wasn't sure what had brought him in tonight, it was usually a wide variety of reasons she overheard while working, but rarely was it a one and done sort of situation.

[Image: Kenna-Sig-A94.png]
Adam considered his glass for a moment, then said, "I would, but I don't think I should." He smiled at the waitress. "Just enjoying a moment of peace after a long day before I go home. Not sure if anyone else is home at the moment, so might as well be here as anywhere." Living with his siblings was convenient in many ways, and he was happy they were all doing what they were passionate about. But still, it had its downsides.

"That's fair," Kenna assessed with a small smile. "Do you have a house full?" She found herself asking, wondering just what he might need some peace from. It was perhaps a forward question, but she didn't think it taking anything too far. He didn't have to tell her, either. Still, he looked like he could have a family, or perhaps siblings living at home. She could understand the latter if that was the case. She missed it dearly, but knew she was in a good place here with Declan.

[Image: Kenna-Sig-A94.png]
"Aye," Adam said, smiling. "All five of my siblings and I are under one roof. If we didn't all have differing schedules, I don't think any of us would ever have a moment's peace." His tone was fond, though, because truly, he wouldn't have it any other way.

Kenna smiled, albeit a little sadly this time. What she wouldn't give to be under the same roof as all of her siblings. It was her own fault though. "I do know how that goes, though right now it is just my elder brother and myself." At least she had Decks. It would be unbearable if she were out on her own entirely. They were managing, at the very least. "I'm one of five, but my youngest brother is still in Hogwarts and my other brother and sister live in Ireland with me Da." Fiona and Sean were managing just fine, but she knew it was a lot for them, especially Fiona.

She was about to say more when the barkeep finally made his way back in, smelling of cigarettes and probably a nip of whiskey himself. "He's just had a glass of whiskey," Kenna informed her coworker, motioning to the bottle she'd pulled earlier.

[Image: Kenna-Sig-A94.png]
Adam greeted the returning barkeep with a "Good evening," before turning back to the waitress. "Do you live here in Hogsmeade?" he asked. He imagined that was most convenient, considering where she worked. "That must be difficult. As chaotic as my own family can be at times, I can't imagine living away from them."

Pleased that she wouldn't have to hold the gentleman up whenever he was ready to go, she was doubly so when he continued their conversation. "Yes, in the far part of town." Kenna hated calling her home the Slums but that's what they were after all. She and Declan couldn't really afford one of those nice row houses in Pennyworth like Miss Sandow.

Kens smiled softly; it was nice to hear that a man actually enjoyed having his family around. "It's not ideal, but it is reality." It was her own fault after all and she had to accept the consequences. "I get to visit often enough. Plus I have my eldest brother here with me." She felt bad that Fiona and Sean had to hold down the fort with their father at home, but it was probably easier without all of them under one roof.

[Image: Kenna-Sig-A94.png]
"I'm sorry," Adam said, because it was a sentiment he would have needed in the same circumstances, and because it seemed apt for her situation. "It's always terrible when our circumstances keep us from the people we love." He was thinking of his mother now, but he thought the feeling applied even without such... permanence.

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