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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

but i'm a heart in the gutter type
17th November, 1893 — A Muggle Theatre, West End, London
Nick was on one of his manic streaks, so he would rather do anything than sleep. Or work, for that matter. For the fourth night in a row, he had been too restless to sit at his desk and fight his way through some Sanskrit passages, so he had gone out seeking procrastination.

And he had been very successful at it. He had met friends at the club, and then they’d gone for dinner, and he’d had a headache, so he’d taken just a little cocaine. Then, to the theatre – one of the muggle ones – to see a new play by some muggle playwright. Oscar Wilde, was it?

It had been entertaining enough, never mind how much or how little Nick had taken in – he had had another brandy or two in the interval and was feeling delightfully breezy as the audience filed out after the curtain had come down. But the evening wasn’t over; he would just have to find something else fun to do.

Suddenly, though, a familiar face caught his eye. Or ought he say notorious?

“Evening, King,” Nick exclaimed suddenly, rather more jovially than any greeting to him should have been, given who he was known to be. But there was no one else left here who knew Nick – his friend had gotten bored and left at the interval, and would be all cosied up in a tavern or a brothel somewhere now – and he had to assume most people here weren’t magical... and Victory King’s scandals surely hadn’t made it to the muggle news.

So Nick found he was actually sincerely interested to see him; he’d known him in school, so to his mind King was still that boy before the disownment and the asylum visit and whatever activism nonsense he got up to nowadays. (And before the obvious, too... although probably he had been inclined that way even in his youth.)

So he shot him a smile, flashing teeth, as if to say don’t worry, I come in peace, and began to dawdle, strolling languidly along to better keep pace with King and and his cane down the stairs to the theatre foyer again. “Fancy seeing you,” he said casually, as if they had kept up a friendship in the intervening years. “How did you like the play?”
Victory King/Tycho Dodonus

Victory often enjoyed taking in performances done at the West End. He was not discriminatory in which sorts of theatres he might enjoy a play or two in, whether they be muggle or magical. Tonight, it seemed he had chosen well though as the cast had done their jobs superbly. All that to say, Victory had enjoyed his time at the play.

Filing out afterwards, he was surprised to hear someone greet him. He was also surprised who it was greeting him. Not because he thought Nick Blott the type to not be found in muggle areas but because Nick Blott had scarcely taken notice of his existence for years. He would not go so far as to say they had been bosom friends or anything but they had been both friendly and yearmates during their Hogwarts days. However, there had not been a hint of that still being the case after all the troubles Victory had gone through.

As such, he cast the other a suspicious glance as the other shot him a smile and fell into step with him. Uh huh. He didn't know what Blott was up to but Victory saw no reason to be dismissive or rude quite yet. "I found it superbly well-acted to the point I am thinking of seeing whether the same cast plan to perform anything else in the near future," he answered as they made their way down the stairs.

set by Lady!
If King was less enthused to see him, or had made any appearance of suspicion in his expression, Nick had deliberately ignored it; if his own gaze had raked over King’s face, he was too busy noting where he looked different and where he looked the same. More cryptic now, and closed-off; but he was still dressed well, still dark-haired and casually handsome.

“Ah, I might have to do the same,” Nick exclaimed in easy agreement, as if he had been considering much the same thing too, and as if their old friendship hadn’t faded for so much as a day in all that intervening time. “Wasn’t it witty! And the fellow who played that Lord Whats-his-name –” he whistled gently to express his admiration, “wasn’t he something?” He meant his acting, of course. (Although...)

“Do you come much?” Nick added, with a vague wave about them to mean to the theatre.

Victory allowed a smile to slip through as the other agreed with his sentiment of seeing other plays with the same cast. They really had been talented. Still, he was wary. Most people these days were not friendly with him for the pure sake of friendship.

"Indeed it was and yes, I quite enjoyed his performance as well," Victory agreed, turning to the other as he asked if he came to the theatre much. "Indeed I do though not all are as superb as this one was." Some actors were obviously in need of more practice but it was an enjoyment all the same.

set by Lady!
Nick nodded along, inclining his head at King’s agreement. Not all were apparently as good as this one, though. “Ah, well, I s’pose it was a lucky night for me, then,” Nick acknowledged cheerfully, since he wasn’t so much in the habit as King. (He might decide to be more in the habit of coming to plays, if he bumped into intriguing dropped-off-the-map sorts like this.)

“More’s the pity for my friends,” Nick added, as they came out into the street, “for all abandoning me.” They had missed out on the play. (He had missed out on any callous implications of the way King’s friendships had probably all gone, in his day.)

Nick had no real desire to go along and find the rest of them now – he was in a different state of mind, after the show – and as he glanced both ways as if it would help him decide, he added, casually: “Come have a drink?” Just with him (and certainly he didn’t want his friends to see him with someone like King) but he did rather want King to take him up on it. “You’ll have to tell me what else worthwhile you’ve seen,” he suggested, in case that enticed him – although Nick was more morbidly interested in what King had been up to in the last few years. Perhaps they would get onto the topic, if only he agreed to a drink.

"I suppose so," Victory said in agreement. He allowed a chuckle at the mans comment about Blotts friends having abandoned the man. Victory knew about abandonment though Blotts situation was nowhere close to what he had experienced. It still stung at times, the way friends he had been close with as a youth now walked to the other side of the street if they saw him coming down the road.

Still, he was surprised at being asked to come have a drink. "And where would you suppose we go?" Victory asked, delaying his actual answer.

set by Lady!
If King’s general demeanour was restrained, Nick’s was entirely the opposite. He was too high and tipsy and buoyant to be held back by anything like logic or propriety tonight. So, although he ought to be pretending to be casual, he didn’t bat an eyelid at the question, didn’t let his gaze leave King’s face. “I’d invite you to mine for a nightcap, but I live up in Hogsmeade these days –” he explained, spirits as yet undamped.

“But I’m sure we can find a place nearby.” (Hopefully somewhere muggle enough to be anonymous, and dubious or private enough not to worry about his actions, if impulse got the better of him.) “Say, what about yours?” Nick put in, as an afterthought – whether this was King’s house or the inn he supposedly ran, he scarcely cared. He was curious about – all of it. He couldn’t help himself.

Was he getting hit on? Was this what this was? With how much Blott was talking about going somewhere for a nightcap, it certainly seemed that way. One could never know for sure though. Perhaps Blott was just the sort to be overly familiar when drunk. Which he was assuming to be the case because why else would someone act so with him when they had not spoken in years?

His place? Victory frowned faintly as he mulled the idea over in this head. "I suppose we could do that... I don't live that far from here." His place was in one of the magical pockets close to the West End.

set by Lady!
King was frowning, Nick didn’t miss this, but it could just be a thoughtful frown, couldn’t it? He was frowning, but he had said I suppose, he didn’t live far. The night was getting better and better for Nick, then. The prospect of working or going home to bed (alone, weary, unsatisfied) was growing fainter by the second; there was some dangerous, electrical spark in the atmosphere instead.

Or he was being delusional, but King had appeased him so far. He smiled, the way he would at an old friend. “Shall we walk,” Nick began, but took the liberty of placing a casual hand on King’s arm and steering him gently towards a side alley, separating them away from the general flow of pedestrian traffic to somewhere they wouldn’t be seen. They were standing close together now – they were so close in height, so naturally aligned. Nick didn’t slide his hand off him yet, waiting expectantly. “Or can you apparate us?”

Victory did not know what it was that Blott wanted from him but he supposed he would find out eventually. He was going against his instincts here but he couldn't quite help it. He was lonely and Blott was not exactly horrible to look at.

Blott was an awfully touchy-feely person, wasn't he? The thought that Blott was trying to bed him was still present in his mind. "I could," he hedged, contemplating it for a moment before deciding to hell with it and putting his hand on the mans waist so that he could side-apparate him more safely. And with a pop, they were in his house.

set by Lady!
King seemed – wary, almost. But Nick was harmless, as harmless as they came, and they were – friends, or they could have been. All they were doing was catching up.

Safe in this knowledge, Nick was still grinning when they appeared inside somewhere; King’s place, presumably. He only gave it the barest glance, because – maybe under pretence of being unsteady on his feet, maybe not – one hand came up to cover King’s, firm, to keep it on his side, stop him pulling away. Nick’s other hand slid slowly up his arm and settled on his shoulder.

King was still the same way he’d used to be, surely. Smile fading to something like seriousness, he leant in towards the other man’s mouth to test that theory.

Blott was grinning like a cheshire and it was doing nothing to sway Victorys belief that Blott was trying to bed him. He was of the mind at the moment to let him succeed. The others further actions cemented this thought.

And now the man was coming for his lips. Now that the moment of truth had arrived, he felt a little stuck. Stuck long enough that soon the others lips were on his own. And oh it had been so long since he had enjoyed the warmth of another mans lips on his own. He could not help but to give in despite his instincts telling him this was a bad idea.

set by Lady!
That had been the moment of truth – and until now maybe Nick had been in control just enough to have calculated for this – but when King’s decision tipped in his favour, the kiss returned, all Nick’s self-awareness deserted him.

He had not planned beyond this point; all he knew was that this kind of close contact with someone, anyone, was an intoxication like any other drug. He couldn’t fathom why he had picked King tonight, but there was something about wanting, and being wanted, that was irresistible, and maybe that this was entirely illicit made it even more of a thrill.

So he took that response as permission, and kept kissing him, open-mouthed now and, as he gained in boldness, slowly letting his hands wander. At some point, he pulled back, with an echo of that same satisfied grin. “What do you want?” He asked, sly and slightly slurring – as if he could make out this was all King’s idea, that Nick was doing the other man a service and not simply willing to take whatever he was offered.

Victory found himself waiting to see what Blott would do next. He got the sense that maybe the other was not as experienced as he had been trying to appear. And if he was, it was difficult for Victory to tell.

Victory took the open mouth as an invitation to explore the others mouth with his tongue, caressing the others with his own. He laughed at the question answered. "What is it that you can provide?" He said in return as he pressed his lips in a trail down the others throat. If he was going to do this, he was damn well going to make the most of it.

set by Lady!
Nick made a noise in his throat, either from King at his neck or because King was asking him outright, and although Nick could make a very long list of things he would do or have done to him in this moment, thoughts were one thing, and admitting to them aloud quite another.

(Nick wasn’t sure he would ever be drunk or high enough for that. But he didn’t want this to blow up in his face now, either –)

Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo,” he murmured in Latin, because he knew his Catullus verses as well as anything, and sentences like that were too filthy for the English. He wasn’t sure how well King remembered his Latin, but he could do that or vice versa, it didn’t matter: he had intentionally placed himself at King’s mercy here. (Because he didn’t know King’s preferences, and he – obviously – did not have preferences of his own, when it came to situations like this.)

And if words hadn’t made his openness plain, Nick grasped at his hips and rolled his own up to grind against him. The pressure was good, and had some effect on him, but – they would need some furniture to lean on (he wasn’t picky where) and maybe fewer clothes.

Victory smiled, feeling a sense of, well, victory at the noice he had pulled from the other. He chuckled in response to the others Latin murmur. He was not adverse to some Latin dirty talk. He groaned as Blott grasped his hips.

"Come here," he purred, guiding the other towards his bed. He pulled the other down on top of him, enjoying the pressure of another man atop of him that he had allowed himself to go without for far too long.

set by Lady!

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