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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

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nobody's keeping score
17 August, 1893 — Dempsey Estate

Oz turned the page of the Daily Prophet and squinted at the first headline that caught his eye, as though it might transform itself into something more palatable upon closer inspection. It did not. The suffragists may not have been taking over the Ministry Atrium this week, but they had certainly not been quiet, as their frequent appearances in the news attested to. And the louder the suffragists, he had recognized, the louder the questions from every angle asking for his opinions on the matter.

Anyone who had met Ozymandias Dempsey would know he was never short of opinions, and he typically had no reservations about expressing them — but that had been before he'd started running for Minister. Back then, he could say whatever amused him most in the moment regardless of how he really felt; he could (and often did) express an opinion just to get an interesting reaction from whoever was asking. Now his opinions had consequences, which meant he had to consider them more carefully.

"If you had to take a guess," Oz said to the room at large, as he shuffled past the article on the suffragists without reading past the headline, "Would you say the voting population is mostly for expanding voting rights, or mostly against?" Not that he was so mercenary as to entirely base his opinion on pandering to the largest population of voters, but it was something to take into consideration, certainly, and in this area it was hard to gauge what voters actually thought about the issue — since the issue was specifically that those most concerned about it didn't vote.
Open to any & all Dempseys or people who might be around the house

MJ is the light of my life <3
Chris sat in a comfortable chair by the window, a book in her lap and a cup of tea at her side. The Daphnel family home always seemed to exude an air of elegance and tradition, a place where discussions of importance could unfold naturally, and would often lead to a spirited debate - sometimes with people throwing things. Sometimes at Ozy. She missed that -not that she would ever admit that to them. She wasn't sure if she could cope with the egos!

Ozy had never shyed away from provoking lively conversations, and today was no exception.

She glanced up from her book as Oz's voice carried across the room, his musings about the suffragists and their impact on the Ministry Atrium catching her attention. The headlines had been hard to miss, and the suffragists' fervor had certainly ignited public discourse. Oz's curiosity, as always, had led him to seek out opinions on the matter, and she found herself considering his question.

Belle smiled, her voice carrying a note of amusement. "You're wading into quite the quagmire, aren't you?" Her lips quirked into a wry smile, her dark eyes twinkling with a mixture of playfulness. She was more indulgent of her eldest brother since Victor had died. In spite of the ribbing he had given her - more than once about her life and choices, when she had written to let him know about Victor his support had been instantaneous and complete.

Setting her book aside, she leaned forward slightly, her expression thoughtful. "As for your question, I do believe that change is in the air. While it's true that the suffragists' movement has met its share of opposition, there's a growing tide of support for expanding voting rights. And it's not just about the numbers, you know. It's about justice, equality, and recognizing the rights of all citizens, regardless of gender."

Belle's fingers traced the rim of her teacup as she continued, her gaze distant for a moment. "I must admit, Oz, I'm rather proud of the women who've taken up this cause. They're not just seeking a seat at the table; they're demanding it. And rightfully so." She sighed softly, her expression momentarily pensive. "I would join them on the picket lines, you know," she said, a touch of wistfulness in her voice. "But with Victor... well..." She straightened in her chair a little self-consciously, her gaze meeting Oz's with determination.

"If you're asking for my opinion, dear brother, it's this: Embrace change, even when it's uncomfortable. History has shown that progress often meets resistance, but the right path is rarely the easiest one. As a candidate for Minister, you have the chance to be a voice for positive change, for inclusivity and progress." Belle's words carried warmth. She reached for her cup of tea, taking a thoughtful sip, her gaze never leaving her brother's.



I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory
"I'm not wading into it by choice," he bantered back. She didn't need to tell him that the news was on everyone's mind, because he had experienced firsthand how the question was on everyone's lips, and since he had painted a target on his back with the August 4th announcement they were frequently directed at him.

He probably could have predicted Belle's response; he could have skipped right over asking her, or could have scripted her little speech himself by throwing in flowery references to grand notions of justice and equality. "Unfortunately the Ministerial election is about the numbers," he pointed out. "I don't think they award points for justice or equality. In fact, if those were weighted factors I'm sure our Wizengamot would look decidedly different than it does presently."

He leaned back in the chair and ruffled the newspaper as though he were refocusing his attention on reading it, though really he was taking a moment to chew over her words. He hadn't really been asking for her advice, he didn't think, but he considered it all the same. After a moment had passed, he folded the newspaper down and shot her a quizzical look. "You know, I don't think you need to be overly concerned with what Victor thinks of the protests. If he tried to bar your way to the picket lines, you could just walk through him." It was perhaps too early for dark jokes about the state of her husband, but Oz would have been surprised if Porphyria hadn't already beaten him to the punch... and it was nicer than the other thing he could have said, which was to wonder aloud whether Victor Daphnel was the sort of person to have any worthwhile opinions at all, much less any that ought to dictate how his sister behaved in her life as a widow.

MJ is the light of my life <3
Belle's lips curved into a smirk as she listened to her brother's retort. Ozy's banter was as familiar as a well-worn book, and she appreciated his knack for engaging in a spirited back-and-forth. She nodded in agreement as he acknowledged the inevitable attention the suffragist movement was garnering, the weight of his decision palpable.

At his dark joke, her feelings took a more physical form. With a swift movement, Belle's hand shot out to grab the small throw pillow, and she hurled it toward Ozy's head as hard as she was physically capable, aimed at the side of his head.

And even as she threw it at him, she acknowledged his observation. "But, the Wizengamot could use a good dose of justice and equality, We;ve had female ministers for magic who could not even vote for themselves!" The idea was just ridiculous.
As he leaned back in his chair, Belle's gaze remained steady on him, her dark eyes thoughtful as she considered his words. The newspaper might have been in front of him, but she knew he was mulling over the conversation just as she was.

She let out a soft sigh, her fingers absently toying with the edge of another small throw pillow at her elbow. "In all seriousness, dear brother. How can a government claim to represent the people when it's only elected by a portion of the population? And a small population at that. It's a contradiction that should give us all pause. Change often starts as a whisper, a single voice speaking out against the norm. And while justice and equality may not directly earn 'points,' as you put it, they define the moral compass by which we should govern."

Her expression grew more earnest as she continued. "Imagine a world where every citizen has a voice, where decisions aren't made by the privileged few but reflect the needs and aspirations of the many. It's an ideal, of course, and the path to it won't be easy. But isn't that what leadership should be about? Navigating uncharted waters for the greater good, even if it means challenging the status quo?"

I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory
Christabel was long-winded as always; she would find herself right at home in one of these protests. Not that Oz had actually been to any, but he imagined them to be full of women just like Christa, taking a step up onto a turned over milk carton and soliloquizing by stringing together the grandest words they remembered from their novels. Chris had the advantage on many of them, he suspected: she actually knew the definitions of the words she bandied about.

"The government doesn't claim to represent the people," he demurred. "It claims to act in their best interest. Whether they believe it to be in their best interest or not is inconsequential. Even if the ideal was that the government represented the people, it wouldn't work in practice," he continued. "Not without significant structural changes. The Minister is one man — or one woman. They represent a sample size of one. What you're talking about is something more like the Muggle House of Commons," he suggested. "And whatever you feel about it, I hardly think it likely anyone will vote for a Minister whose platform includes disbanding the office of Minister in favor of a group of representative rabble-rousers."

MJ is the light of my life <3
A chuckle escaped Christabel as she read her brother's response and wit - dry as it was. Ozy's ability to distill complex matters into succinct observations was such a Dempsey trait, even as it often led to lighthearted disagreements.

She leaned back in her chair, her fingers idly tapping against the armrest. As her brother delved into the intricacies of government representation, she listened with amusement and interest. Ozy's mind was a labyrinth of logical connections, and she enjoyed the challenge of trying to pick her way through them.

"But that gap between theory and reality is where change is often born. A government should reflect the people.
Structural changes, as you put it, might be necessary to bridge that gap."
Belle's gaze focused, her eyes alight with passion, something she hadn't felt in 8 months. "You're right that the Minister represents just one individual, a mere sample size. Yet, isn't that all the more reason to consider the voices of the many? The collective wisdom of diverse perspectives? A government should evolve with its people, adapt to their changing needs, and reflect the principles they hold dear."

She paused, her smile softening. "As for the House of Commons, I'm not suggesting disbanding the office of Minister entirely. But perhaps a more inclusive approach could be taken. It's not about rabble-rousing, Ozymandias. It's about ensuring that every citizen, regardless of background, or privilege, has a stake in the decisions that shape their lives."

Her gaze held a challenge, a playful dare to her brother to consider the possibilities. Belle felt like herself for the first time in months, the exchanges of ideas that reminded her of what had once been one of her greatest strengths.

I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory
Oz shook his head and chuckled under his breath. "I'm touched by your faith in me, but perhaps we'll leave off the restructuring of the government until after I've won. At the moment I'm preoccupied enough with the road there." He may not have a occupational history in politics, but he'd been in these conversations since he was fourteen or so; he knew politics well enough to know that no one campaigning for office won by threatening to create instability and uncertainty.

"I'm trying to get a sense of which issues voters really care to hear about. If the politics reporters at the Prophet were worth a damn they'd be surfacing them, but everything's so sensationalized," he complained.

MJ is the light of my life <3
Belle knew that Ozy's journey to the Minister's office would be a difficult one. He wasn't a legacy, wasn't a minister or Wizengemot institution - and he was Irish, but she respected his practical approach. She said. "In my experience, people want to know that they matter. They want to feel that their concerns, their lives, and their hopes are important to someone."

Chris' eyes became slightly unfocused as she spoke "Victor's passing taught me something," she admitted, her expression becoming more introspective. "The world can indeed carry on without us, but it's the idea of not mattering while we're alive that is truly disheartening, that ferments disssent." she turned to a page of the muggle paper she still had delivered from Dublin. "its why the likes of the Government of Ireland bill is so important" she tapped the article "People like to know that their concerns are governments concerns"

Returning her attention to Ozy, she said, "I suppose what I'm trying to say is that when you're out there, engaging with the voters and discussing your platform, remember that it's not just about policies and politics. It's about connecting with the people, acknowledging their concerns, and making them feel heard. Don't rely on the Prophet, get out yourself!"

Belle's smiled encouragingly at her elder brother. "You have a unique opportunity to be that bridge between the people and the institutional government types, Oh King of Kings!"

I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory
Oz smiled wryly at the reference to his namesake poem. In another context he might have thought she was teasing him (and indeed, she might still have been teasing him), but everything she'd said before had been so earnest that he was inclined to take it in good faith. He wasn't sure that she was right — connecting with people who couldn't vote did not seem as though it would have much of an impact when it came to actually winning the election — but at least in spirit her advice seemed to be good. At the very least, it was certainly well-intentioned.

"I am getting out and about," he said, with an in-case-you-haven't-noticed tone. "But if you're offering to mastermind more campaign events for me, feel free."

MJ is the light of my life <3
"I have no doubt you're putting in the effort, Ozy," she replied with warmly, a rare moment of unironic interaction between the two. Leaning forward with a mischievous grin, she added, "And as for campaign events, I dare say I might do a far better job than just about anyone else you could pick. Certainly better than any society friend who thinks a manifesto is a dinner course that comes after fish."

Belle's tone held a hint of playful mockery for those who might prioritize social standing over genuine understanding of the issues. She was, after all, a woman who believed in substance over superficiality. "But in all seriousness," she continued, her expression turning earnest, "I'll support you however I can, Ozy. Whether it's organizing events, helping with speeches, or simply being a listening ear when you need one. You could do well in this, and they could do a lot worse than you."

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   Ozymandias Dempsey

I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory
They could do a lot worse than you was as high praise as one could expect from a Dempsey sibling; Oz was actually touched.

"You may have a point," he admitted, regarding the inadequacies of most of his friends to run campaigns. He'd already had one of them named a campaign manager, but they had entered into it with the same spirit that Oz had first declared his candidacy — namely, on the assumption that it would be easy. There had been more than one occasion already in which said friend was obviously overwhelmed, and it wasn't as though Oz had the bandwidth to pick up the slack when he was focused on the actual campaigning.

"I'll let you organize events if you promise not to talk to anyone of manifestos," he said wryly (I'll let you as though she was not offering to do him a huge favor in taking this up; as though it were a privilege he were affording her rather than a burden). "Probably half of the voters won't know what to do with a word so large, and another quarter will assume we're communist."

MJ is the light of my life <3
His turn of phrase - use- was very typical of her darling brother, but she didn't comment on it. 'I promise' she said with a roll of her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, although even as she did she was already formulating a plan.

Christabel stood with an air of decided assuredness. 'Alright then, you've twisted my arm brother.' she headed for the fireplace, 'I'll send you some notes later Ozymandias.' the fireplace swooshed green, 'And if Langston* wants to discuss the plan maybe the three of us should sit down to discuss it.'

*- ozzies bestie

I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory
Oz hardly thought his best mate wanted to discuss anything with his sister, but given that he had was equally reticent to do anything that campaign managers were actually meant to do, perhaps it could be arranged. In any case, Christabel didn't seem to be pausing to discuss the matter — she was off towards the floo already.

"Host a dinner party for us, then," he called after her. The places he typically entertained were either unsuitable to the purpose of serious conversation (the ballet, or the Dempsey house itself with his sibling's proclivity towards interrupting anyone's business) or wouldn't have admitted her (the gentleman's club), so if she wanted the pair of them together for conversation she'd have to provide the venue herself. Presumably if he won he'd need a better place to entertain, he thought — but only idly, as the idea of winning the election had never yet seriously occurred to him.

MJ is the light of my life <3

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