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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

For Keeps
June 30th, 1888
late morning

I hate you, my entire body hurts. There's bugs everywhere. I'm staying in bed all day.

I hope your day is going more smoothly than mine.

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[Image: cTe3ze.png]
30 June, 1888

You love me.

If it makes you feel any better, I came into work with lower back pains and I've gotten teased at least twice about having to retire right after my promotion.

Apparently I'm "getting old".


set by MJ!
June 30th, 1888

I do love you, I just don't like you right now. Fortunately my mother already thought I was some kind of ill before dinner last night, I'm just using that to my advantage to lay about all day. Ianthe is not pleased about being out in this, nor am I about opening the window for her. I thought she'd enjoy the buffet of bugs, but apparently not.

Oh no, I hope you're not getting old, how ever will you keep up with me, the wee babe?

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
30 June, 1888

You'd have to fight me to be in Hogsmeade at this moment. I've dealt with bugs before, but locusts? Sounds like a living nightmare to me; I don't envy you.

I'm hoping he library will be enough to keep you from running off from me whenever I turn my back. Perhaps you'll have more mercy on my soul than you have your parents'. I imagine they haven't been oblivious to everything that's gone on this past month.


set by MJ!
June 30th, 1888

Oh Love, that is not what I meant. Not at all. I have no intentions of running off from you, ever. You're stuck with me now.

I'd be a fool to think my parents are completely unaware of at least my leaving the house, though I hope that's all. Mum's certainly not pleased. Her friends have all kinds of things to say about it. I've heard them when they come for tea. It's quite amusing. They think I'm having some belated rebellious stage thanks to August's disappearance or something equally unlikely.

I'm on my best behavior from here on out, I promise.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
30 June, 1888

No running off? Not even for a weekend in your little French village? How disappointing, to lose your adventurous side after settling down!

Would you not consider this a rebellious stage? Running off for midnight rendezvouses with your lover? If you were on your best behavior, you would not be contacting me right now — not that I would ever wish for such a thing.


set by MJ!
June 30th, 1888

Why would I be running off without you? Exploring my little French village will be awfully lonely if I'm to go by myself. I know you won't have that much free time from work, but surely every now and then?

I suppose it could be labeled that, but it has nothing to do with the fact that my twin disappeared for eighteen months. I don't see you complaining. I also don't see how writing letters is not proper behavior. I'm a lady, I'm supposed to keep up with my correspondence!

Also, I'm fairly certain you're still misunderstanding my worries about keeping up with me. Think on it.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
30 June, 1888

I'm not sure how much free time my position will allot me; it's hard to get a grasp of the position after being promoted in the middle of a national crisis. I do suppose my workload will be much lighter. We'll see, my love.

I remember the case of your brother, but it was not one I worked on personally. It was very similar to the disappearance of my coworker and former Hogwarts dorm-mate, who was found living as a muggle as well.

A lady's correspondence should include nothing that would give her mother a heart-attack if said aloud; I'm sure simply our manners of address would be enough to end her by this point. But I'm not complaining.

P.S. There's no need to worry about me being able to keep up with you. There are ways to manage if I ever were to tire — I'll show you next time.

set by MJ!
June 30th, 1888

That's understandable, if I'm being reasonable. If I'm being selfish I'd rather not share you with anyone, even with your first love; that job of yours.

We still don't know much of anything about August's time away, but he's doing better here, at least. It's crazy to think that it's happened to other people too!

It's very fortunate for me that I hide everything then, I doubt she'd go nosing around my room all that much. Even so, I tuck the letters all away very carefully.  I've been writing to friends too, so I hope it's not all that suspicious, I leave the appropriate ones of those out as evidence. It'll be nice, when the time comes, not to have to hide all of this though. I hate lying to them.

P.S. I'm sincerely looking forward to next time, then.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
30 June, 1888

As much as I'd love to spend the day in bed with you, I doubt you'd be happy dealing with me in a restless state. I like being on the move whenever possible — and even more than you could handle, I'd bet.

When all of this mess is over, you will be free to speak with your friends. Though, I must admit, I've always lived under the rule that it is not necessarily lying to withhold the truths you're not asked to speak.


set by MJ!
June 30th, 1888

I can more than sympathize with being restless. We just have to get through this unholy mess of a fog and then everything will settle down. Of course the uncertainty in that does make me anxious. Then again only I could find this to be such a great time to go and fall head over heels in love. Clearly my timing is impeccable.

Do you have any idea when this expedition into Irvingly starts? I would very much like for that to be over sooner rather than later.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
30 June, 1888

And to think, if I wouldn't have gone out of my way to chase you through a dark alleyway in High Street — or better yet, accost you in your garden following your little scene in my office — we may have never fallen in love.

All joking aside, I believe the expedition should start on the 3rd of July. I'm not sure what exact plans the Ministry has in place; I hardly expect them to throw us into the woods without any sense of direction.


set by MJ!
June 30th, 1888

Out of your way? Really? That is not how I remember it at all. Those were both of the instances in which I hit you. You sir, are clearly a glutton for punishment. I think if I'd never sent those letters after the kitchen disaster, things would be drastically different.

Only a few more days then, I wish I knew more about what was going on. I'm going to be a giant bundle of nerves the entire time. Do you think you'll be able to write or will I have to assume no news is good news?

I think I'm going to retire early tonight, even though I didn't do anything strenuous today, I'm still catching up from last night. I swear these bugs better disappear as fast as they arrived. Sleep well, Love.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
30 June, 1888

Your first punch was certainly less endearing, but I admit I asked for the second; hopefully the next time I'm on the receiving end of your violence, it will in the midst of passion rather than anger. Even through my robes you left claw marks on my shoulders, you vixen.

I may be able to write, but it all depends on whether (1) the path is safe enough to do so, (2) our supplies will include plentiful parchment, and (3) I'm provided with means of delivering it. We still have a few days more, lover. I will not disappear without a goodbye letter.

Sleep well. I'll be up late finishing paperwork.


set by MJ!
July 1st, 1888

Good morning, Love. I hope you weren't up too late doing paperwork. I assume that's a never-ending feat though.

I have several bruises myself, thank you very much. You're not the only one with battle wounds. I do have to admit, I'm not nearly as sore today. I took a long hot bath last night on a whim. It was heavenly. I feel almost human today. I hope your back is feeling better. There also seem to be less bugs today, it's shaping up to be a much better day than yesterday.

I know you'll be busy. I would just as soon you stay focused rather than write, the faster it's over the better. I know worrying is typically your job, but I fear I'll have to take over while you're gone. I hope today is much less exciting than it could be.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
01 July, 1888

Good morning, lover. I've admittedly been up all night; I'm sure half the office thought an inferi had wandered in while their backs were turned. I'm trying to compile a to-do list for the senior aurors to handle while I'm away.

I hope you're able to move about without any pain today. The only bed I ever want your trapped in is my own.


set by MJ!

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