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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Swing When You're Winning
May 26th, 1894 — Hogwarts Coming Out Ball

Emma stood by the refreshment table, delicately picking at a plate of petit fours - glad to stay out of the way for just a while. The Great Hall was alive with the buzz of conversation, and the scent of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air, along with the flowers and strong perfumes of the young ladies, some of whom had been rather heavy handed. Everyone seemed so...happy.

However, as she scanned the room, her heart sank as she spotted Jessamine Parkinson, with her latest dance partner heading in her direction. Parkinson didn't seem to have any more choice in the direction, than she did. Jessamine, with her haughty demeanor and cutting remarks, was not someone Emma particularly enjoyed spending time with. They had a history, one that Emma would rather not revisit.

As Jessamine drew closer, Emma tried to maintain her composure, plastering on a polite smile. "Oh, hello, Jessamine," she greeted, her tone polite but lacking warmth. Emma's stomach churned uncomfortably. She had hoped to avoid any confrontation tonight, especially with Jessamine. But it seemed fate had other plans as the two found themselves stuck together near the refreshment table, surrounded by the hum of other students enjoying their evening, as Jessamine's partner bows and makes his exit to claim his next dance.

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   Jessamine Parkinson

[Image: FXPVanK.png]
MJ Did Beautiful things!
Whatever nerves Jessamine had regarding her debut had just about floated away as she completed her dance with one Mr. Knight, and now all she could think about, as she bid him goodnight, was if she would see him at another ball later in the Season. Would he wish to dance with her again? Or was he just being polite because it was expected of him? She would think that his flattery and sweet talking were a bit much for someone only trying to be polite but Minnie was still new at this and she would hate to be naive about it. It didn't matter much at all, she supposed, as she had plenty of options. If the likes of Miss Potts could catch a glance or two from the menfolk, certainly Miss Parkinson would have no problem finding suitable men to fill her dance card. And speaking of the less fortunate ones...

“Miss Flitwick,” she replied coldly, as if chastising her for her familiarity by using her given name. Honestly! Who let the tart who seduced her way to prefect status and a betrothal in? If she hadn't known that her parents couldn't throw a separate debut ball for her due to their mourning status, she would've demanded one for a more selective guest list alone. Her blue eyes rake over Miss Flitwick's form, paying special attention to her stomach, as if accusing her of getting pregnant without saying anything, before she finally met her eyes again, “I'm surprised that Professor Prince let you attend.”

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   Aldous Crouch

[Image: jessamine-signature.png]

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