19, May '94 — The Three Broomsticks
"This yers, innit?"Letting it dangle from her fingers, Charley held up the pocketwatch by its chain. Doing her best impression of the used carriage salesman, patches on sleeves and all, she let the man catch its glimmer on the streetlamps before holding it back. "This one keeps perfect time, so far as I've heard. I only jes got it, but as I hear you've recently come into need of one."
The urchin had more than her ear to the ground on this one. Her dainty fingers, now dangling the chain with the most innocent of taunts, were the same ones unclasping that chain from the man's waistcoat a few blocks away. She'd kept her eyes on him from just out of sight. Once the coppers proved as useless as they always were, Charley knew it was time to make her move.
"I saw him who took it, that scrawny little thief. Knocked him down for ya, I did, and rescued this nice piece of yers." Charley lied brazenly, pawning it off as bravery instead. The man seemed to only have eyes for his property, and swiped at it without acknowledging her efforts. How rude. "'Course, I took a bruising for it, an' I en't as tall's or strong's I could be yet. Mebbe with a little coin for some good food, I could.. As a finder's fee..."
Charley tossed the coins in her hand just as brazenly as she strolled into the Three Broomsticks. It wasn't often she could walk in as a customer, a real paying customer. No sipping the dregs tonight, no slipping in before the barmaids cleared off a table's crumbs. No, tonight she could stroll right up to the bar and demand the right to say, "One butterbeer, if ya please!"
Her eyes glanced over the room, looking for assurance that her luck wasn't over for the evening. They grew wide when a copper strolled through the door, just in time for Charley to grab her foaming glass from the counter. She took a winding path through the tables, her feet staying one step ahead of the lawman's nose. If he was looking for trouble, she sure wasn't about to be his.
"Act natural-like," Charley murmured, sitting down across from the woman who was to be her salvation. She was taking a big chance, Viola might have roots in the slums, but her head seemed a bit too high in the clouds for the urchin's tastes. Which made the ministry woman a talented acrobat for having an ear to the ground as well, or a very talented witch anyway.
A bit more casual this time, Charley said, "Right on time, en't I?"
![[Image: bZbZdaH.png]](https://i.imgur.com/bZbZdaH.png)