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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Here Again
Alvin still highly doubted that. There was nothing Sloane wouldn't have done to get out of debuting, he thought. He snorted derisively, tried to cover it up with a cough, but didn't try to dissuade her. If that gave her some comfort, he could concede to the thought. Unfortunately they would never get to know who would win that bet. Alvin had only seen glimpses of this side of Miss Thompsett, but he was figuring out just how she and Sloane had been friends, despite being quite opposites of one another. It was nice to see.

Unsure of where to turn the conversation next, afraid to shake the ground they had covered, he scratched the back of his head idly. "My mother, Harrison and I will be attending, at Hogwarts." He came up with finally. He had debated going for a little while, but ultimately had decided that he could be there to support his mother and Calla at the very least. Not that Calla needed any more support, but he could easily hide in the wings and step in if somebody needed a dance partner or something.

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
It was a laugh Sisse knew, although she hadn't heard this particular one from Mr. Bixby before. It was a laugh that meant she wasn't believed. It happened more than one might expect. But Sisse was used to proving such laughs wrong. She was docile in appearance and mannerism, but her mother had been right to say that she had always wanted to be a contrary. Only a tad contrary, Sisse could now amend. Her mother would likely chuckle if Sisse were to add such a statement to the conversation now, but when she'd been younger Sisse had never dared even admit it. Although her mother had indeed been right. Still, she knew what she was capable of much more than Mr. Bixby. Let him think what he would.

However, his words caught her off guard. "Oh." He wasn't going for her. She knew that. And yet some small part of her wondered. A few months ago she would have teased him about his attentions, but she knew very well what they were now - that is to say there were none. Which meant he would be there for Calla. "I'm sure Calla will be so grateful to see you all." Sisse forced herself to add before it was too awkwardly silent to utter anything.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Miss Thompsett's reaction was decidedly... frustrating and Alvin truly didn't know how to read it. They'd been just fine for the majority of the conversation and now it was awkward again. "I know Sloane wouldn't have wanted to participate, but we would have gone to support everyone anyway." It was a big night for many of the girls and Sloane would have wanted to be supportive and there for them, so Alvin wanted to do in her stead. It wouldn't be quite the same, nothing seemed to be anymore, but he knew not going would be worse. He owed it to Calla and all of their friends to be there, even if all he planned to do was lurk in the shadows quietly and keep an eye on his mother.

Bending to retrieve his sketchbook and charcoals from beneath the nearby table, Alvin wasn't sure he understood any better where they stood now than he did in January or December. "I'm going to go the aviary and do some sketching before Mrs. Potts can find me another job." He announced, sort of halfheartedly, but unsure of what else to do. "I hope you enjoy the event." It was sure to be entertaining and a good distraction if nothing else.

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
Had he meant to include her when he told her he'd come to support them all? Sisse felt her cheeks warming at the thought. Even if he only considered her his sister's friend it was nice to feel as if perhaps someone other than her own family was looking out for her. "That is very kind of you." She found herself adding politely.

It occurred to her what such a gesture might mean, no matter how he considered her. It would mean he would be in pain. He, and Wally, and his mother. All of them would feel their grief and loss more keenly as Sisse and her friends began a chapter in their lives that Sloane never would. A fist closed in her chest, ached as it tugged tight. She wished there were someway she could acknowledge it.

Instead Alvin excused himself. "I'll distract her if she notices you." Sisse found herself promising instead, it was something small, but it would have to do. "You as well." And then it was just her and Dahlia again. Although Dahlia was giving her the oddest look. Sisse gave her friend's sister a smile and was distracted from lingering on it by the appearance of Calla herself.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom

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