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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

A Lifetime of Days in the Sun
May 26th, 1894 - Hogwarts COB
Later in the evening

Tonight hadn't been as unbearable as he expected it to be. Perhaps it was because he'd found himself busier than anticipated, between dancing with Calla and seeing his mother in good spirits, he felt like he could breathe a little easier. Alvin was casually aware of Miss Thompsett here and there, but this was very much her night and the lingering awkwardness between them was enough to have him giving her a wide berth so she could enjoy her time unencumbered by whatever it was that made this strained between them. Her dress design had come out exactly as she'd described and he was still secretly pleased to know she had been able to make it a reality.

Alvin was also aware of a young miss who had a striking resemblance to Sloane and he was trying not to gawk at her every time she came into his field of view. He was projecting his own misery into the situation and while he maintained, and would with his dying breath, that Sloane would have hated this, she would have endured it regardless, because it was important to her friends and her friends had always been her everything. If she could have seen them though, he knew she wouldn't have complained too loud about much of anything, but suffered in discomfort, itching to get out of a corset and fancy dress the moment they left. The young lady he kept seeing was just him trying to grasp at straws and he knew that, could rationalize it, and so he'd put it from his mind.

Thankfully, it was a relief to feel that the sting wasn't as bad as he thought it would be and that had let him relax a little. He'd managed to chat with a few acquaintances here and there, took a spin on the floor with his mother, who had yet to cry this evening, which was a win in his book and the night was winding down. They'd survived and now the next chapter was upon them.

He'd been about to get himself something to drink when he spotted Miss Thompsett on the edge of the dance floor. Alvin hesitated, thinking he should stick to his plan and give her space, but she'd already spotted him and they were doing that awkward thing where they weren't sure as to whether or not they should acknowledge one another. Finally Alvin caved and smiled slowly as he made his way to where she stood. "Lost your dance partner?" He attempted to tease gently, hoping to keep the air between them light.

Sisse Thompsett

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
The first anxious moments of the ball were over. She was officially out in society, one of them. No longer was she a student lingering at the edges of a world she wasn't a part of, instead she was part of that world. It glittered and beckoned and truthfully Sisse was enjoying herself. She had been smiling and chatting and dancing the entire evening. It wasn't the students complaining in etiquette or friends offering to dance with her for no reason, but actual gentlemen expressing interest in her. Her nerves had faded into oblivion, lost to the easy give and take of conversation. For her first official ball Sisse felt almost as if she were glowing.

She was taking a break from the dance floor for a moment when her eyes spotted Alvin - no, Mr. Bixby, she reminded herself. Had he seen her? She had intended to find him this evening, to try and make up for how thoughtless she had been, to try to help him if she could. Although she doubted he wanted her help, she would have been disappointed in herself if she didn't at least check in on him. His eyes met her's and for a moment she forgot everything. She almost walked over to him, but instead he smiled and made his way to her.

His tone was playful gentle and Sisse matched it, trying to let the lightness of the evening buoy her until she could approach the words her heart longed to say. To thank him for his bravery, to let him know she knew this was hard. "It appears so." Although in truth Henry was her next dance partner and she was pretty sure he was trying to give her a moment to catch her breathe. She'd yet to sit a dance out all evening. "He's most unreliable." She lowered her voice to playfully admit.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Oops, Alvin hadn't actually meant a real dance partner, but now he was looking around to see if she did have one and he had somehow flaked on her. Fortunately there was a little lull and it wouldn't be too awkward yet? Pivot, Bixby, pivot. He could always step in, if necessary, but just as he'd admitted earlier; he wasn't very good at it, was long out of practice. At least he'd though to wear gloves tonight, no matter how uncomfortable they were. It wasn't nearly as unbearable as having to explain the marred skin of his hand to a stranger.

Still he knew he was already fumbling so he had to recover; "Your designs are stunning," he said a little more earnestly. He'd said as much to Calla, too; had been in awe of Miss Thompsett's sketches from the get-go, but to see them in real life, well, it must have been as satisfying as bringing a broom into reality from the lines on the paper. "So are you." He added. No hidden meaning, not because he felt like he had to say it; Miss Thompsett looked absolutely lovely in her dress and she seemed to be enjoying herself, which only added to the aura she projected. For all he'd worried about Sloane's friends in the wake of her death; everyone seemed to be bouncing back just fine. It was a relief. It made him feel a little less guilty for doing the same, for starting to find his footing in the broom business once again, even if he still had a lot of work to do.

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
"Thank you." Sisse beamed, her eyes catching on Calla's gown as she passed through the crowd, her mother seeming to be towing her somewhere. She had sketched countless dresses for this evening over the years for each of them, but the final product was something she was so incredibility proud of. She'd even added charms here and there to the dresses to truly add to them. Calla's gown she had even sewn herself, carefully stitching each hem and line of the gown, selecting the right fabrics, making sure the cut fit just so.

But his attention turned from the gowns to her and Sisse found herself feeling warm under his gaze. Thankfully the room was already warm and a rosey blush had been on her cheeks all evening from dancing so it was nothing he would notice. "Thank you." She found herself repeating, bobbing her head slightly. Plenty of people had complimented her this evening, but it was different coming from Alvin. His voice held a note she hadn't heard before and she found she couldn't doubt what he had said.

Before she could second guess herself she plunged onward, "Thank you for coming this evening, truly. I know it must be hard for you." She allowed her earnestness to soak into her tone, her eyes meeting his, pleading with him to know that she understood what this had meant for him. That he would be there to support them, Sloane's friends, even when the memory would sting so bitterly.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
She was saying thank you an awful lot and Alvin tried his best not to get bashful about it. He didn't feel like he was doing anything extraordinary and could tell she was sincere and that she had thought about this too. It was hard not to think about it, but he didn't want it to be something sad tonight, not when everyone was enjoying themselves. "It's not so bad." He admitted with a little shrug. Standing in for Calla's first dance, keeping an eye on Harry's Horrible Flirting, seeing his mother enjoying herself, it was worth it.

"Calla and I agreed she would have hated this, but would have enjoying spending time together, no matter what." Grumbling under her breath about uncomfortable shoes or a corset, had she been forced into one, but smiling the whole time. They would have danced, Alvin had seen Hatchitt lurking around somewhere, and their friend Mr. Moony as well (he thought). Most of their little pod was here and that was good enough, he supposed. "It's nice to remember that she had a full life, with friends she loved and loved her." He said a little more quietly as he looked out over the crowd for those familiar faces he'd essentially watched grow up.

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
"I'm glad to hear it." And she was, even if it was a half hearted gesture, anything was better than thinking this evening might be causing him pain. He continued speaking and she could feel the truth of them sinking into her. "She did." Came Sisse's soft afirmative, she wanted to reach out and touch his hand, to show him she was there. But the last time she'd done that had ended diasterously. Besides, they were in a crowded ballroom and it was certainly wasn't how she should begin her first evening out.

The first chords of the next set sounded and Sisse looked about her. Henry was no where in sight. Sisse couldn't help the sigh that escaped her lips. It would not do to have to sit out a dance tonight. "I cannot believe Henry's stood me up." She admitted with the annoyance of an elder sister. "He so earnestly wanted this dance." Sisse couldn't help but shake her head at the memory. Henry had asserted that each male of the Thompsett family would dance with Sisse and he would have the pleasure of a waltz. He'd told her that he'd wanted the waltz specifically so Matthew wouldn't glower at whomever tried to claim it at the ball. Reasoning that Matthew would soften as the season went on but that perhaps this one night she might do him the honor of the dance to ensure she didn't have to miss her favorite dance and to keep the peace in their household and so no potential gentlemen were scared of. Honestly, the amount of thought her carefree younger brother had put into the idea was so endearing and heartwarming that there had been no way Sisse would have turned down his suggestion.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
All he could really do was pass her a sad sort of smile and shrug a little bit. Alvin couldn't think too much about it because then he would somehow make himself miserable and he didn't want that, not when the night was going so well so far. At least he hadn't managed to stick his foot in his mouth here yet either.

His attention was drawn to the orchestra and he too looked around for Miss Thompsett's next dance partner. He had to guess it was one of her brothers, by the way she spoke of him and Alvin wondered if he had gotten caught up somewhere or been delayed somehow. The offer to take his place was on the tip of his tongue, but there was something wildly different about stepping onto the floor with Miss Thompsett than Calla. Everybody knew the Bixby and Potts families were close; it wasn't anything other than what was presented. This felt different somehow, even to him. Who knew how anybody looking on would take it. Hell Alvin didn't know what to think about it if he gave it too much thought. The last thing he wanted to do was get dragged through the rumor mill, or have Miss Thompsett caught in anything. Plus he really wasn't that great of a dancer. Even if he thought the song might be something slow (the waltz?), it was a risk.

It was more apparent that the dance was about to begin and Alvin wondered if it was worse not to offer. She could always turn him down. "I can step in, if you want?" She might very well want to sit the dance out, but at least he had put it out there.

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
"Oh!" Sisse's gaze met his in surprise. He'd do that for her? Well it was a ball and she rather supposed the last thing she should be would be surprised. But it was a waltz..... "Would you? Henry had promised me the waltz, and it's my favorite, but I have no idea where he's gotten off to." She rushed to explain before she could overthink it. Matthew might get upset with her over this, her father too, but Henry was nowhere near and it was her favorite song played for her favorite dance, it would be such a blemish on her evening if she were to sit it out and really she didn't see any other way to make sure she didn't look jilted and forgotten than to take him up on his offer.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Well, she didn't refuse. That was something, Alvin supposed. He didn't mind, he'd already gotten all of his wobbles out during his dance with Calla earlier in the evening. It would be fine. "If you do not want to sit it out, we won't." It was Miss Thompsett's big night after all and if she did not want to miss out on the waltz it was the least he could do.

For the second time that night, Alvin was glad he'd bothered with gloves. Though the young debutantes also wore them, he knew his scarred hand was a bit harsh to look at and he didn't want anything to be any more awkward. The music was keyed up now and almost everyone else who appeared to be partaking in the waltz was already on the floor. Alvin held out his good hand and led her onto the dance floor. Fortunately the waltz was relatively straight forward, he could do this without any fuss. He hoped.

As they took up their positions, Alvin passed her a shy sort of smile, but didn't have time to say anything as the music took off and so did they.

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
There should not have been a jolt of pleasure in her stomach at his utterance of "us" and yet there was. "Thank you." Sisse tried to pour as much of her genuine gratitude as she could into those two simple words. Her fingers gently rested on top of his outstretched hand, tingling where glove met glove, she was overly aware of how close his hand was, of the warmth of it through his gloves, of the closeness of his body beside her own as he led her out onto the dance floor.

She curtsied to him as they took their places. His smile, it was so gentle, so different than any she had seen before. Her own shy smile met his as his hands settled into place. The music began, his steps and careful hold leading her around the ball in a beautiful whirl. All she could think of was the last time she was this close to him, how his heart had sounded in his chest, how warm his lips had been against her own. Her heart raced in a temp vastly different than the one, two, three of the waltz. She ought to say something, something witty and charming that would show him she wasn't just a little girl anymore, but all she could think of was of a warm greenhouse, mistletoe, and a kiss that should never have happened - but that she couldn't regret it, no more than she could push it from her mind. Instead she looked up at him, taking in his kind familiar face. This felt like exactly where she was supposed to be in this moment, the perfect dream for a perfect night. She was left with the impression that one word might shatter the fragile fantasy of the moment, might ruin whatever enchantment had been cast between them.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Alvin could not waltz gracefully and talk at the same time and he hoped Miss Thompsett did not hold it against him. He was counting in his head, trying not to get too distracted by that look she was giving him. She was effortlessly making him look more capable than he was, easy to lead though she was really a step ahead of him the entire time.

He was suddenly struck by the fact that she was indeed no longer his little sister's close friend, a graduate, a debutante, and this dance could be viewed many ways. Alvin replayed some of their conversations in his head and how he'd seen her as stubborn, but perhaps it was more of her trying to find her adult voice. He remembered the transition all too well, trying to outgrow childish attachments and sentiments, but hardly being old enough to do so. Perhaps it was because he was given more time, as a man, to figure himself out. Tonight's debutantes were expected to have it all figured out this season; he was still figuring it out at seven and twenty.

Keeping a neutral-to-pleased expression, Alvin kept himself from getting too lost in his thoughts, instead focusing on the steps and the gentle pressure of his hand at her back and her hand in his. He couldn't think too much; he couldn't think too little and he was glad the music seemed to be coming to a close because he was struggling to do either and keep his rhythm and feet moving accordingly.

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
With his hand guiding her Sisse completed the last spin before stilling with the last strains of the song, her skirts swaying to a stop around her ankles. Alvin's face also looked happy as she curtsied a final time to him. As she approached him to take his arm for him to lead him off the dance floor she suddenly felt shy around him. As if something had happened in those few minutes of the song that she could not place but which had changed so much. As if, perhaps, that kiss hadn't been quite as much of a fluke as she had thought.

"Thank you." She murmured when she had laid her hand on his arm and faced toward the rest of the floor. She hoped he might say something for her heart was racing too quickly and she knew she ought to compose herself and think of other things right now. Their story had already been written. But that was the dangerous thing about hope, it grew all too easily from the smallest of seeds.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Relieved he had not messed up the dance, Alvin bowed as she curtsied and accompanied her off the floor easily enough. His mouth was a little dry, his thoughts were now reeling now that his feet were still and he didn't quite know what to do with himself. She was still on his arm and he was fumbling for the right words to convey his jumbled thoughts.

"It was my pleasure, truly." Tonight was not about him and he would do whatever it took to make sure that is was memorable for the ladies in a good way. He was going to have to grapple with some interesting thoughts once he got home, but he could hold off until then. Alvin was far too good at fading in the background to simply observe and support when needed. Like now and he was glad that he had stepped in. "I hope your brother won't be too put out." He managed to add, unsure how to continue the conversation, but equally convinced he wasn't ready to yet.

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
Did he mean it, truly? Sisse glanced up at him, considering the possibility. Perhaps it was this evening, or the dance, or whatever had happened this winter, but she rather felt he meant it genuinely. She'd save any doubts for tonight, for after the ball. But for now she simply wanted to enjoy it, believe it.

"If he is he shall have to live with it." She found herself assuring Alvin. Henry had, after all, stood her up. "I shouldn't say, but I believe you to be the better dancer." She'd been paired up with Henry in etiquette lessons and he quite often was too fast for the music. But he knew she loved dancing and so she couldn't help but adore him for his earnestness in dancing with her for practice. Although wherever he was now she hadn't any idea.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
"I think I got out all of my stumbles earlier." Calla hadn't cared and nobody had gotten hurt, that was more for fun than form. Alvin did have to wonder where her brother had gotten off to, but wasn't so curious to wish him back just yet or anything. "I also think it had nothing to do with me." It was easy to lead when your dance partner was clearly better than you. He hadn't had to do much at all other than to keep time and keep his gangly legs in order. Miss Thompsett made it graceful. Clearly she had put a great deal of thought into tonight and it showed in just about everything she did. Alvin had no doubts she'd be very successful this season.

Which was a rather... confusing thought.

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
It was hard to imagine Alvin stumbling, but she trusted his words enough not to comment on it. In the time she had known Alvin it had been rare that he hadn't faced reality or that he'd accept a compliment that he barely believed.

But his compliment had her own cheeks heating slightly. Once again she was grateful for the warmth of the room and the exertion of dancing, it hid the bloom of roses on her cheeks. "It's only because Mrs. [Etiquette] had us practicing every day the last few weeks." Although truthfully Sisse knew it was more than that. She was too modest, too ill at ease in her own skill to admit any more than that.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom

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