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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Please Talk About Something New
"I was rather under the impression that you had." Percy replied dryly, he remembered walking in on a rather heated moment and had always rather suspected that while Lissy had sworn nothing happened at that moment something had before or after. "But I am glad to find that I was wrong in my assumptions." He missed his little sister, but given everything in the intervening years since that aforementioned event Percy was rather glad they were both seperated and moving on with their lives.

"Married life? Or?" He raised an eyebrow rather than actually saying the word. He rather suspected it was the first. "And how did that discussion go?"

[Image: 1wsKcIW.jpg]
Pretties from Lady <3
Quin scowled at Percy now. "Merlin's beard Perce, tell me how you really feel." As if Quin would have ever been so disrespectful. Giving him a hard time about being a virgin was one thing, Quin had sort of expected that, but damn if he didn't regret coming here now.

"Married life," he supplied gruffly, casting his glass aside, unsure as to whether or not any more booze was a good idea. "And it went well. It's an adjustment, naturally." Dahlia was mature for her age, and he well, he wasn't, so it was a good thing one of them had the right frame of mind to discuss these things ahead of time. He was hoping with enough communication and grace on both sides, it would be just fine.

[Image: Quin-Sig-New.png]
The day had been relatively eventful - at least for her. She'd gone out in the morning to do some shopping while she'd stopped at Caro's for a visit in the afternoon. She'd slipped in the front door silently, letting herself in as she always did rather than ringing the bell. A quick glance at her pocket watch told her Percy was likely already home (he normally sent word if he was to be late) which made today a variation from the normal of her greeting him. But to her surprise, she could hear multiple voices coming from the open library door. A minute with a cocked head listening and she was able to place the voice of Mr. Honeyduke and she couldn't help but chuckle as she realized that they were talking about Quin's upcoming wedding.

As much as she loved science, she adored weddings just as much. And the fact Quin's wedding was actually because he'd found someone he loved rather than some business match made the whole thing all the better. So grinning, she left her shaw on the coat rack and made her way into the library, coming to lean against the back of Percy's chair with her arms propped on his shoulders. "I'm sure the whole thing will come quite easily once it actually comes to it." Her grey eyes twinkled with a layer of laughter and she wondered if any of the men would pick up that she'd actually heard at least part of their sex talk - and wasn't just talking about the adjustment of living together. "Hello, Quin. Hello, love. Are you staying for dinner?"

[Image: VFAsca.png]
thank you bee for the absolutely lovely set
One thing that changed for certain after marriage, Percy thought, was how attuned one became to one's spouse and their movements. For instance take Annabeth coming through the room, he didn't look away from Quin but could feel her presence as she came behind him.

And that, ladies and gentleman, was his wife. He chuckled even as a flush colored his cheeks. Of course she'd caught on to the nature of their conversation, but he loved that she felt comfortable with Quin to tease him too. "I was just telling him as much." Percy almost chortled (alright, it was a chortle by Percy's standards, to anyone else it likely was just a snort of amusement, let's not get too carried away now). He leaned his head backward to look at Anna, kissing her jaw as he did so.

[Image: 1wsKcIW.jpg]
Pretties from Lady <3
Quin thought he might melt into the chair beneath him as Annabeth joined them. Not because she had, Anna was lovely and a good match for Percy, but it certainly didn't help with the embarrassment when she had clearly caught on to the gist of their conversation.

"Mhmm," He waved off the sentiment thinking maybe he did need more whiskey now. He was rather done with this conversation even though he started it. "I'd love to, if you're sure." Anna was his best partner in giving Percy a hard time after all. "How's the little one doing, Percy couldn't give me much of an answer." A change of subject should do the trick.

[Image: Quin-Sig-New.png]
"Of course you can stay. You are welcome any time." At ease, she rested her head against Percy though she kept her eyes turned towards Quin. Being with Percy felt like coming home - even when they weren't home - and she hoped for Quin's sake that what he had with Miss Potts was like that for him as well. And both of them had clearly picked up on her double meaning judging by the flush that covered both their cheeks and the way Quin seemed to want to bury himself into the folds of the couch. It was almost enough for Annabeth to consider cutting him some slack and letting him succeed at the topic change. Almost. "Bedivere is doing well. He has been getting better at crawling so you really have to keep an eye on him. But he could certainly do with more playmates."

[Image: VFAsca.png]
thank you bee for the absolutely lovely set
If there had been any doubt in Percy's mind if Annabeth had heard them or not her last comment clearly it right up. "Now, Anna, let's not put too much pressure on Quin." Percy couldn't help but tease. Years of Quin teasing him and it was finally time he could return the favor. "I suspect that will only delay any future playmates for Bedivere."

[Image: 1wsKcIW.jpg]
Pretties from Lady <3
Oh Merlin, now they were going to double team him instead of Anna being on his side! Quin, stood abruptly and said, "On second thought, I have work to do." It was mostly in jest. Mostly. "I'll get back to you on playmates for Bed in a few years." Just thinking about the possibility of being a father was both terrifying and exciting and he had no idea when or if it would happen, but he was decidedly Not Ready Yet.

"Been a lovely visit, but I think I should be going." Quin had a lot of thinking to do and he wasn't so sure that he was going to be able to survive if they were going to continue to tease him so mercilessly.

[Image: Quin-Sig-New.png]
Keeping one of her arms wound round her husband's shoulders as an anchor Annabeth shifted to perch on the arm of the chair so that she didn't slide off, weighted down by her skirts. "No, no, Quin. Stay for dinner. It's late. I'd hate to send you home unfed just to go back to work." Her smile was sheepish, an faint promise to lay of the teasing though the glint to her eyes clearly suggested she had no regrets when it came to her mischief. She'd lay off for now though she was certainly going to have to get to know this Dahlia after the wedding.

"The nanny is due to leave for the day soon. Bedi would probably love to join us for dinner if you stay."

[Image: VFAsca.png]
thank you bee for the absolutely lovely set
It was hard to say no to Annabeth when she was trying to appease him like that. Not to mention he wouldn't mind seeing the little tyke for a little bit. "Alright," he conceded, hoping that would be the end of the honeymoon discussion. "But only for Bedi." He added, thinking that would make his point clear. He did enjoy being the fun uncle after all.

[Image: Quin-Sig-New.png]

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